The Warhawk Marching Band performs at all home football games in Warhawk Stadium. These take place on Friday evenings and dates can be found on the Calendar page. Approximate times are 5pm – 10:30pm for home games, and 4pm – 11:30pm for away games. There are serveral Saturday competitions. Approximate times are 9:00am – Midnight, with several hours surrounding lunchtime to go home, eat, and rest.
2024 Competition Season:
- Seminole Sound - 9-28-24
- East Lake - 10-5-24
- Durant HS - 10-12-24
- Tarpon Outdoor - 10-19-24
- FBA MPA Palm Harbor HS - 11-02-24
- FMBC Champ - 11-16-24
2024 Football Season:
- Home Football Game - 08-16-24
- Home Football Game - 08-23-24
- Home Football Game - 08-30-24
- Home Football Game - 09-06-24
- Home Football Game - 09-13-24
- Away Football Game - Dunedin HS - 09-20-24
- Home Football Game - 10-04-24
- Away Football Game - Hollins HS - 10-11-24 (Band Not Attending)
- Away Football Game - Pasco HS - 10-18-24 (Band Not Attending)
- Away Football Game - Northside HS - 10-25-24
- Away Football Game - Indian Rocks Christian - 11-01-24
Items needed for Marching Band Games and Competitions:
- Uniforms - Students will be fitted and provided with a Marching Band uniform and Shako (hat). Uniforms are purchased by the County, therefore each student must pay a $65 rental fee to Seminole High School at the beginning of the season. Contracts will be issued shortly after Band Camp.
- Marching Shoes - Shoes will be fitted and ordered by our Uniform Mom, and purchased for approximately $45. They will belong to the student once purchased. Tall Black Socks. No ankle or “no show” socks permitted.
- Gloves - Most members wear gloves, which are available for $7 in the Uniform Room prior to each game. Check with your section leader to see if your section wears gloves.
- White T-Shirt - Will be worn under uniforms.
- Black Athletic Shorts - Will be worn under uniforms.
- Money for Concessions - Students will all visit concessions after the half time performances at each game, and after their performance at each competition. Students receive a discount on food at our home concessions stand – unless your student has a big appetite, $5 is usually enough for home games. $10 is plenty to cover away games and competitions.
Other Rules and Regulations:
- No hair may be showing below the shako.
- All long hair, on both boys and girls, must be put up to fit inside shako.
- No earrings, other jewelry, or nail polish should be worn.
- Shoes must be cleaned and free from dirt or debris
- Instruments must be clean and polished
Itineraries for Football Games and Competitions are usually released well ahead of the event via email, hard copy, and posted on band room doors. Report time will allow for students to arrive, get uniform from uniform room, dress, and be ready for inspection. Inspection is a ritual in which students line up and stand at attention in the Band Room, while the Instructors and Student Leaders look over the Band's attire and appearance, ensuring that they are in compliance with all Rules and Regulations above.
Parent volunteers are needed to Chaperone at all Games and Competitions. Also needed at home games and at Seminole Sound are Concessions volunteers.
Chaperones/Uniforms Sign Up
Concession Sign Up
If you are not volunteering to Chaperone or work Concessions, you are encouraged to come out and support the Band from the stands. All friends and family attending the game as spectators MUST pay the ticket fee at the gate. Please do not attempt to enter without paying, even if it is only to watch the halftime show.
For Away Games and Competitions, students, staff, and chaperones will be transported by school bus. Prop/Pit Dads traditionally pull a trailer and follow in personal vehicles.