Winter Guard is very similar to the Color Guard of Marching Season - the difference is that their show is rehearsed and performed in competition inside gymnasiums and arenas throughout the state and beyond. The Winter Guard competes in both the FFCC and WGI circuits, and has a long history of success. They have travelled from Daytona Beach for FFCC Circuit Championships, to Dayton, Ohio for WGI World Championships - and almost everywhere in between. They have been a Scholastic Open Finalist for three years: 2005-2007 and a Scholastic World Finalist for 7 of the last 8 years, claiming a 14th place finish at WGI World Championships in 2015.
Proudly led by Erik Nordstrom, Winter Guard typically rehearses three nights per week, and most Saturdays will be comprised of either rehearsals or competitions. Membership is by audition only. Interested students should contact Erik at
As with any successful program, Open Guard comes with high expenses. We ask each guard member to contribute yearly dues to help fund the program. This covers guest clinicians, transportation, uniforms, some travel, and more. There are many fundraising opportunities available to offset the financial burden - please see Fair Share and Fundraising under the Booster link in the main menu for more information. There are also many volunteers needed with opportunities to chaperone, drive, and assist in numerous other ways during Winter Guard Season.