Raymond James Orientation and T.E.A.M. Training is now available.

July 27th: Raymond James Orientation & TEAM

July 28th: Raymond James Orientation & TEAM 

August 3: Raymond James Orientation & TEAM

As part of the Legends team you will need to attend a few training sessions.  The first two being Legends Orientation and TEAM training (Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management).

Orientation is approximately 3 hours long and TEAM Training is approximately 2 hours long.

Please note, it does say that more dates will be added and that your T.E.A.M. training is good for 3 yrs. If you are unsure of your status, contact Emily Simpson. She can find out for you. 

Please click on the links below to schedule your training session.  Please note that on each day there is Orientation, a TEAM training is available afterwards.  You do not have to attend the TEAM training directly following the Orientation, but just wanted to let you know.


Snapraise Fundraiser

We have officially passed the halfway mark with our Snap Raise fundraiser! This is great news, but we need to keep working to spread the word. Our first 2 days were the strongest, and now with each day that passes, the donations are coming in slower and slower. Please keep sharing this and keep talking about it with friends and family. Click the link below and it will allow you to share on Facebook, Twitter, Text Message, or Email directly from our Snap Raise page.


Tag Day! Seminole Winn Dixie

Our next Tag Day is scheduled August 10th located at the Winn Dixie from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  Tag Day signups are for 2-hour shifts.  Normal shifts will require 4 students and a Level II Chaperone.  Please send your student with a cold drink and their instrument or color guard equipment.  Winn Dixie is located at 12975 Park Blvd in Seminole.



Our next Sprit Night is scheduled August 21st at Willie Jewels from 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm.  Their address is 7724 113th St in Seminole