Tag Days

February 9th - Tag Day for Marching / Concert / and Jazz band students. Please follow the link and sign up your student. Please only sign up for one shift, include your students’ cell # and please sign up with an alternate name and use your students name - Please fill out the permission slip and have your student bring it with them to the tag day. Permission Slip link is https://bit.ly/2HJHKtW. The link to sign up is https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f48acaa2ba64-febtag.


February 10th - Tag Day for S.I.P.E. (Seminole Indoor Percussion Ensemble) and Winter Guard. Please follow the link and sign up your student. Please sign up with alternate name to sign up your student and include your students’ cell # - Please fill out the permission slip and have your student bring it with them to the tag day. Permission Slip link is https://bit.ly/2HJHKtW. The link to sign up is https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090f48acaa2ba64-febtag1.