Level 2 Chaperones still needed for Night at the Rays on Friday, June 23rd. Times are approximately 3-11pm. Link to sign up is: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/70a0f44aaa62ba46-20172
Dress Code – Band Polo, (new students will receive polo at rehearsal) tucked into khaki pants (no shorts, skirts, or capris - no rolled up pants), closed toe shoes, brown belt.
Students Need - $10-$20 for dinner at Trop concessions, and a signed permission slip turned in prior to June 23. (Permission slip included in forms packet)
Students will be expected to sit together as a band for the game - Rays vs. Orioles. Friends and family tickets will be in the immediate neighboring section.
3:00pm Student Report Time – Quartermasters load instruments to trailer.
3:45pm Students load into cars.
4:00pm Depart SHS
4:45pm Arrive at Tropicana Field. Trailer will try to get into Lot 6; if not, park in
Lot 8 (UHaul building). All hornline students move cases to band trailer
now. Begin unloading.
5:15pm Warm Up
6:20pm Move to Staging
6:30pm Enter Tropicana Field
6:35pm Performance
6:40pm Exit Tropicana Field, load all equipment to band trailer.
National Anthem small group to holding.
7:00pm Small group performs national anthem.
7:05pm Small group exits and joins marching band in Lot 6. Group picture, store
equipment in band trailer.
7:30pm Re-enter Tropicana Field
7:15pm Students dismissed from seats in groups to eat dinner – ALL STUDENTS
students may return to seats to watch game, or they may explore the
stadium in pairs or small groups. All students must be back in their seat at
the start of the 7th inning, and remain until the Band leaves the stadium.
10:30pm Approximate - Game Ends
10:45pm Approximate - Depart Trop
11:15pm Approximate - Arrive at Seminole HS, unload.
11:30pm Approximate - Students dismissed once equipment is unloaded.
**Due to the nature of baseball, end time is approximate – please be flexible. Students
will be reminded to notify parents when we are approaching SHS. Thanks!**