Every year we print programs to sell at Seminole Sound. This program has information about the show, schools performing, score sheet, menu, advertising, pictures, etc. Each year, band families can sell ads to put in the program and 50% of the ad sale (business only), goes towards your fair share. This a super-easy way to raise money! Advertising for new ads runs from August 1st through September 7th. The renewal period for last year's advertisers is currently in process.
Business Advertising – FORM ATTACHED
Full Page $200
Half Page $150
Quarter Page $100
Business Card $50
Fair Share for Business Ad's is 50% of the total sale
In addition, you can create a personal ad for your student(s) to place in the program. This is PERFECT for our SENIORS!!!
Personal Advertising / Student Shout Outs – FORM ATTACHED
Full Page $50
Half Page $37.5
Quarter Page $25
No fair share for personal ads
When you approach a company to advertise, please send an email to shsbbspecialevents@gmail.com with the name of the company and your student's name so the company can be added to the "DO NOT APPROACH" list.
Make sure to list students' name on the bottom of the form. Businesses can email ad’s, but payment must be attached to form when dropped in the blue box.
The deadline to submit an advertisement is September 7th - FIRM. No late advertisements will be accepted. If payment is not received by 9/7, the advertisement will not be placed in the program.
Please contact Beckie Biglin at shsbbspecialevents@gmail.com if you have any questions.