There are many ways for everyone to get involved. Below are just a few areas that we will need help with. More information and areas of need will be coming out as we get closer. This is an ALL HANDS ON DECK event. We need all parents, family & friends too that are willing, to plan on volunteering all day on Saturday, October 6th. Please plan your schedule out now so you are off on this day.
We are going to need a lot of golf carts during Seminole Sound, at least 7 or more. If you, your family, friends, or work has golf carts that we could use on Saturday, October 6th, it would be greatly appreciated.
Several bands need help transporting equipment from staging to our field. Several open bed trailers with ramps are needed in order to accomplish this major job.
If you, your family, friends, or work has open bed trailers with ramps, it would be greatly appreciated if we could borrow them. If we could please pick them up on Friday, October 5th, in the evening, or early Saturday morning, October 6th, that would be preferred.
We usually get canopy tents from the Health Department for Sound however it is always helpful to have extras. We would need to pick up the tents on Friday, October 5th. If you have access to a canopy tent that we can use during Sound, please let us know.
We are in need for a Graphic Designer to create the cover for Seminole Sound Program and the Show Shirt. If you are a graphic designer or know of someone that would donate their time and talent for this very important job, please let us know.
All Chair positions have been filled except for 1 major important position. CONCESSIONS! We really need someone to take on this very important position in the program.
Volunteer Signup for Sound will be coming out soon so please be on the lookout.
We will need every band & guard parent to help as well as any family members or family friends that they have that would be willing to donate their time. This is an all-day event so please go ahead and block off the entire day or ask to be off of work on Saturday, October 6th. WE NEED EVERYONE in order to make this a huge success that it always has been.
Renewal period for program sales will be from Tuesday, July 17th till Tuesday, July 31st. During this time, families can only contact those businesses that advertised last year in the program.
New sales will be from August 1st thru September 8th. This is a great way to raise money for your fair share. Please come to the Booster Meeting on Tuesday, July 17th for more information.
Please email Beckie Biglin at if you have any of the items listed above that could be borrowed for Seminole Sound or if you have any questions.