Families, there are several opportunities coming up to train for the Trop. This is one of our biggest fundraisers, and is critical to the success of the program. In order to work shifts, you must have the following:

TEAM training for alcohol: Must be 18 to work as a cashier and serve alcohol. This training is good for 3 years.

Orientation: This training is for folks new to the stand to be allowed to sign up for shifts. Must be 16. 

We will be having ORIENTATION at SHS on March 27 from 7:00 - 8:15. This does NOT include TEAM training. If your alcohol training is out of date, or if you're not sure, please contact me.

If you cannot make the Orientation at SHS on 3/27, here are sign-ups for optional training dates being offered at the Trop.

TEAM Training

Orientation Training: