We need volunteers to help with the following water duty/rehearsal chaperone shifts this week. It’s still quite hot outside, and we still have several kids who need extra help to tolerate it. We need to fill these shifts in order to help support the kid and instructors.  Please, please, PLEASE sign up and help us help them.

Many times our parents who regularly chaperone football games and competition trips fill these spots.  While we do appreciate all they do for the program,  we need help from other volunteers so that our this team doesn’t get run down and burnt out during this extremely busy time.

•        Tuesday, 10/9

      o     5-7pm:  3 people (no one is currently signed up)

      o     7-8:30:  2 people

•        Thursday, 10/11

      o     5-7pm:  3 people (no one is currently signed up)

      o     7-9pm:  1 person


Contact Kendra Ford - mamafordshs@gmail.com or 727-798-8654 with questions.
