

Hornline and Percussion to Perform:

10:00am-12:00pm            Rehearsal

4:00pm                                 Report to SHSs

4:15pm                                 Load Truck

4:30pm                                 Uniforms

4:45pm                                 Half Dress Inspection

5:00pm                                 Load Buses

5:15pm                                 Depart SHS

5:45pm                                 Arrive at Pinellas Park City Hall

TBA                                        Step Off

9:15pm                                 (Approximate) Parade End

9:45pm                                 (Approximate)  Load Trucks

10:00pm                               (Approximate)  Depart Parkside Mall

10:30pm                               (Approximate)  Arrive SHS

11:00pm                               (Approximate)  Dismissal

NOTE: Please be sure students eat a full meal prior to report time. They should also put a snack in their bag. Students should wear lights and decorate instruments.

It is ESSENTIAL that EVERY student attend rehearsal to learn both music and "drill" - Pinellas Park is a competitive parade and we have an opportunity to win a cash prize!



Winter Guard will be having a Gift-wrapping fundraiser where students and chaperones will help wrap gifts for donations.  If you have gifts and not enough time to wrap, please bring your gifts to The Posh Tot on December 15th from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm and we will wrap them for you.  You can leave your gifts with us while you shop or take a break for lunch. 

There are 3 ways for parents to donate and 2 weekends to participate. We will update the sign-up genius with the secondary location and times as soon as they are finalized. 

  • Please donate holiday giftwrap, gift boxes, scissors, bows and tape. We have a donation box available at The Posh Tot to drop off your donated materials. 
  • We are also asking parents, friends and family to sign up to bring a collection box to your work to collect materials needed.  A wrapped box with sign will be provided. 
  • We will also be accepting cash donations. 

There will be set donations prices with incentive for multiple wrapping.

We will also sell gift tags/cards as a premium add-on. https:



FMEA Leadership Workshop

Wednesday, January 8, 2020


Featuring Fran Kick!  Fran Kick will bring his highly interactive presentation style to FMEA in this humorous, informative, educational, and entertaining workshop.

The workshop is designed for high school student leaders. All participants will be actively involved through activities, examples and valuable information.  Students will be exposed to the following:

  • Setting High Standards of Excellence
  • Fundamentals of Self-Discipline
  • Effective Communication Principles
  • Value of Risk
  • Behavior Modification vs. Motivation
  • Dealing with Insecurities

The SHS Band Boosters arrange travel to the Tampa Convention Center, and the student is required to pay $38 for the registration fee.  Please make checks payable to SHSBB.  Students would need be able to miss periods 3-7 on Wednesday, 1/8/20 and return in the early evening. 

We can receive some funding assistance for this event for students that are unable to meet the $38 registration fee.  Please speak to Mr. Madrinan privately.  Deadline to registration is Friday, 12/20/19.


Students interested in learning more about leadership principles and want to pursue section positions within the band program are strongly encouraged to attend. 




9:00am                 End of 2nd period- Students report to band room; load bus; roll taken.


9:30am                 Depart SHS


10:15am               Lunch- International Mall Food Court


12:00pm               Arrive at the Tampa Convention Center; registration


1:00pm                 Workshop Begins


4:30pm                 Workshop Concludes; to bus; load


5:00pm                 Roll taken; depart


6:00pm                 Arrive, SHS.  Students dismissed.


The Bucs have their next home game scheduled Sunday December 21st.  We have fun volunteering our time for this great organization and they in return pass donations to your student’s fair share.  Please see the Sign-up Genius below.  We have additional spaces available and need your help to fill them.  As soon as we receive reporting information, we will pass on to those who are listed on the Sign-up Genius


Vampire Penguin Ice-cream

10789 Park Blvd, Seminole

Seminole City Center Dec. 18th 2p-9p.

25% of ALL the days sales come back to the matching band. How generous! Let’s show them our gratitude! 


 We have a Tag Day at the Lowes on Ulmerton Rd Largo scheduled for Dec.21st & 22nd from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm both days.  The Sign-up Genius will be posted shortly on the Facebook pages.  We will need students and Level II parent chaperones to sign up. Donations will be split evenly into student’s individual fair share. 

Saturday is for Concert Band Students

Sunday is for Guard & Indoor Students

Only one shift per student until everyone has had a chance to sign up


Dec 4th           SIPE Auditions (Battery & Front Ensemble & VE) 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Dec 5th           SIPE Auditions (Battery & Front Ensemble) No VE 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Dec 5th           Winter Guard 1st practice 5pm – 9pm

Dec 5th-8th      Festival of the Winds – USF

Dec 6th            Festival of the Winds Concert USF (Wind Ensemble)

Dec 07            Young Lions Jazz Band Performance - Ruth Eckerd Hall

Dec 07             Winter Guard Design Camp 9:00 am – 9:00 pm

Dec 08            Winter Guard Design Camp 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Dec 08            Seminole Holiday Parade

Dec 09            SIPE rehearsal (Battery & Front Ensemble Sectionals) 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Dec 10            SIPE rehearsal (Front Ensemble) 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Dec 11            SIPE rehearsal (Battery & VE) 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Dec 11            Jazz Big Band Performance – SMS Winter Concert

Dec 11            SIPE rehearsal (Battery & VE) 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Dec 11            Bingo for Band Fundraiser

Dec 12            SIPE rehearsal (Full Ensemble) 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Dec 12            Jazz Band & Concert Band Winter Concert

Dec 13             Marine Corps Recruitment Presentation – 1st Period

Dec 14            SIPE rehearsal (Full Ensemble) 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Dec 14            Pinellas Park Holiday Parade

Dec 15             Gift-Wrapping Fundraiser Winter Guard

Dec 17            Booster Meeting 7:00 pm

Dec 18            Vampire Penguin Spirit Night

Dec 21&22    Lowes Tag Days

Dec 22            Gift-Wrapping Fundraiser Winter Guard

Jan 01             SIPE Beach Day



Seating is very limited for friends and family so if you wish to obtain a seat, please come early.

2:00 pm                School ends: Students come to the band room: load equipment into cars.

2:30 pm               Depart SHS

3:30 pm                Arrive USF area:

                                Chick Fil a: 5302 E Fowler Ave, Temple Terrace, FL 33617

                                Taco Bell: 5318 E Fowler Ave, Tampa, FL 33617

                                (bring $$ for food)

4:30 pm                Depart restaurants

4:45 pm               Arrive USF School of Music – change into concert attire

5:15 pm                Assemble instruments, holding, then move to warm up

7:30 pm               Performance at Festival of Winds!  There will be a live broadcast link for friends and family to watch online.

8:15 pm                Performance ends.  Pack cars

8:30 pm               Depart USF

9:30 pm               Arrive SHS, unload cars. Return equipment to band room. Dismissed immediately.

*Transportation will be provided by parent and student drivers – permission slips have been given to students.  Please sign and return to the school no later than Thursday.

**Concert attire is required for this performance – black concert dresses with black flat shoes or tuxedos with black socks/black closed toe shoes.



Ruth Eckerd Hall, Clearwater


Rehearsal Schedule: Lunch Tuesday 12/3, Wednesday 12/4, Thursday 12/5. Pack a lunch those 3 days. There will not be time to go to the cafeteria. Those in jazz band 5th and 6th periods are welcome to eat during your class period.


Performance Day, Saturday 12/7:

Bring: Snacks (lunch is not until 12:30), ALL gear

Dress code:  Concert Black (Tuxedo, Dress)


7:30 am   Meet in band room, load, leave for Ruth Eckerd Hall

8:15 am   Arrive around back of REH to Murray Theater entrance, unload, leave cases in designated storage room, warm up

9:00 am   Performance: St. Louis Blues, Caravan; Clinic

10:00 am Break

10:30 am Listen to other jazz bands. Learn, enjoy, be a great audience

12:30 pm Lunch (provided)

1:30 pm   Workshops

3:00 pm   Jam Session

4:00 pm   Closing Ceremony

5:15 pm   Leave for SHS

5:45 pm   Arrive at SHS, unpack, enjoy the rest of the weekend



Reminder that Design Camp begins this Saturday December 7th from 9:00 am – 9:00 pm and Sunday December 8th from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm.  It is imperative that all students attend.

Also, members fair share for their uniform and hotel cost is due December 5th. 

There are fundraising opportunities in order to reduce the cost of the fair share. 

Please be sure all forms distributed at the parent meeting are returned to the blue box this week. 

