MEAL COLLECTIONS $35 - FMBC Daytona State Championships
If you have not already turned in the $35 for meal collections, please place in the blue box next week.
MEAL COLLECTIONS $35 - FMBC Daytona State Championships
If you have not already turned in the $35 for meal collections, please place in the blue box next week.
Winter Guard will be having a Gift-wrapping fundraiser where students and chaperones will help wrap gifts for donations. If you have gifts and not enough time to wrap, please bring your gifts to The Posh Tot on Black Friday November 29th from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm and we will wrap them for you. You can leave your gifts with us while you shop or take a break for lunch.
There are 3 ways for parents to donate and 2 weekends to participate. We will update the sign-up genius with the secondary location and times as soon as they are finalized.
There will be set donations prices with incentive for multiple wrapping.
We will also sell gift tags/cards as a premium add-on.
The Bucs have their next home game scheduled Sunday December 8th & December 22nd. We have fun volunteering our time for this great organization and they in return pass donations to your student’s fair share. Please see the Sign-up Genius below. We have additional spaces available and need your help to fill them. As soon as we receive reporting information, we will pass on to those who are listed on the Sign-up Genius
Get ready for the FUN! BINGO is back! One night only! 18 and up.
Dinner is available for a small price beginning at 6:00 pm. Games start at 6:30pm till cards are completed. You can arrive anytime and join in on the games. Come on in and jump right in. The American Legion have been very generous to the Seminole Band program in the past, so let’s please attend and let them know we appreciate them supporting us.
American Legion post #252
11433 Park Blvd N
Seminole 33772
Vampire Penguin Ice-cream
10789 Park Blvd, Seminole
Seminole City Center Dec. 18th 2p-9p.
25% of ALL the days sales come back to the matching band. How generous! Let’s show them our gratitude!
We have a Tag Day at the Lowes on Ulmerton Rd Largo scheduled for Dec.21st & 22nd from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm both days. The Sign-up Genius will be posted shortly on the Facebook pages. We will need students and Level II parent chaperones to sign up. Donations will be split evenly into student’s individual fair share.
Do you or a friend, family member or neighbor need some help with basic handy man work in the home? We would like to pair people with household needs such as cleaning gutters, lawn work, gardening, light handy-work or other miscellaneous chores with those band/color guard parents who can help, and funds donated will go to their fair share.
Do you need help with decorating your home for the holidays such as hanging lights or lawn ornaments? Prepping your home for the holidays could be completed by a fellow band/guard parent.
Would you like to save money on calling random professionals for simple jobs around your home that you have not been able to find the time to complete? Instead utilize your band/guard parents and support their fair share.
List your chore needed and we will distribute the request back out to the band/guard parents to find volunteers.
Please no electrical or heavy machinery requests.
Please call Amber Kmet at 727-743-7181 to list your need to the list.
Dads will sign up for the job.
Dad will not handle any money. Money is paid up front (blue box).
Share the flyer with your friends, family and neighbors. Please also share on your Facebook.
We are launching a Yankee Candle Online Fundraiser today. This will be an online sale only.
Anyone can participate and earn 40% of the total of all the items you sell toward your individual Fair Share.
You can access our online store through this link:
Once you enter the store, you’ll want to go to the upper right-hand corner and click on the tab labeled “seller log-in” and register your child/self as a seller. This is how we can track the orders that come through in your name and give your student credit towards their Fair Share. You’ll need the following info to get registered:
Our Customer/Group Number-990004522
Once you’ve registered as a seller, you will receive a seller id. You can send our store link along with your seller id to friends, family, and anyone else you’d like so they can purchase through you. You can share the link on any social media platform. All orders will be shipped to the individual customers who place them. No ordering and having the entire order come to you and then you having to do the deliveries.
There’s even a mobile app so you can register from your phone! From your phone, you can post to Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and text or email your selected contacts.
Android Users-
I-phone users-
Step 1: Download YANKEE FUNDRAISING mobile app using the link above
Step 2: Click 'REGISTER' - enter group number - click box 'I am 13'
Step 3: Enter SELLER’S Name, Email, and any password you like then click REGISTER. (screen shot the next page to save your user ID) ALL SET!!
Nov 22 FMBC Championships Daytona Beach Nov 22nd & Nov 23rd
Dec 2nd & 3rd Winter Guard Auditions
Dec 5th-8th Festival of the Winds – USF
Dec 07 Young Lions Jazz Band Performance - Ruth Eckerd Hall
Dec 08 Seminole Holiday Parade 6:30 pm
Dec 11 Big Band Performance – SMS Winter Concert
Dec 11 Bingo for Band Fundraiser
Dec 12 Winter Concert
Dec 14 Pinellas Park Holiday Parade
Dec 17 Booster Meeting 7:00 pm
Dec 18 Vampire Penguin Spirit Night
Dec 21&22 Lowes Tag Days
Jan 01 SIPE Beach Day
FMBC Daytona State Championships-November 22 & 23, 2019
Please remember that 2 pairs of new gloves for horn line must be purchased at practice tomorrow. Stephanie Hubbard will be there around 5 and stay till practice is over. This is the only chance that you will have to purchase them. Gloves are only needed for horn line and are $14. Long socks will also be available for purchase.
Transportation – PARENTS SHOULD DROP KIDS OFF. If not possible, kids can park in the student lot, but leaving cars overnight is at own risk.
Transportation is via three charter buses. Chaperones and Staff will ride buses along with students.
Buses will remain the same throughout the trip.
All props and equipment will be transported in semi.
Bus attire – rehearsal clothes, to be worn at Timber Creek HS.
Pajamas okay for bus, but no one leaves bus wearing pajamas. Anywhere.
$35 MONEY COLLECTED BY THURSDAY BEFORE WE LEAVE (Covers 3 meals, snacks, drinks):
Friday Breakfast-kids should eat at home or bring with them for bus ride
Friday Lunch at FL Mall (Food Court) NEED $$$
Friday Dinner at Timber Creek HS (Olive Garden-included)
Saturday Breakfast (at hotel-included)
Saturday Lunch (Panera, Wendy’s, Pollo Tropical, Sanford FL) NEED $$$
Saturday Dinner - Daytona Stadium (Jimmy John’s-included)
McDonald’s Late Night (Daytona FL) NEED $$$
Snacks, water, and Gatorade (included)
Required Amount: $35
ADDITIONAL MEAL MONEY TO SEND WITH KIDS – Please adjust the amount based on your student’s appetite. RECOMMENDED $30
Friday lunch at Fl Mall before practice – suggested $10
Saturday lunch after prelims, choice of Panera, Wendy’s, or Pollo Tropical- suggested $10
Saturday after finals – McDonald’s, Orlando Fl-suggested $10
Alternate plan for non-finals option-dinner remains the same
SNACK DONATIONS NEEDED: In addition to the planned snacks between rehearsals and performances, the snacks donated by families will be placed in bins on buses, and will be given to kids during trip, and on performance day at stadium. Any leftovers will go in chaperone rooms on each hotel floor so that the kids can access whenever they need something quick to eat.
Souvenirs- Please remind your student that meal money is for meals only – if you wish for them to buy souvenirs, this money must be sent separately. Students may have the opportunity to purchase merchandise in the stadium if they wish to shop, they must budget their money as intended.
Rx Meds MUST be in original packaging and labeled with pharmacy label showing student’s name and proper dosing information. Rx meds must be given to a chaperone (Mrs. Cashman) upon arrival at SHS on Friday morning.
Over the Counter meds will be made available to students IF AND ONLY IF an OTC Medication Administration form has been filled out and turned in by a parent. Forms are available tonight.
Friday and Saturday look cloudy with very little chance of rain,
Friday – High 79. Low 60-Mostly cloudy, 10% chance of rain
Saturday – High 78, Low 59 – Partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain
Mild weather/light jacket
Luggage & Attire
Each student is allowed one bag, which will be loaded under the buses AFTER it is checked for proper marching attire (two white shirts, black shorts, tall black socks, marching shoes). Once a chaperone has seen your items, bags will be place under buses.
Other Attire
Friday – Students will wear rehearsal clothes when they board the buses. If they wish to wear pajamas on the bus, that is okay – but no student will get off of a bus wearing pajamas. They must be in presentable clothing, representative of the band program and Seminole High School, when in public.
Saturday - Students will wear their Tour Shirts and blue jeans with closed-toed shoes. (when not in uniform)
Saturday trip home-may place comfortable clothes in duffle to change into for the bus ride home. Again, if they wish to wear pajamas on the bus, that is okay – but no student will get off a bus wearing pajamas. They must be in presentable clothing, representative of the band program and Seminole High School, when in public.
Friends and Family are encouraged to attend and watch performances to support the kids! Parents should not post scores before kids/chaperones do. Sometimes scores are posted online before band is notified.
Purpose of Trip
This is a Performance Based Trip and a very important one for our kids. This is State Championships-we are the current reigning class 4A champions.