Seminole Sound and Tour Shirt Order Forms

Seminole Sound:

Seminole Sound shirts are now available for Pre-Order! Pre-ordered shirts will be $5 less than on Sound Day – we highly encourage you to preorder to ensure your size is available. All shirts must be paid for – students DO NOT receive a free shirt.

Also available are Show Host shirts. If you are volunteering in Parking, Crowd Control, or Staging – you must wear a Show Host shirt in order to distinguish you from other guests on Sound Day. See below for ordering info and prices. Orders for all shirts are due by Monday, September 28th. Please contact Kathy Hollaway with questions at

Tour Shirt:
For those who don't know, Tour Shirts depict this year's show logo, with our 2015 competition schedule on the back. Students receive a shirt at no cost, and parents are encouraged to purchase one as well. PLEASE order now, as there will not be an opportunity to purchase shirts after the preorder ends. No extras will be ordered for later sale. Your completed order form with payment is due in the blue box no later than Monday, September 28th. At that time, shirts for students with no order form on file will be ordered in the size that was given to us by students at the beginning of the school year. Cash or check accepted - checks to SHSBB please. Please contact Kathy Hollaway with questions at

Forms were emailed on 9/21