
If you have not turned in forms from the forms packet (green folder handed out during forms night at the Stepoff meeting), please turn in the prior to Band Camp.  The physical (form 7C from packet) is required prior to participating in band camp.  You can drop the forms off in the blue box. 

Please contact Kim Bernstein with questions

Band camp is only about 10 days away. Check the band calendar for daily times (link below).  See below for important information.

NECESSITIES - Please make sure your student comes to Band Camp prepared each day for either indoor or outdoor rehearsals. Send them with a FULL water jug, sunscreen, a soft-sided 3-ring binder with page protectors, a dot book (index cards that are spiral bound), pencil/pen, sidewalk chalk, and a hat to shade their faces. If they practice outdoors, they will depend on these items! 

MEALS – Attached is the band camp dinner meal form.  Don't forget to send in your money with your order form for all meals you wish to eat! Please put in blue box before Friday, July 14th.

THEME DAYS - The band kids love to keep things fun during the long and hard days at band camp. There have been themes set for each day - see below and help your student find the perfect outfit!

Monday (7/17): Section Color Day

*Guard: Tie-Dye

*Percussion: Silver

*Flutes: Pink

*Clarinets: Purple

*Saxophones: Green

*Trumpets: Red

*Mellophones: Yellow

*Baritones: Blue

*Tubas: Orange

Tuesday (7/18): Disney Day

Wednesday (7/19): America Day

Thursday (7/20): Beach Day

Friday (7/21): Staff Day

Saturday (7/22): Class Day (each class collaborates to decide on their theme)

Monday (7/24): Superhero Day

Tuesday (7/25): Opposite Gender Day

Wednesday (7/26): Decade Day

If you have any questions, please have your students direct them to their section leaders!

BAND PICNIC – The Warhawk Band’s annual Band Picnic will be held Wednesday evening, July 26th, at Walsingham Park.  More details will be coming soon. 

The annual band garage sale is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, July 22nd, in the Seminole High School parking lot (Saturday of band camp).  It’s a great time to get rid of unwanted items and raise funds for the band.  Details are currently being worked and more information will be coming soon. 

This signup covers all July rehearsal dates (including band camp) and band camp fruit donations. 

Lots of volunteers are needed to help with water in the coming month. Thanks in advance to all for your support!

Rental contracts are being processed this week.  They are $35 for the summer, and $60 for the fall/spring school year.  They have to be re-done in the fall.  If a student plays a school instrument over the summer, a contract must be processed, including percussion.  This covers instrument repair and maintenance/upkeep of each instrument.  This week, an instrument rental contract will be sent home; checks should be made payable to Seminole High School.  If you have any questions, please  contact Mr. Madrinan. 



It's up and ready!! The first half of July's Ray's game are published and ready to be grabbed!!


This includes all Marching Band Students! Car Wash this Saturday! 

We need parent and student volunteers and donated and loaned items! 

So far, Palm Auto is completely filled up for both shifts and Advanced Auto is almost filled up!  We still need more chaperones - 4 per shift minimum to help the kids stay safe - and to be in charge of the money.  If everyone participates, students need not volunteer for more than 2 hours!  But if we don't fill all the slots, students may be asked to stay. So students get other students to participate ... SIGN UP!

We have Car Wash Tickets that you can sign out for Pre-Sale! $5 per ticket! Contact Danah Veitenthal for arranging pick up or be at Thursday’s Booster Meeting to get yours. For each ticket sold, $5 goes directly towards your Fair Share. Monies collected at the Car Washes goes into the General Fund.

If you loan an item for use in the car wash, please be sure to mark it with your name in some fashion for easy return.

Danah Veitenthal (727) 475-0427

The second Forms Night is coming up next week on June 27th at 7 pm. On this night you can pick up your forms if you haven't already, have your Liability Form notarized, arrange for a physical for your child, get finger printed for level 2 volunteer (if quota is met), pay for band camp meals, buy season tickets and have any questions you may have answered. Please plan on attending if you were not able to attend the first mandatory STEP OFF meeting.



EZ-Fingerprinting is scheduled to be at Seminole High School on Tuesday, June 27th at 6 pm to do fingerprinting for level 2 volunteer clearance.  If you are thinking about being a chaperone, this is a good time to get this done.  The cost is $45 and you must bring a photo ID and know your social security number for the background check.   They like to have at least 10 people so if you are interested, contact Kim Bernstein to reserve a spot @



If your child is in need of a sports physical (which is required before participating in band camp), Rebecca Martin, Nurse Practitioner, will be available at the next Forms Meeting (and possibly before). Please contact Kim Bernstein to reserve a spot for your child that evening @ or call (727) 403-0141.


