
We are reaching out to every parent to inform you of a dire need in our program right now. Every May we hold the Band Booster Board elections to establish our Booster Board for the upcoming year. We currently have 2 executive board positions that are going to be vacant and do not have a nominee for them.  Our By-Laws state that the executive board positions must be filled in order for us to operate.  The vacant positions are that of VP of Travel and Accounts Payable.  We have experienced members on the board that are willing to help assist and train anyone who is interested in these positions.  We do not want to put our Booster Organization at risk by not having these positions filled with the May elections. We are reaching out to all band parents to find people that are willing to donate some of their time each month to ensure our program can maintain the Tradition of Excellence it is known for.  We also have other board positions that will become vacant after this term, but the 2 executive positions MUST be filled as a priority.  We have included information on all the board positions as well as which positions will have vacancies. If you are willing to help us continue our program’s Tradition of Excellence or have any questions please reply back to Chad Ford via email at



The senior party will be held on Saturday, May 6th from 7:00pm - 9:30pm. (Faith Community Church, 11501 Walker Ave., Seminole 33772) All Band/Guard Students & Staff are invited and seniors may bring 1 non-band "significant other" guest plus their Family Members.

The senior families have always in the past provided the food and drinks, however, it would be much appreciated if any underclassmen band families would like to help with refreshments! (Watch for upcoming sign up genius)

Please feel free to contact us with any questions Jackie Evans 687-5205 or Denise Mastromarino 254-3359

TO RSVP for the party, please sign up below.


Please plan on joining us for our May Booster meeting, on May 16th at 7pm.

We always accept donations of Green Band Polos and Concert Attire, including concert dresses and tuxedos, for those who won’t use them again or have outgrown a particular size. Please consider donating back to the band, and bring them the next time you come to a Booster Meeting, send them in with a student to give to Mr. Madrinan or email Kathy Hollaway @ for other options


Symphonic Band students that will be attending the Universal trip should report to the school at 5:45 AM.  Please have your concert attire (shoes, dress or tux, tie, shirt, socks, cumberbund) as well as your concert shirt in your hand when you board the bus.  You will be responsible for 5 meals, so a suggested amount of money to bring is $75.  Finally, because the movie we will be seeing at Universal Cineplex is rated PG, a refusal form is being made available for parents who do not wish for their child to see the movie.  This attached form only needs to be signed and returned if you DO NOT want your child to see the movie on Friday night.

CHAPERONE STILL NEEDED! We still need one more chaperone for this trip.  Since it is an overnight trip, Chaperones should be Level 2. There is a fee of $250 to cover your park ticket and hotel room. Please contact Jackie Brochman with any questions at

To sign up, please go to

There is still time to register for the Mad Dash! Remember, the Warhawk Band receives 20% of the proceeds for this event - we need all students to participate with their families! 

Go to and join Team Warhawk today! THANKS! 



Here's your chance to own a piece of band history! The Warhawk Marching Band will be receiving brand-new uniforms for the 2017–2018 school year, and we are looking to sell our old uniforms. You may buy a full uniform complete with gauntlets, jacket and bibbers or a decorative pillow handmade from a uniform or a tote bag made from a uniform.

We are offering this fundraiser first to our current marching band students until April 21st (this Friday) after which time we will open the fundraiser to alumni as well as current students who wish to order more. Attached is a flyer with additional information and an order form.

If you have any questions please contact Kim Bernstein:

Notices were sent out last week to the families/students who still owe chocolate money.  Please send in overdue money and place in the blue box, as soon as possible.  Also, please return any unsold chocolate bars to Mr. Madrinan.  Note, if the chocolate is returned, please return in the morning before school so the bars aren’t in hot cars all day.  If you have any questions, please contact Lourdes Pickart at



Please join us in celebrating the SHS Marching Band’s accomplishment, outstanding student achievement awards, and graduating seniors at this year’s Annual Band Banquet on Friday, May 12, 2017 @ 6 pm. Anona United Methodist Church.

All band students, parents and family members are invited to attend. You must RSVP by Monday, May 8th, 2017 to reserve your plated dinner. This is a reservation-based dinner. We must have a count to give to the caterer no later than Monday, May 8th. We are unable to accommodate walk-ins on the evening of the banquet. There will be NO payment accepted at the door.  Please bring canned goods or donate as a way of thinking the church for their hospitality.

Please see the attached invitation to complete and send in with your payment.  There is no charge for band/guard students as their ticket price is included in your fair share. However, concert band students that are not in marching band are being offered a special price of $20 per student. All other family members and friends are $25.  Payment can be made to SHSBB. Tear off bottom portion to be included with your payment and drop in the blue box in the band room.  Looking forward to seeing all of you at the banquet!

Training opportunities: In order to work at the Trop, you must have completed the following:

1. Centerplate Orientation within the last 2 years, allows you to be a cook or stand worker.

2. In order to be a cashier and serve beer, you must be 18 and also have completed TEAM or TIPS alcohol training, good for 3 years.

Orientation - contact Rebekah, it can be done in about 15 minutes! 

TEAM alcohol training will not be offered free by Centerplate again until June, but they will accept online TIPS training to allow you to work as a cashier if you don't want to wait.

Here is the link to the online T.I.P.S training with instructions. The cost is $40 and the certification is good for 3 years.

Choose the TIPS for Concessions option. Once you get the results via email, forward Kymi or Rebekah the certificate to send to Centerplate.

Kymi Mueller, (727) 612-2728,

Rebekah Moorehead, (727) 385-5233,

ALTERNATES: Students and workers who are not TEAM trained may still sign up as alternates if the stand worker positions are filled. Centerplate has additional opportunities sometimes at other stands that they have offered to allow us to fill!
