
We are in need of committee volunteers to assist Danah Veitenthal who was nominated as Fundraising Board Member this year. This is a huge role to fill and really needs more than one person to handle this job year long. Duties might include arranging fundraising dates, collecting money, emailing or phoning parents, arranging fundraising items for delivery, etc.  If you are interested in helping out with Fundraising, please contact Rebekah Moorehead, President.



We are getting ready to start sewing the pillows for the Uniform Fundraiser. We need more sewers and could also use help with cutting patterns, ironing, etc. Some parents had showed interest in helping, could you please reach out to Kim Bernstein @ and let her know you are still wanting to help.

If you've completed Orientation but are waiting for TEAM alcohol training, or if your TEAM is expired, wait no more! Centerplate has given us permission to train our own volunteers!! Contact Kymi or Rebekah ASAP to schedule your training and start earning towards your fundraising fair share!

Rebekah Moorehead (727) 385-5233,

Kymi Mueller, (727) 612-2728,


We still need 6 chaperones for Friday’s Night at the Rays. 

Night at the Rays Chaperone Signup:



If you have not turned in your permission form, you must do so prior to Friday.  Come to the booster meeting and turn in your form that evening.  You can also drop into the blue box.  

Please contact Kim Bernstein with questions

There is a Booster Meeting this Thursday, June 22nd @ 7 pm to be held in the Chorus Room. Please plan on attending.

There will be chaperone orientation immediately following the booster meeting on Thursday, June 22nd for anyone wishing to chaperone events for the program this year. Please contact Kendra Ford at or 727-798-8654 with any questions.

The itinerary for each of the four days will be the same with the exception of the 10:00am-12:00pm block for designated sections only.  There is no dinner service during hornline camp, so please plan on having dinner for each day. 


-Warm Ups

-National Anthem

-Appalachian Spring Fanfare

-Split Music



10:00am-12:00pm        Sectionals with Emily (designated sections only;  all others begin at 1:00pm)

                                     Chorus room

             -Monday:  Flutes

                                    -Tuesday:  Clarinets

                                    -Wednesday:  Saxophones

                                    -Thursday:  Full Woodwind Choir


12:00-1:00pm               Lunch for designated woodwind sections (on own)

                                    -Hornline arrives


1:00-5:00pm                 Full Hornline- Band Room – then sections to separate into:

                                     Brass- Band Room

                                     Woodwinds- Chorus Room

                                    *Each Day will be different


5:00-6:00pm                 Dinner Break (on own)


6:00-8:00pm                 Visual Block


Indoor temperature is intermittent during the summer months – be prepared for anything! Students are not permitted to leave campus for meal breaks, so please pack and send lunch/dinner, or plan to deliver the meals to your student during the designated times.





Level 2 Chaperones still needed for Night at the Rays on Friday, June 23rd. Times are approximately 3-11pm. Link to sign up is:


Dress Code – Band Polo, (new students will receive polo at rehearsal) tucked into khaki pants (no shorts, skirts, or capris - no rolled up pants), closed toe shoes, brown belt.


Students Need - $10-$20 for dinner at Trop concessions, and a signed permission slip turned in prior to June 23. (Permission slip included in forms packet)


Students will be expected to sit together as a band for the game - Rays vs. Orioles.  Friends and family tickets will be in the immediate neighboring section. 


3:00pm           Student Report Time – Quartermasters load instruments to trailer.           

3:45pm           Students load into cars.

4:00pm           Depart SHS

4:45pm           Arrive at Tropicana Field.  Trailer will try to get into Lot 6;  if not, park in

                        Lot 8 (UHaul building).   All hornline students move cases to band trailer

                        now.  Begin unloading. 

5:15pm           Warm Up

6:20pm           Move to Staging

6:30pm           Enter Tropicana Field

6:35pm           Performance

6:40pm           Exit Tropicana Field, load all equipment to band trailer.

                        National Anthem small group to holding.

7:00pm           Small group performs national anthem.

7:05pm           Small group exits and joins marching band in Lot 6. Group picture, store

                        equipment in band trailer.

7:30pm           Re-enter Tropicana Field

7:15pm           Students dismissed from seats in groups to eat dinner – ALL STUDENTS 

                      MUST REMAIN INSIDE THE TROP AT ALL TIMES.  After dinner,

                       students may return to seats to watch game, or they may explore the

                       stadium in pairs or small groups. All students must be back in their seat at

                        the start of the 7th inning, and remain until the Band leaves the stadium.

10:30pm         Approximate - Game Ends

10:45pm         Approximate - Depart Trop

11:15pm         Approximate - Arrive at Seminole HS, unload. 

11:30pm         Approximate - Students dismissed once equipment is unloaded.




**Due to the nature of baseball, end time is approximate – please be flexible. Students

will be reminded to notify parents when we are approaching SHS. Thanks!**



(1)  Guard & Percussion Rehearsals - June & 1 week in July.  We need 1-2 parents who are able to set up water for both groups before rehearsal begins & 1-2 parents who are able to come for clean-up at the end of rehearsal. Please check the link & signup to help today!

(2)  Hornline Camp & Guard Camp - Water Duty signup is available for June 26-30. Please check the link & signup to help today!

Signups will be out soon to help with water duty during July rehearsals including Band Camp (7/17-7/26). During Band Camp we will also be looking for families who can help supply fruit donations including grapes - pulled from stems & frozen, pineapple chunks - drained & frozen, and watermelon chunks - refrigerated.

Please contact Kendra Ford at or 727-798-8654 with any questions. 
