The Pow Wow Parade is Saturday, March 11th. We could still use about 9 more chaperones. Please sign-up below.
The Pow Wow Parade is Saturday, March 11th. We could still use about 9 more chaperones. Please sign-up below.
Please sign up to work the Chick-fil-A Booth at Seminole Pow Wow. All proceeds go into the band's general fund.
Chick-Fil-A has again generously offered our band the opportunity to staff their stand at Seminole Pow Wow (at the Seminole Recreation Center). Last year, we made over $1600 in profit! Volunteers will be responsible for selling Chick-fil-A sandwiches and nuggets as well as any candy and chips left over from Seminole Visual. We will also need one of the volunteers on each shift to be the "runner" (picking up the orders from Chick-fil-A and delivering them to our stand at the Pow Wow). The Friday night of this event is also the Spaghetti Dinner. It is imperative that we have volunteers at this site!!!!
Seminole Visual is only two weeks away. We currently are in immediate need for more parent/adult volunteers and student volunteers.
First and foremost more volunteers for setup on Friday evening, and...
Unit Check in
Inside and Outside Staging
Raffle Drawing
Bake Sale Donations
Food Donations - separate Sign Up Genius forthcoming
Like Seminole Sound, this event is only as successful as its volunteers!! We need many more parents, students, friends, alumni to step up and volunteer.
Also looking for some help putting together souvenir flags. If you're good at cutting, ironing, sewing or just plain gluing sticks for the flags, please let Kim Bernstein know this weekend.
There are many areas we could use help. Please signup at the link below:
Please join us for our booster meeting on Tuesday, February 21 at 7pm. At this meeting, voting will take place to fill the vacant position for Vice President of Travel. We will continue to take nominations for the Vice President of Travel, up until meeting time. Please be reminded that to vote or be elected, you will need to be a booster. A booster is required to be a registered volunteer with Pinellas County Schools and have recorded 10 volunteer hours with Seminole High School.
There are many upcoming events showcasing our band students - below is a list recapping a few of the details.
Friday & Saturday, 2/17 - 2/18
Solo & Ensemble @ Gibbs High School
Friday, 2/24
Jazz MPA’s @ Pinellas Park High School
6th Period Ensemble: 4:00pm
Big Band: 7:30pm
Wednesday, 3/8
Concert Band MPA’s @ Largo High School
Symphonic Band: 5:00pm
Wind Ensemble: 8:00pm
You are invited and encouraged to attend any or all of these performances!
We will be having our regular scheduled booster meeting on Tuesday February 21 at 7pm. Please join us. At this meeting, will be voting to fill the vacant position for Vice President of Travel. We will continue to take nominations for the Vice President of Travel, up until meeting time and will be holding elections for that position during the meeting. Please be reminded that to vote or be elected, you will need to be a booster. A booster is required to be a registered volunteer with Pinellas County Schools and have recorded 10 volunteer hours with Seminole High School.
There has been some interest in parents that would like to order the band polo. If we receive enough interest, we can place an order. If you are interested in purchasing the band polo, please contact Kathy Hollaway: They are $26 for sizes S – XL, XXL ($28), and 3XL ($29).
Attached is an order form for parents to purchase the 2017 Concert Band shirt. Sizes S-XL are $10 and 2XL-3XL are $12. Please complete the order form and place in the blue box by Friday, February 17th. Please contact Kim Bernstein at – with any questions.
Parents, let's help Dr. Brittain!!!
The school could really use our help in completing the school survey which is an effort to improve system practices. We value your opinion and ask that you and your student take the time to complete the survey.
In order to complete the parent survey, please go to the following link:
In order to complete the student survey, please go the following link:
Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciated.
Friday, February 10th is the Seminole Band Program's annual Soiree! Held at Anona United Methodist, Soiree is an evening of food, music, and fun that features band students performing the pieces that they will showcase at Solo & Ensemble Festival the following weekend at Gibbs High School. In addition to top notch performances, there will be a buffet dinner served for $10 per person, with proceeds to benefit our own Warhawk Band Program! Band students pay $5 for dinner.
Please bring an item to donate to the food pantry sponsored by the church, as a thank-you to them for allowing us to use their beautiful facility!
The time schedule for the evening is as follows:
4:30pm - Student Arrival Time
5:45pm - Family Arrival Time
6:00pm - Buffet Opens - Students Eat First!
7:00pm - Performances Begin
9:30pm - Performances End, Clean Up, Students Load Trailers
11:00pm - Students Dismissed From School Once Trailers Unloaded
We hope you will bring your friends and family to support your student - they have been working hard and Soiree is a great "dress rehearsal" before they perform for the judges. Please RSVP today to reserve your spot - we will need to have all responses in by Monday, Feb 6th in order to give the caterer time to prepare.
In addition to your RSVP, please send in the appropriate amount of money ($10 per person, $5 per band student) in with your student, and have them drop it in the Blue Box by Monday, Feb 6th, in an envelope marked "Soiree" with their name. Checks can be made payable to SHSBB.
Can't wait to see you there!
Location: Anona United Methodist Church - 13233 Indian Rocks Rd, Largo, FL 33774