
Please join us for the March Booster meeting on Tuesday, March 21st, in the chorus room, at 7pm.



Please find information attached regarding the Solo Ensemble itinerary, performance times for solos, ensembles, and Jazz MPA’s.  In addition, a listing of students involved is also attached.  Students/families that find that their child is not included, but should be, should notify Mr. Madrinan directly.

On the schedule of performances, there is one ensemble scheduled for Thursday and three solos scheduled for Saturday.  Mr. Madrinan is working with FBA to have this changed.  Stay tuned for expected adjustments to these performances. 


State Solo & Ensemble Itinerary

March 24, 2017


**Students and Chaperones should eat prior to arrival at SHS, bring snack if needed**

5:00am                       Quartermaster Report – load instruments into bus bays

5:30am                       All Students Report – load buses

6:00am                       Depart for Apopka HS - 555 Martin St, Apopka, FL 32712

8:15am                       Arrival at AHS – unload instruments for sax quartet, Blair, & Hollaway

9:12am                       First Student Performance of morning block

10:00am                     Last Student Performance of morning block

10:20am                     Load Buses

10:30am                     Depart AHS for Panera Bread – 1538 W Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL

10:40am                     Arrive Panera Bread – Students need $$

12:20pm                     Load Buses, change into concert wear

12:40pm                     Depart Panera for AHS

12:50pm                     Arrive AHS, unload all instruments

2:00pm                       First Student Performance of afternoon block

**Concessions available throughout day – Students need $$**

5:36pm                       Last Student Performance of afternoon block

5:45pm                       Quartermasters load instruments into bus bays

6:15pm                       Load buses

6:30pm                       Depart AHS for Chipotle/Red Robin – 3251 Daniels Road, Orlando, FL

6:50pm                       Arrive Chipotle/Red Robin – Students need $$

8:00pm                       Load Buses

8:15pm                       Depart for SHS

10:15pm                     Arrive SHS, unload buses

10:45pm                     Students dismissed once instruments properly stored



Attached are the links for Trop Orientation Training at Seminole High School on March 27th at 7pm.  Also included is the March – May signups for the Trop.  Please sign up!

Orientation Training at SHS:

March-April Trop sign-up:

May Trop sign up:



Mark the date(s)! Please join us March 29th from 5 to 8 p.m. at Culver's, 10425 Park Blvd, Seminole, (across from Home Depot) for a SHS Band Spirit Night. Flyers are being printed and will be available as an attachment in an upcoming email, we will have flyers at our next booster meeting on March 21st, and your student can pick some up during band as well.

Also, there is a chance we might be having a “back to back” Spirit Night the next evening, March 30th, at Sweet Tomatoes at Largo Mall. More information to follow in upcoming e-mails. Please consider attending both and supporting our band program. Remember, Spirit Nights are general fundraisers that support all students in all of the band programs. Besides supporting the band, it's one, possibly two nights of not having to cook - who can argue with that!



Due to the construction at Seminole Mall, the Pow Wow parade will be lining up in the South West parking lot of St. Petersburg College Seminole Campus. The Parade begins at 10:00am. The parade will be travelling South on 113th Street from the Recreation Center Light, will U-Turn at 86th Avenue, and return to SPC parking lot.

Saturday, March 11

8:30 am Report time at SHS (get uniform & instrument)

9:00 am Depart SHS

9:15 am Meet at SPC Library, Seminole Campus
(Transportation and equipment on own)

9:30 am 113th Street closed- parade participants will not be allowed through.

10:00 am Parade Starts

10:30 am Approximate: Marching Band Step Off

11:30 am Approximate: Parade end
Return equipment to band room (on own)

12:00 pm Dismissed


Families, there are several opportunities coming up to train for the Trop. This is one of our biggest fundraisers, and is critical to the success of the program. In order to work shifts, you must have the following:

TEAM training for alcohol: Must be 18 to work as a cashier and serve alcohol. This training is good for 3 years.

Orientation: This training is for folks new to the stand to be allowed to sign up for shifts. Must be 16. 

We will be having ORIENTATION at SHS on March 27 from 7:00 - 8:15. This does NOT include TEAM training. If your alcohol training is out of date, or if you're not sure, please contact me.

If you cannot make the Orientation at SHS on 3/27, here are sign-ups for optional training dates being offered at the Trop.

TEAM Training

Orientation Training:

Symphonic and Wind Ensemble Concert MPA performances are scheduled for Wednesday, March 8th and we still need some chaperone drivers for both groups and someone with truck/hitch that can pull the small trailer. The schedule will be sent out soon – parents with flexible schedules – we need you!

Attached is the itinerary for both the symphonic band and wind ensemble.



It's time for our spaghetti dinner, our fundraiser for the winter bands! The spaghetti dinner will be held on Friday, March 10th from 5-7 pm. Both the Seminole Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Ensemble will be performing along with the Seminole Middle School beginning at 7:15. There will also be a silent auction with the winners being announced at the end of the performances!

We will need about 6 volunteers on the day of the event to arrive around 4:00 to help set up.  We will also need about 6 volunteers to help serve and cook. We want everyone to see the performances, so we will be cleaning up after the program ends.

You can preorder your reservations by sending in the attached form along with $8 per person in an envelope with your students name on it and spaghetti dinner written on the front. Have your student put it in the blue box by Wednesday, March 8th. Any questions, feel free to contact Jan Monson at  We would love to have as many of our "band family" and their friends and extended family to come!

For SILENT AUCTION ITEMS: Please email Tina Lakhotia at Tinael01@hotmail.comto let her know what items you have procured. She will need to know the items value for the bidding. ITEMS can be dropped off at the school until March 8th, to give Tina time to get the bid sheets ready.



Spaghetti Dinner is a fundraiser that benefits Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion. It is expected that these two groups would provide the food and monetary donations to roll out the dinner.  The entire band family and friends are encouraged to attend the Spaghetti Dinner and enjoy the show.

We plan on feeding approximately 250 people this year. In the past two years, we have been able to make the Spaghetti Dinner 100% profitable by soliciting donations for the labor and food items needed to make it happen. Feel free to sign up for as many donations as you like! Don't forget, we need volunteers, too - so check the other sign up genius list to put in some valued time!

For this sign up, you are either donating MONEY to purchase the needed items listed OR THE ACTUAL ITEM. All money and items are due by Monday, March 6th. If you are donating the money for the item, place the proper amount in CASH in an envelope labeled "Spaghetti Dinner Donations" and put it in the Blue Box. If you are donating the actual item, place it in the Booster Room by March 6th. 

NOTE: Publix has many Italian BOGO items this week - sale runs 2/24-3/1! Pasta included!

