
It's time to look forward to a celebration of our Senior Band Members and an introduction for Middle School Band kids to our Marching Band Family.   

The Middle School kids are fed pizza and goodies before the game and will join our band members in playing stand tunes.

The Seniors will be honored during the game at half-time and at a reception with food and refreshments after the game. Let's make this a great event! 

Donations of Food are greatly needed and appreciated.  

Please contact Donna Moore or text/call (727) 560-6972 with questions.

Pictures for the marching band composite will be taken this Thursday, 10/20, during the school day.  Students that are at SPC or out sick need to make an effort to get to the band room between 7am and 1:45pm.  Photographers typically take lunch between 10:45am-11:45am.  Unfortunately, re-takes are not available so students that can not make it to the band room between that time frame will not be included in the composite.  Sales for the photos will take place on Thursday, 11/10 from 5:30-8pm.



9:00am            Rehearsal

11:45am          Run through

12:00pm         Rehearsal Ends, Load Truck, Lunch and Rest!

1:30pm           Band Room Closed

3:30pm           Band Room Re-opens

4:15pm           All Students Report Time

4:55pm           Inspection - half dress - load buses

5:15pm           Depart SHS

6:00pm           Arrive ELHS - Unload Equipment

6:45pm           Stretch Block

7:35pm           Move to Warm Up

7:40pm           Enter Warm Up Rotation

8:45pm           Performance

9:00pm           Debrief and Line up equipment

9:05pm           Students to concessions - BRING MONEY! Pit/QM’s continue to load truck.

9:45pm           Retreat - Officers and Seniors; Marching Band blocks in end zone.

10:30pm         To Trucks- Load

11:30pm         Depart ELHS

12:15am         Arrive SHS - unload equipment

1:00am           Dismissed

As many of you know, concession sales at Seminole Sound were negatively impacted, by reduced participation numbers, due to Hurricane Matthew.  To generate more funds for our band, Warhawk Rey’s will be serving lunch to our band members immediately after Saturday’s practice.  Lunch will include:  pork sandwich, chips and drink.  Suggested donation is $2.

Please join us for our Rescheduled, Family and Friends Night on Thursday, October 27th, at 8:30pm in the Stadium.  We welcome all families, friends, alumni, and all who support the Seminole Band.  Concessions will be opened for some snacks and it would be great for everyone to purchase a snack and come watch the kids perform the show. Let’s fill the bleachers, enjoy a snack, and cheer on our kids! 


We have a limited amount of Seminole Sound shirts to sell.  The price is $15.  As of today, the inventory is as follows – 8 XL, 2 2XL, and 4 3XL.  Please let Kathy Hollaway know if you are interested in purchasing @  


Please join us for the Band Booster Meeting on Tuesday, October 18th at 7pm, in the chorus room.  Look forward to seeing everyone there.


Composite photography will take place on Thursday, 10/20/16 beginning 1st period and ending at the end of the school day.  SPC students and those on sick leave that day need to try and come in to get their picture taken.

Viewing Sales will be on Thursday, 11/10/16 from 5:30-8pm.

'Thank You' doesn't seem sufficient to show our gratitude for the countless hours put in by the chairs of each committee. 'Thank You' doesn't seem enough to convey our appreciation to the hundreds of volunteers who showed up and worked in the heat - with a smile.  ‘Thank You’ doesn’t seem enough for the many donations and loaned items we received.  And 'Thank You' certainly doesn't seem enough to show our pride for the reason behind it all - the dedicated and talented students and staff of the Seminole Warhawk Marching Band. 

On behalf of the entire Band Program - we hope you all will accept our ‘Thank You’.  The day was a success.  The flow was seamless, the crowd was happy, and the visiting bands and judges had nothing but compliments for a job well done. 

Seminole is and has always been known for its class, style, and grace - and that's exactly what the day was filled with, because of you. Our hats are off to you, Boosters, Students, Alumni, and Staff - you really are the best!

9:00am            Rehearsal

11:15pm         Practice Field Entry

11:30pm         Run through

12:00pm         Shine Instruments and prepare for truck loading.

12:15pm         Instruments to truck – QM and Front Ensemble load

Lunch and Rest!

3:15pm           All Students Report Time

3:35pm           Inspection - half dress - load buses

3:50pm           Depart SHS

5:20pm           Arrive Tarpon Springs HS - Unload Equipment

6:30pm           Ready for Warm Up

6:50pm           Move to Warm Up

6:55pm           Enter Warm Up Rotation

8:10pm           Performance

8:25pm           Entire Band returns to trucks to load equipment

8:50pm           Students to concessions - BRING MONEY! Pit Dads and select students continue to load truck.

10:10pm         Retreat - Officers and Seniors

11:00pm         To Buses

11:15pm         Depart Tarpon Springs HS

12:30pm         Arrive SHS - unload equipment

1:00am            Dismissed

