
If you haven't signed up yet for our BIGGEST fundraiser of the year, you need to get movin! Seminole Sound is approaching, only 3 weeks away. Get on Sign Up Genius now before all the good spots are taken. We've had a good response, but NOT good enough. We are not even half way there yet. This event brings the most money into the band, which benefits every band families' fair share. If you can, sign up for two shifts. The more volunteers we get, the easier it is for everyone on board. We can't have a successful event if we don't have the volunteers. Invite your spouses and grandparents to volunteer. If they aren't' registered volunteers, we've attached a volunteer form to this email for your convenience. Just make a copy of their license and submit the form to the SHS front office. EVERY family is expected to volunteer in some capacity. There's a position out there for you. Check out the Sign Up, if you need help figuring out what's best for you, email Kim Bernstein @ for help.



Here is what's needed to fill all water shifts for the next 2 weeks, as we close out September.

Thursday 9/22: 1 person 4:30-7

Tuesday 9/27: 1 person 4:30-6:30 // 1 person 6:30-8:30

Thursday 9/29: 1 person 4:30-7

Friday 9/30: 2 people 4:30-7 // 1 person 7-9

October water signup will be posted this week.


Hungry Howie’s - Announcing our next AMAZING SPIRIT NIGHT!!!  This event is sponsored by William P. Kaiser (Band Dad), and it's AWESOME!! It is on Tuesday night September band practice, from 11am to Midnight!!! All families can afford to participate...and who doesn't like PIZZA??!! We recently spent > $1500 on PROPS for the new show....lets 'BAND' together and earn some of that Pizza Dough BACK!! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!  The Flyer is attached, for your convenience!

Sonny’s Largo - Wednesday, September 28th, All day

The flyers can be printed from the website link below, then go to the fundraising section:


Each year the band has sectional pictures taken to be included in the Seminole Sound Spectacular Program. It’s very important that students arrive on time for these pictures. Please see the schedule below for when each section is scheduled to have their sectional picture taken. Please be sure they are at the school 30 minutes prior to that given time in order to fully dress in uniform for pictures.

9/16 Schedule

3:00 pm          Band room open; brass shine instruments

3:30 pm          Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales.  Equipment should be cleaned prior to their sectional pictures.

Section Picture Schedule  (*Please arrive 30 minutes before pictures)

4:10 p.m. Quartermasters

4:20 p.m.  Leadership

4:30 p.m. Drum Majors

4:40 p.m. Percussion (Front and Battery)

4:50 p.m. Baritones

5:00 p.m. Mellophones

5:10 p.m. Saxophones

5:20 p.m. Trumpets

5:30 p.m. Flutes

5:40 p.m. Clarinets

5:50 p.m. Tubas

6:00 p.m. Color Guard


6:15 pm          Uniform Inspection

7:00 pm          Walk to Stadium

7:10 pm          Pre-Game Performance

7:30 pm          Kick off; football game begins

8:00 pm          Approximate: 2nd Quarter - Marching band sections warm up

8:45 pm          Approximate:  Half time- marching band performances by Countryside High School &

Seminole High School

9:15 pm          Approximate:  3rd quarter privilege. Band sent to the concession stand for food and

social time. Bring Money! ($3-10)

10:00 pm        Approximate: end of game.  Push equipment to band room.

10:45 pm        Approximate:  Students are dismissed only when uniforms are properly hung, instruments/equipment are put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash. 

Please see the attached updated businesses contacted list. Friday, September 16, 2016 is the deadline for ad sales. Kim Bernstein needs ad materials and checks no later than Monday, 9/19. We've only received ONE student ad. There are probably more of you that would like to buy an ad for your student! Personal ads are as low as $25! See attached ad form for personal ads. If you have a senior, how nice would it be to have a full page of pictures and a nice message for only $50, of which $25 benefits your fair share!


Have you purchased your Season Tickets yet? They are $15 and gain you access to Seminole Sound on October 8th, Winter concert and Spring Concert. Seminole Sound ticket alone is $15. And the $15 purchase goes directly towards your Fair Share, that's $15 per ticket off your Fair Share. Hopefully you are volunteering for Seminole Sound. If you volunteer during the day or early evening and are still planning to go to the show in the evening, be sure you get your Season Pass to cover the cost of your ticket. Please understand that volunteering DOES NOT mean that you have access to the stands for the show. We have Crowd Control in place for this reason alone. They are in place to check for wristbands. And they are looking for specific colored wristbands to gain access to the stands. This is our biggest fundraiser, and we therefore, must ask for every show patron to purchase a ticket.  Lourdes Pickart has Season Tickets for sale, she is usually at rehearsals every night at pick up time. Call her or text her and let her know that you need tickets and arrange for a pick up time: (727) 455-1612. Get them for yourself, your spouse, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Everyone wants to see the show!


Tuesday 9/13, 4:30-6:30pm - 1 person

Thursday 9/15, 4:30-7pm - 2 people

Saturday 9/17, 2-4pm - 3 people

Saturday 9/17, 4-6pm - 1 person

Thank you for your support!


Hungry Howie’s - Announcing our next AMAZING SPIRIT NIGHT!!!  This event is sponsored by William P. Kaiser (Band Dad), and it's AWESOME!! It is on Tuesday night September band practice, from 11am to Midnight!!! All families can afford to participate...and who doesn't like PIZZA??!! We recently spent > $1500 on PROPS for the new show....lets 'BAND' together and earn some of that Pizza Dough BACK!! PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!

Sonny’s Largo - Wednesday, September 28th, All day

The flyers can be printed from the website kink below, then go to the fundraising section:



3:45pm            Truck arrives, QM’s report to begin loading

4:15pm            Student Report Time; Load instruments to semi.  Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales.  Brass shine instruments.

5:15pm            Uniform Inspection

5:45pm            Load Buses

6:00pm            Depart SHS

6:45pm            Arrive at Dunedin High School, unload equipment, assigned chaperones to stands to secure bleachers and place bleacher covers

7:00pm            Enter Stadium

7:30pm            Kick off; football game begins

8:45pm            Approximate: Dunedin High School Homecoming Festivities - Seminole High School band will NOT be performing the field show.

9:15pm            Approximate:  3rd quarter privilege – Band sent to the concession stand for food and social time.  Bring Money!  ($3 - $10)

10:00pm          Approximate: End of Game, Watch Dunedin Band perform, load equipment

10:45pm          Approximate:  Depart Dunedin High School

11:30pm          Approximate:  Arrive SHS, unload equipment.  Students are dismissed only when uniform is properly hung, your instrument/equipment is put away, and facilities and bus are cleaned of trash.

12:00am          Students Dismissed

Please join us for Family and Friends Night on Saturday, September 10th, at 8:30pm in the Stadium.  We welcome all families, friends, alumni, and all who support the Seminole Band.  Come see how much progress the kids have made as they perform their run-through.  Let’s fill the bleachers and cheer on our kids! 

