
There is a JV Football game on Thursday night (9/8), and at this time, we have no grillers and not enough volunteers to open the Visitor's Concession stand. Please consider helping. 100% of the profits go directly to our band members.


Seminole Sound Shirts are now available to pre-order.  Pre-ordered shirts will be $5 less than on the day of Seminole Sound.  We highly encourage you to preorder to ensure your size is available.  All shirts must be paid for – students DO NOT receive a free shirt

Show Host Shirts – If you are volunteering for Seminole Sound and are working in Parking, Crowd Control, or Staging, you MUST wear the Orange Show Host shirt in order to distinguish you from other guests on Sound Day.  You may also wear this shirt for any of the other volunteer positions.

All volunteers for Seminole Sound must wear either the Show Host shirt or the Seminole Sound Shirt!

Tour Shirts depict this year’s show logo, with our 2016 competition schedule on the back.  STUDENTS RECEIVE A SHIRT AT NO COST.    Parents are encouraged to purchase one as well.  Please order now, as there will not be an opportunity to purchase shirts after the preorder ends.  No extras will be ordered for later sale. 

Please see the attached order forms for all the price and sizing information.  The orders are due Friday, September 16th.  Please place all orders and checks in an envelope in the Blue box.  Checks are payable to SHSBB and one check for all shirts is acceptable.  Please contact Kathy Hollaway at with any questions.  Thanks!

In addition to the attachment, the forms are also on the website under Misc. forms.

Your Booster Board is looking for an enthusiastic Parliamentarian!  Among the responsibilities of the Parliamentarian:

1) Setting up meeting sites 

2) Over-seeing Procedure at meetings and transaction of business.  

3) Over-seeing elections 

4) Reviewing and updating our by-laws & Standard Operating Procedure.   

The Parliamentarian is a vital position that brings balance to the Board.  Freshman to Senior parents are encouraged to inquire. If you are interested in becoming part of your Band Booster Board team as parliamentarian please contact Donna Moore at or text/call (727) 560-6972.   Thanks Boosters for all you do!  

Band practice for Thursday, Sept 1st has been CANCELLED.  All schools are closed for Sept 1st, as well. 


Our first home is this Friday against Palm Harbor and the itinerary is attached.  Please adhere to these football game expectations: Your child should come to school dressed in a white t-shirt, dark colored comfortable shorts, tall black socks, and marching shoes on feet. Girls and boys with long hair must have their hair pulled up into a bun on the top of their heads – not in the back. Also, while in uniform, students are not allowed to drink red Gatorade or put ketchup or mustard on anything because both can permanently stain their uniforms. Please do not try to take your child early – they are to stay for the entire game.

Friday, September 2nd – Home Football Game (Palm Harbor)

3:00 pm Band room open; brass shine instruments; buy gloves if needed

5:30 pm Student Report Time

5:30 pm Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales. Students are to be on time, in full uniform. Equipment should be cleaned by this time and placed in sections via the section leader.

6:15 pm Uniform Inspection

7:00 pm Walk to Stadium

7:10 pm Pre-Game Performance

7:30 pm Kick off; football game begins

8:00 pm Approximate: 2nd Quarter - Marching band sections warm up

8:45 pm Approximate: Half time- marching band performances by Palm Harbor High School & Seminole High School

9:15 pm Approximate: 3rd quarter privilege. Band sent to the concession stand for food and social time. Bring Money! ($3-10)

10:00 pm Approximate: end of game. Push equipment to band room.

10:45 pm Approximate: Students are dismissed only when uniforms are properly hung, instruments/equipment are put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash.


The 40th Annual Seminole Sound Spectacular is a Marching Band Competition, hosted by the Seminole Warhawk Band Boosters at our own Warhawk Stadium. As one of the oldest, most storied events in the Marching Band arena, It is the single largest General Fund Fundraiser that exists within our Band Program, and is attended by bands, large and small, from across the state and beyond.

This event is coming along nicely as we have commitments from 15 bands to date. Many of us have already been working hard on the event to make sure we keep the level of excellence that is known for throughout the Band community, alive and strong. However, we cannot do this with out you. It takes many volunteers to make this one day a success and we need everyone involved.

Below is the link to the Sign Up Genius event that list all the various positions and shifts available. I must be frank and ask, that you sign up for multiple shifts to cover the many slots that are needed. Many of us will be working from the early morning to late at night and ask you do, as much as you can, as well. If you are new to the Booster program and are not familiar with the various positions, please email Kim Bernstein at or ask one of the Chairpersons listed. Everyone would love to help you find the right job for the day. Remember, there is no job too small; all jobs at Seminole Sound are equally important.


Attached is an updated list of the businesses that have been contacted to date. Reminder that the deadline for ads is September 16th, that's for selling and for me to receive ads. PLUS... don't forget about Student Ads! You can purchase your own student ad for a reduced price from the business price. Kim Bernstein can put the ad together for you if you don't have any way of creating an ad. Just send her the pictures (.jpg or .pdf files accepted) and the wording that you would like in the ad to Full page ad is only $50, half page is $37.50, quarter page is $25.  Most of which is applied to your Fair Share!


Dairy Queen - Wednesday, September 7th from 5:30-8:30. 

Sonny’s Largo - Wednesday, September 28th, All day

The flyers can be printed from the website at this link, then go to the fundraising section:


Please join us for the Band Booster Meeting on Tuesday, August 30th at 7pm, in the chorus room.  Look forward to seeing everyone there.



Band Practice on Thursday, Sep 1st is from 2:30-6pm, due to the JV football game.  Please reference the band calendar on the website.


