

We need help this week Warhawk Families!! Tuesday and Thursday rehearsals are wide open on the sign-up genius. Please sign up where you can NOW so we are not sending SOS signals an hour before practice starts, or worse! Thank you to everyone who continues to show up to support us in one of the biggest needs we have!  Please look at the sign-up genius and let us know where you can help!



There are several mandatory parent meetings coming up this week and next to discuss students winter activities.  Winter guard parents will be meeting November 8th at 7:00 pm .  Concert Band mandatory parent meeting will be next week Nov 11th at 7:00 pm and SIPE (Indoor Percussion) is scheduled Nov 14th at 8:00 pm.  Meeting location will be sent out shortly.  We need at least one parent from each family to attend the meeting.  We will be discussing travel plans, gathering forms, fair share contributions and other relevant important information. 


We still have spots available for this Sunday's Bucs game against the Arizona Cardinals. Report time 8am. If you want to work, please put your name on the sign-up genius and include your cell # and shirt size.  Alternates will be used this week.



Parents – Please come to view the composite photos on November 14th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm.  These photos are the individual band pictures that were taken last month.  We are encouraging parents to come to the band room to view the proofs and place an order


Please help by signing up to chaperone the Riverview High School – The March on November 16th. 

Chaperone/Uniform Volunteers are required to be active Level 2 approved Volunteers. Chaperone sign ups must be approved by Mr. Madrinan prior to the event.  You will be notified if you have been selected. 

You must wear black pants (no capris or shorts), the green band polo with closed toe shoes (sneakers) and your Level II badge.



Don’t forget about Scrips cards during the upcoming Holiday shopping season. You can earn funds towards your fair share account just by purchasing gift cards for the stores where you plan on shopping or as gifts for friends and family.  The set-up instructions are on the Seminole Band website.  Click on the Booster tab and then click on Fundraising. You can purchase gift cards for stores, and you receive rebates. 



Oct 22             Senior Night student bio’s due back to Chloe

Oct 23             Friends & Family Night 8:30 pm

Oct 24             Students load instruments and uniforms into the semi 2:00pm

Oct 25             Lynchburg VA report time 12:00 am

Oct 29             Cheesecake pickup 2:00 pm – 8:45 pm

Nov 01            Home Game Lakewood – SENIOR NIGHT!

Nov 02            Rehearsal 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Nov 02            FBA Dunedin

Nov 08            Winter Guard Mandatory Parent Meeting 7:00 pm

Nov 08            SIPE Mandatory Parent Meeting 8:45 pm

Nov 11            CB Mandatory Parent Meeting 7:00 pm

Nov 16            Rehearsal 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Nov 16            Riverview High School – The March

Nov 19            Booster Meeting 7pm

Nov 21            Friends & Family Night 8:30 pm

Nov 22            FMBC Championships Daytona Beach Nov 22nd & Nov 23rd




Parents who were unable to attend the Parent Meeting for the trip to Lynchburg, VA, please see attached the information, itinerary, packing list, and required forms. You MUST complete the attached waiver IN THE NEWSLETTER for your student to participate in Sunday's SnowFlex activities. Student pre-order meals are $65, check payable to SHSBB. These may be put in the blue box.

Items we are still collecting:

Money for meals and entertainment – payment for $65 for pre-paid meals/activities/ drinks & snacks. 

Permission slip – attached to this email if you have not already turned in.

Over the counter medication permission form – attached to this email if you have not already turned in. We cannot give your student Advil, Tylenol, Benadryl, etc. if we do not have this signed form.

Snack and water donations – we will have snack bins and water on hand for all students during bus rides and in hotel rooms. We cover some of these with student pre-paid money, but we also need parents to donate individually wrapped snacks and cases of water. It takes a lot to make sure we are covered for a 4-day trip! 

Extra-large plastic bins to hold snacks and water – we will return these after trip! Please mark with your name so we may know who to return to.

Students will need to purchase 2 new pairs of gloves on Tuesday, October 22, after practice. ($14) The gloves will be placed in their shakos that evening for safe travel to VA, and not brought home with them.



Delivery of Cheesecake is scheduled for October 29th at 1:00 pm.  We will need help sorting orders at 1:00 pm.  Parents can pick up their orders after 2:00 pm through 8:45 pm.  Please note 8:45 pm is a hard cut off.  All cheesecake must be picked up between 2:00 pm – 8:45 pm on Oct 29th.  Please make yourself available to pick up that evening because we have no cold storage.  



I know we are busy with BOA Virginia preparation, but we still have a Varsity game on 10/25/19 (while the band is in Virginia). We need all the band parents not going to Virginia to come together and hold down the fort.  Please we need help with concessions this night and Senior Night.

