
Tarpon Springs Outdoor Music Festival Saturday, October 19, 2019

10:00am                      Rehearsal

11:45am                      Run-through

12:00 pm                     Rehersal ends, instruments to truck. QM's and percussion load truck.  Dismissed once all equipment is set and ready to load.

                                    Lunch and rest

3:00 pm                       All Students Report Time

3:40 pm                      Inspection - half dress

3:50pm                        Load Buses

4:05pm                        Depart SHS

5:25pm                        Arrive TSHS - Unload Equipment

6:10pm                        To Stretch Block

6:40pm                        Move to Warm Up

6:50pm                        Enter Warm Up Rotation

7:50pm                        Gate Time

8:05pm                        Performance

8:20pm                        Entire Band returns to trucks to load equipment

8:50pm                        Students to concessions – (Need money!) Prop Crew and select students continue to load truck.

10:00 pm                     Retreat - Officers and Seniors

           11:00pm                      To Buses

           11:15pm                      Depart TSHS

           12:30pm                      Arrive SHS - unload equipment

            1:00am                        Dismissed


Our car show is only 1 week away!

We are in desperate need of volunteers to help with concessions, bake items, craft table, setup and clean-up.  Please see the Signup Genius below to help.  We need you!

We are still in need of trophy sponsors for the show. If you own your own business or are friends with a business owner and would like to sponsor the show, please contact Scott or Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102.  We also need CARS. If you would like to join the Car Show, please contact Scott or Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102.

This will be a very profitable fundraiser for the band, but only if our parents help obtain sponsors. 

Free Spectator admission and Vehicle registration only $15.  If you would like to setup a booth and a vehicle $35.

Food Trucks, 50/50, lots of great vehicles to look at and just plain good family fun!

Vehicle registration and flyers are attached to the newsletter e-mail and under forms.

Anyone can print out these flyers and hand them out or hang them up! Just try to keep them in color and please do not alter them. You can post them on any auto club sites or forum's you may be a part of. All types of cars, trucks, motorcycles, jeeps, vans, ect. are welcome! And we are looking for auto & motorcycle related vendors. Together, we can make this an amazing show!

Any questions please contact Emily Simpson or 502-378-2102


We need help for water duty!! The kids are still practicing during the week and will continue to do so throughout the marching season. We need more parent volunteers to help with this. We are seeing many shifts with no one signed up at all. Please look at the sign-up genius and let us know where you can help!


October Fair Share is due October 15th.  All other months Fair Share are overdue. We are in the middle of travel and competitions and it is imperative that we keep Fair Share contributions coming in. If you need to make other arrangements, please contact any Executive Board Member or Mr. Madrinan. 


Students who participate in Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Studies, and the Percussion Ensemble have a “concert black” dress requirement. Male students wear tuxedos and female students wear long black dresses.

Returning students can wear their attire from last year, if it still fits well, since no changes have been made to the formal wear requirements. New students will need to purchase their concert blacks. Arrangements have been made to order as a group to minimize price and shipping costs.

Specific ordering information, including exact prices, are included on the following pages.

Female Students: Dress orders & payment are due Friday, October 18th. An order form, including a photo of the dress and a sizing chart, are provided on the following pages. The dresses should arrive & be distributed to the students by the end of November. The length will require alteration as they are all shipped with extra length to accommodate all girls’ heights. Alterations must be done in a timely manner since the Winter Concert is on December 12th. Girls are required to provide black dress shoes of their own choosing.

Male Students: Order forms and payment are due on Friday, October 18th. Tronn Goehring will do Tux fittings (representing The Memory Maker) in the uniform room from 7:00am till 9:03am on Thursday, October 17th. This is the only day for fittings, so please ensure that your student is in attendance at least long enough to be measured during this time frame. Gerard will give a class-pass to those that need to come to the fitting. Tuxedos should arrive & be distributed to students by the end of November. Please have students try on the tuxedos right away in case further alterations are needed. Boys will also be required to provide black dress shoes of their own choosing.

For those that cannot afford to purchase their own concert attire, there are limited tuxes and dresses available that have been donated from band alumni students. Please note that not all sizes are available. If you need to borrow concert attire, please let us know so we can arrange a time to try on items available to borrow. You will need to have the items cleaned by a dry cleaner and returned at the end of the season. Shoes are not available for borrowing. You will have to provide your own.


New band parents, want to help and don’t know where to start? Try out working concessions for a game! It is always wonderful that people return to help out, but we do want to see NEW faces too!

The Boosters run both the home and visitors' side concession stands for Junior Varsity and Varsity football home games at SHS. This is a very important fundraiser so please come to support the program. If you can't show up at the designated time you can still volunteer!

This is a great opportunity to meet fellow parents and support the program. If you know someone who would like to volunteer, you can sign them up or forward them this signup site. Everyone is welcome to join us!

Please sign up for our next Home JV game, this Thursday, October 10th.  These profits “only” go to the general fund HOWEVER it still benefits each kid AND our travel plans. or

Sept 23           Sound & Host Shirt - Last Day to order

Sept 27           Middle School Night

Sept 27           SHS vs. Osceola – home game

Sept 28           Friends & Family 8:15pm

Sept 28           Rehearsal 9am – 9pm

Oct 03             Cheesecake sales last day

Oct 04             SHS vs. Dixie – home game

Oct 05             Rehearsal 8:30 am – 11:30 am

Oct 05             Seminole Sound

Oct 10             Mandatory Parent Night to Discuss BOA

Oct 12             Bands of America – Orlando, FL

Oct 15             Booster Meeting – 7pm

Oct 18             SHS at Clearwater – Away Game

Oct 19             Rehearsal 9 am – 12 pm

Oct 19             Tarpon Springs Outdoor Music Festival

Oct 20             Seminole Shine Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show

Oct 23             Friends & Family – 8:30 pm

Oct 28             Approximate delivery week of Cheesecake-stay tuned


September and past fair shares are overdue.  If you need to make arrangements, please contact any Executive Board Member or Mr. Madrinan.


Parents – we will be having a mandatory parent meeting on October 10th.  At least 1 parent/guardian for each student is required to attend.  We will be discussing travel plans on Oct 12 to Orlando for Bands of America (BOA).


Please come to our next Friends and Family on September 28th.  Friends and Family is where we invite those closest to us to watch our students perform their show that they have been work so hard on.  It also gives the students a chance to perform their show in front of people, so they have less jitters later.  Run through time is a little flexible but if you are there by 8:30 pm you should miss a thing.  Please bring a chair.  It would be great to have a parking lot of cars there!

