

Senior Night - It's already time to honor our Senior families for their four years of dedication and loyalty to our great band program. There is an on-field ceremony, small tokens of our appreciation, and a reception immediately following the game on Friday, November 1st. We are asking that all Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior families volunteer to help with the celebration. After all, sooner or later, we will ALL be senior families - and won't it be nice to feel treasured? Let's make this night last in the memories of our senior families - they certainly deserve it! We especially need food.

Please sign up to help with one of the areas in the sign-up genius.  If you have any questions, please contact Marie Hill, Thank you in advance for your participation.

Your senior was given a bio to complete and they are due back to Chloe 10/22, next Tuesday.



We need help for water duty!! The kids are still practicing during the week and will continue to do so throughout the marching season. We need more parent volunteers to help with this. We are seeing many shifts with no one signed up at all. Please look at the sign-up genius and let us know where you can help!



October Fair Share is now past-due along with other months Fair Share. We are in the middle of travel and competitions and it is imperative that we keep Fair Share contributions coming in. If you need to make other arrangements, please contact any Executive Board Member or Mr. Madrinan. 



Students who participate in Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Studies, and the Percussion Ensemble have a “concert black” dress requirement. Male students wear tuxedos and female students wear long black dresses.  Payment should be dropped in the blue box or arranged with Beckie Biglin. 

Returning students can wear their attire from last year, if it still fits well, since no changes have been made to the formal wear requirements. New students will need to purchase their concert blacks. Arrangements have been made to order as a group to minimize price and shipping costs.

Specific ordering information, including exact prices, are included on the following pages.

Female Students: An order form, including a photo of the dress and a sizing chart, are provided on the attachment. The dresses should arrive & be distributed to the students by the end of November. The length will require alteration as they are all shipped with extra length to accommodate all girls’ heights. Alterations must be done in a timely manner since the Winter Concert is on December 12th. Girls are required to provide black dress shoes of their own choosing.

Male Students:  Tuxedos should arrive & be distributed to students by the end of November. Please have students try on the tuxedos right away in case further alterations are needed. Boys will also be required to provide black dress shoes of their own choosing.

For those that cannot afford to purchase their own concert attire, there are limited tuxes and dresses available that have been donated from band alumni students. Please note that not all sizes are available. If you need to borrow concert attire, please let us know so we can arrange a time to try on items available to borrow. You will need to have the items cleaned by a dry cleaner and returned at the end of the season. Shoes are not available for borrowing. You will have to provide your own.



New band parents, want to help and don’t know where to start? Try out working concessions for a game! It is always wonderful that people return to help, but we do want to see NEW faces too!

The Boosters run both the home and visitors' side concession stands for Junior Varsity and Varsity football home games at SHS. This is a very important fundraiser so please come to support the program. If you can't show up at the designated time you can still volunteer!

This is a great opportunity to meet fellow parents and support the program. If you know someone who would like to volunteer, you can sign them up or forward them this signup site. Everyone is welcome to join us! or email



Oct 15             Booster Meeting – 7pm

Oct 15             October Fair Share due

Oct 16             Fundraiser Night – Panda Express

Oct 17             Mandatory Parent Night to Discuss Lynchburg VA- 6:30pm

Oct 17             Tuxedo Fittings Uniform Room 7am – 9am

Oct 18             Concert Band – Attire Forms & Payment due

Oct 18             SHS at Clearwater – Away Game

Oct 19             Rehearsal 9 am – 12 pm

Oct 19             Tarpon Springs Outdoor Music Festival

Oct 20             Seminole Shine Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show

Oct 23             Friends & Family – 8:30 pm

Oct 29             Delivery of Cheesecakes-please stay tuned


Mandatory parent meeting to discuss our trip to Lynchburg will be held this upcoming Thursday, October 17th at 6:30pm. Practice for students is from 2:30 – 6pm, and students will be expected to attend, along with at least one parent. This meeting is mandatory, as we will discuss rules, itinerary, attire, meals, etc. for the Lynchburg, VA trip.

Things that will be collected at meeting:

1.       Money for meals and entertainment – please bring payment for $65 to the meeting for pre-paid meals/activities/ drinks & snacks.  Check or cash is easiest, or we can accept credit/debit card payments with a small service fee. 

2.       Permission slip – attached to this email if you have not already turned in.

3.       Over the counter medication permission form – attached to this email if you have not already turned in. We cannot give your student Advil, Tylenol, Benadryl, etc. if we do not have this signed form.

4.       Snack and water donations – we will have snack bins and water on hand for all students during bus rides and in hotel rooms. We cover some of these with student pre-paid money, but we also need parents to donate individually wrapped snacks and cases of water. It takes a lot to make sure we are covered for a 4 day trip! 

5.       Extra-large plastic bins to hold snacks and water – we will return these after trip! Please mark with your name so we may know who to return to.

6.       Students will need to purchase 2 new pairs of gloves on Tuesday, October 22, after practice. ($14) The gloves will be placed in their shakos that evening for safe travel to VA, and not brought home with them.

Please remember that all students, and at least one parent or guardian are required to attend. See you there!


We are still looking for chaperones/ prop parents for our trip to Lynchburg, VA. Please see the requirements listed. We need experienced chaperones on this trip as it is an overnight. All parents signed up (chaperones, uniforms, and prop team) are expected to assist in hotel chaperone duties as well as regular competition duties.

·       You are required to be an active Level 2 chaperone for this event.

·       Chaperones will need to attend the chaperone training meeting and sign the acknowledgement and agreement form. Seasoned chaperones will receive preference, & chaperone sign ups must be approved by Mr. Madrinan prior to the event. You will be notified if you have been selected.

·       Volunteers for this event will be selected prior to the trip. Because of this, all volunteers selected for this event will need to have previously served on water duty and on the chaperone, uniform, or prop teams during other events of this season.

***Please be advised there is a travel cost associated with serving on this event***


Please join us at Panda Express for dinner October 16th and Panda Express will donate 20% to our Warhawk Band.  Please download or print the flyer, you will need to bring it with you for the donation to occur.  You can also order on-line – please use online code 302491.

Panda Express located at:

Park Blvd & 113th St

11167 Park Blvd

Seminole City Center


Away Football Game at Clearwater HS Friday, October 18th

2:00pm            School ends; All sections responsible for bringing their section equipment to truck for loading.  Quartermasters and Percussion:  begin loading.

4:15pm            Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales.

5:15pm            Trucks depart with prop dads

5:45pm            Uniform Inspection

6:00pm            Load Buses

6:15pm            Depart SHS

7:00pm            Arrive at Clearwater HS, unload equipment

7:30pm            Enter stadium/Kick off; football game begins

8:00pm            Approximate: Sections to Warm-up

8:45pm            Approximate:  Half time – CHS Homecoming

9:15pm            Approximate:  3rd quarter privileges – Band to Concessions – NEED $$     

10:15pm          Approximate:  end of game, SHS and CHS Performances

10:45pm          Load Truck

12:00am          Approximate: Depart Clearwater High School

12:30am          Approximate:  arrive SHS, unload equipment.          

Students are dismissed only when uniform is properly hung, your instrument/equipment is put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash.  Uniform room not unlocked until Semi-Trailer is unloaded. 

1:00am            Students Dismissed

