
The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is April 16th at 7pm. (Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school.) If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!


Each student is asked to volunteer or register and run the Mad Dash 5K!

Event:              Mad Dash 5K

Location:         3 Daughter’s Brewing

                       222   22nd Street South, St. Petersburg, FL               

Time:              Volunteer Time:  3:00pm

           Race Time:  5pm (transportation on own)

Register at:

Mandatory travel meeting for Wind Ensemble and Big Band students and parents.

When:  Tuesday, April 2, 2019; 7:00-8:00pm

Where:  SHS Band Room

What:  We will review details of the Atlanta Trip Itinerary as well as collect an estimated $125 for specific meals and activities. 


Indoor Percussion will be traveling to Daytona Beach this Saturday, 3/30, for the FFCC Championships. This will be an overnight stay due to the length of the drive and performance times. Itinerary is being finalized and will be communicated shortly, along with more detailed information about the trip.


This is a reminder of the mandatory parent/ student meeting scheduled for tomorrow night, Tuesday, 3/26 at 7:30pm at Seminole Middle School. All students and a parent are required to attend. There will be important information discussed regarding the upcoming trip to WGI Dayton. We'll discuss the itinerary and expectations of the trip. See you then!


Fair Share Contributions for March are now due. Contributions continue to be low.  We have travel and other year-end events coming quickly. It's more important than ever that we have contributions coming in.  Please reach out to Trina Weatherly with any questions you have about your Fair Share or for fundraising options that are available to you currently to help with your Fair Share.  Thank you to all who are current on Fair Share and to all who have made recent contributions, it is appreciated!



The Booster Meeting minutes from the last parent meeting are attached. The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is April 16th at 7pm. (Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school.) If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!


Amazon Smile

Did you know that you can earn donations for The Warhawk Band just by shopping on Amazon? Yes, earn money for our band program for something that many of us already do!  Please register for Amazon Smile and use the Smile portal for your Amazon purchases. Amazon will donate a portion of all eligible purchases directly to our band program. Anyone can register, you don't have to be a band booster or affiliated with our program. Ask your friends and family to register, or if they already participate, to consider designating us as one of the non-profits they donate to. Instructions are attached. Contact Trina Weatherly if you have any questions.

World’s Finest Chocolates

We have a few boxes of chocolate left that can be checked out for sale. If you already have boxes checked out, please finish up with your sales and start turning in money to the blue box or to Trina Weatherly.  We currently have boxes available that will be sold, and all funds will go to General Fund. If you know of a business where we can place these or have the ability to sell another box for general fund, please contact Trina Weatherly.

Tropicana Field – Tampa Bay Rays

Baseball season is here! The Trop sign up is now live. Please start signing up for your games now. This will help Danah and the Trop know which stands to sign up for.

Gourmet Popcorn

Gourmet Popcorn is for sale! See Danah V. for details.

March 26         Winter Guard mandatory parent/student meeting at SMS at 7:30pm

March 30-31   FFCC Championships at Daytona Beach for Indoor Percussion

April 2              Wind Ensemble/Big Band Travel Mandatory Meeting at 7pm

April 16            Parent Booster Meeting at 7pm

Fair Share Contributions are still very slow coming in. Fair Share Contributions through the month of February are now overdue. Please reach out to Trina Weatherly or any Executive Board Member to discuss fundraising options that are available to you currently to help with your Fair Share. If you are current on your Fair Share, the next contribution is due by 3/15.
