
Saturday, March 16th

I reduced the number of spots based on the number of teams attending

Only 66 volunteers’ spots filled out of 168

Only 13 donation spots filled out of 52

The Seminole High School Band Aides Boosters in coordination with the Florida Federation of Color guards will host the Annual Seminole Visual Spectacular Competition on Saturday, March 16th, at the Seminole High School gym. This is a MAJOR FUNDRAISER FOR THE ENTIRE BAND PROGRAM, and we will need 'all hands on deck' to make this another successful event.

Schools are still signing up for this event, so we do not have the final count attending.  Shift times & quantity needed may change as we get closer to the event.

All volunteers need to wear their orange "SHOW HOST" shirts or the green SHS band booster’s polo and khaki pants or shorts & wear comfortable shoes.

Volunteers are not given free admission to the show unless they have volunteered/worked for eight hours or more.

Volunteers get a meal tickets for every 4 hours that they work:

1 shift = 0 meal tickets

2 shifts = 1 meal ticket

3 shifts = 2 meal tickets

4 shifts = 3 meal tickets

Seminole Visual Program Advertising

Advertisements for the program are due March 1st.  50% of business ad sales goes toward your fair share account.

·         Full Page: $200 Business / $50 Personal

·         Half Page: $150 Business / $37.50 Personal

·         Quarter Page: $100 Business / $25 Personal

·         Business Card: $50

Seminole Visual Volunteers:

Seminole Visual Donations:

Please contact Beckie Biglin at with any questions.

The Band Golf Tournament is One week away (Monday March 18).

We need four volunteers to help Tim with check-in.  A sign-up genius will post later today.

We need golfers and sponsors, so please continue to reach out to the community, and ask your contacts to sign up on the golf site, asap. $100 To play.  $100 to Sponsor a Hole.

Visit the Tournament website for registration and sponsorship Info:


The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is March 19th at 7pm. (Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school.) If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!


Gourmet Popcorn sales will start March 19th. Keep an eye out for the flyers/order forms soon!

Baseball season is here! The Trop sign up is now live. There is an orientation Wednesday 3/13/19 at 5pm. If you can go to the orientation, please sign up. Also please start signing up for your games now. This will help Danah and the Trop know which stands to sign up for.


We still have World's Finest Chocolate Bars available!  If you haven't checked any out to sell, please contact Trina Weatherly @ 336-263-0658 to get a box!  If you have sold a complete box already, please remember to turn your money into the Blue Box. This fundraiser earns you a 50% profit per box to your individual Fair Share. 

March 13         Tropicana Field Orientation at 5pm

March 15         Fair Share Contributions Due

March 16         Seminole Visual

March 19         Gourmet Popcorn Sales Begin

March 18         Golf Tournament

March 19         Parent Booster Meeting at 7pm


Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble will participate in Concert MPA on Tuesday, March 5th at Pinellas Park High School.  Both groups will be traveling together - but because of the early performance time for our first group, school buses are not available.  To help reduce cost to the program for charter buses, we are asking for parents with Level 2 clearance to volunteer to drive students to & from the event.  This event is less than 2 weeks away & we need to ensure we can transport all 90 students.  Please sign up NOW so that we can get an idea of how many drivers are available to us.

 There are separate sign-up spots for Chaperones vs Drivers Only.  We will need approximately 8-9 parents to remain on site as chaperones during the event. Itinerary should be released soon, but volunteer commitment appears to be roughly 3:30-10pm and potential for a few trips between SHS & PPHS if we don’t get enough help to transport everyone in one trip.

Permission Slips are required for all band events where travel is part of the plan.  Please complete the attached slip & return it to school with your student by the end of next week.  All signed permission slips should be placed in the Blue Box or you may text or email a copy to Kendra Ford at 727-798-8654 or

Fair Share Contributions are still very slow coming in. Fair Share Contributions through the month of February are now overdue. Please reach out to Trina Weatherly or any Executive Board Member to discuss fundraising options that are available to you currently to help with your Fair Share. If you are current on your Fair Share, the next contribution is due by 3/15.

Saturday, March 16th

I reduced the number of spots based on the number of teams attending

Only 66 volunteers’ spots filled out of 168

Only 13 donation spots filled out of 52

The Seminole High School Band Aides Boosters in coordination with the Florida Federation of Color guards will host the Annual Seminole Visual Spectacular Competition on Saturday, March 16th, at the Seminole High School gym. This is a MAJOR FUNDRAISER FOR THE ENTIRE BAND PROGRAM, and we will need 'all hands on deck' to make this another successful event.

Schools are still signing up for this event, so we do not have the final count attending.  Shift times & quantity needed may change as we get closer to the event.

All volunteers need to wear their orange "SHOW HOST" shirts or the green SHS band booster’s polo and khaki pants or shorts & wear comfortable shoes.

Volunteers are not given free admission to the show unless they have volunteered/worked for eight hours or more.

Volunteers get a meal tickets for every 4 hours that they work:

1 shift = 0 meal tickets

2 shifts = 1 meal ticket

3 shifts = 2 meal tickets

4 shifts = 3 meal tickets

Seminole Visual Program Advertising

Advertisements for the program are due March 1st.  50% of business ad sales goes toward your fair share account.

·         Full Page: $200 Business / $50 Personal

·         Half Page: $150 Business / $37.50 Personal

·         Quarter Page: $100 Business / $25 Personal

·         Business Card: $50

Seminole Visual Volunteers:

Seminole Visual Donations:

Please contact Beckie Biglin at with any questions.
