
PARENTS - Please have your student bring their insulated thermos full of water every morning.  Students thermos should be a minimum of half gallon size.

Freeze solo cup full of water the night before and place in thermos.  The frozen cup of ice will keep your water cold for hours.

Drink water all day, not just when you feel thirsty. This includes the night before and the morning prior to practice. 

Prior to lunch and dinner breaks, fill up your thermos.


Thank you for your help with water duty – We are grateful. It looks like we have all the slots filled for band camp (woo-hoo) except for 8a to 10 am shift on Tuesday July 23. We also need some food donation for the same day.

  • Grapes rinsed, pulled from stems – frozen
  • Watermelon – bite sized pieces – refrigerated
  • Pineapple – drained bite size pieces – frozen

You can drop off the donation at 8 am on those days, send them with the students or make arrangement with Juliette to pick them up.   

Below is the link to sign up, if you can help.

August sign up is also available for sign up.  It is very hot outside now and will be hotter in August and we need to fill all the shifts to help support the kids by keeping them hydrated. Please sign up and help us help them. Thank you.

If you have problem accessing the link, please let Juliette know via text (727.422.9067) or an email Thank you.


Good Afternoon Parents,


**Debit and credit cards are the only method of payment now accepted at The Trop. Cash is no longer accepted. Please keep this in mind for Friday night’s event. There is no cash accepted for parking or for concessions inside the dome. The students will be eating dinner at concessions and will need to use credit/debit card. If this is an issue for your child, please reach out to Trina Weatherly. or 336-263-0658

Itinerary for Night at the Rays

Dress Code – Band Polo, (new students will receive polo at rehearsal) tucked into khaki pants (no shorts, skirts, or capris - no rolled up pants), closed toe shoes, brown belt.

Students Need - $10-$20 for dinner at concessions stand, and a signed permission slip turned in prior to June 28. (Permission slip included in your forms packet)

Students will be expected to sit together as a band for the game - Rays vs. Rangers. Friends and family tickets will be in the immediate neighboring section.

See attached itinerary. (Contact Trina Weatherly for updated version.)

**Due to the nature of baseball, end time is approximate – please be flexible. Students will be reminded to notify parents when we are approaching SHS. Thanks!**


NIGHT AT THE RAYS - Tickets/Payments

If you still have unsold tickets that did not get turned in, or tickets that were sold and have not been paid for, please get them turned in to the blue box in the band room no later than Wednesday, 6/26. If you need to make other arrangements to get them turned in, please contact Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102.



We still need a few more drivers to help us transport students to the Trop for Night at the Rays. If you are a Level 2 approved Chaperone, and are available on Friday, please consider helping out. We have to be able to get all students there for this event and we are currently about 16 seats short. Use the sign-up genius link below to sign up.



We still have a few holes in our water duty sign-up for this week’s Mini-Camp.  We need help on the 4p-6p Monday and Tuesday and the 2p-4p on Wed and Thursday. Please sign up if you are available.  Water duty is a very important role, as volunteers don’t just walk around filling water bottles - they are also relied upon to assist students who might need care or become overheated. You do not have to be level 2 approved to volunteer for water duty. If you have not done water duty before, put FIRST TIME in the comments section when you sign up and we will make sure that you are paired with experienced partners.  This is a great way to get to know the kids, to meet other band parents, and to watch the progression of the show!

If you have any questions, please contact Juliette Intravichit @



This is a reminder that $100 participation pledges are due. This participation pledge ensures your child a spot in the show for the upcoming marching season. Payments can be dropped off in the blue box in the band room or they can be made at Forms Night #2, this Thursday, June 27. If you need to make other arrangements, please contact an Executive Board Member.



Our second forms night is scheduled for this Thursday, June 27th from 6pm-8pm. If you did not attend the first forms night, you will need to attend. We have forms packets ready for anyone who has yet to get theirs filled out and turned in.   You can fill out forms while you are there and get important information for the new marching season.  We’ll have a notary on-site again for forms that need to be notarized. We’ll also be offering the required physicals for $20. For anyone interested in becoming a Level 2 cleared chaperone, we will be offering fingerprinting services for $45.  

$100 participation pledge due – this can be paid at forms night #2. This does go toward your Fair Share. The participation pledge can be in the form of cash, check*, or credit card. Checks should be made out to SHSBB, please.

If you are planning to get your fingerprints done or your child needs a physical this night, please let us know by signing up on theses Sign-Up Geniuses.


Fingerprints for Level 2:

**New volunteers, please bring a PHOTOCOPY of your driver’s license with you to expedite your paperwork.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any member of the Executive Board.

Looking forward to what's in store for the 2019 Marching Season!!

***SPECIAL NOTE*** this Participation Pledge cannot be deposited in our bank account until July 1, when we begin our new fiscal year. If holding a check that long will present a problem with your accounting, please consider bringing cash or a money order. We do not wish to cause any hardships with your banking! :-)



Interested in chaperoning? We will be meeting on Wednesday, June 26th at 7pm in the Chorus Room to explain the process for becoming a chaperone with the Seminole Warhawk Band and to go over important information that will help acclimate you to the team.

Although you must be Level 2 approved in order to serve as a chaperone, you do not have to be Level 2 to attend this meeting.

Contact Kendra Ford - or 727-798-8654 with questions.



The meeting minutes from the last Booster Meeting are attached to the FB post. The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is July 16th at 7pm. Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school. If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!



Join us on Saturday, July 13th for Applebee’s Flapjack Breakfast. We will pre-sell tickets and they will be $7.00. We need participation from all of Marching Band to make this a success!  More info to come this week!



Seasons Tickets are available once again! The cost of a Season Ticket is $15-this gains you entry to Seminole Sound, Winter Concert, and Spring Concert. The cost of Seminole Sound alone is $15! The best part is that 100% of the money from this purchase will go directly into your child’s individual Fair Share account –that’s right, if you buy a Season Ticket for $15-that $15 gets credited directly to your students individual Fair Share! If you have family and friends who will be attending these events, get their tickets now and help contribute toward your child’s Fair Share! Season’s Tickets are available now for purchase. Tickets will be available in the evenings during the next camp, June 24-27, and in the evenings during Band Camp, July 15-24th. If you need to make arrangements to get them at a different time, please contact Trina Weatherly to find out when she’ll be at the school. 336-263-0658.



We are still looking to fill the Head Chaperone position. Please contact any Executive Board Member if you need more information or are interested in helping out.

Head Chaperone – The Head Chaperone serves as the coordinator for the chaperone team. They are responsible for maintaining duty rosters and important student forms related to travel, leading communication from the Band Director to the chaperone team during travel and being the first point of issue-resolution escalation for any issues that may arise for chaperones.



The signup for chaperones is now available. All marching season dates have been added to the link

If you have any questions, please contact Kendra Ford at or call/text 727-798-8654.



Time to start thinking about our Annual Family Band Picnic!  Tradition continues year after year! Everyone is hard at work planning a great picnic for our families on Wednesday, July 24th at 5:30pm, Walsingham Park, Shelter #8. We need an idea of how many people to expect for food buying purposes. Each section of the Marching Band will be assigned something to bring-this will be communicated to your student by their Section Leader. Please use the Sign-Up Genius to let us know if your family will be there and how many will be attending.  Please remember to include your band or guard student. There is a second sign-up for parents who can volunteer to help with this event. Let me know if you have any questions.

This is a great time to get to know everyone and enjoy each other’s company over a great meal! We hope you will join us!


Volunteer to help:



We are accepting donations of Green Band Polos and Concert Attire, including concert dresses and tuxedos, for Seniors and those who won’t use them again or have outgrown a particular size.  Please consider donating back to the band and bring them the next time you come to a Booster Meeting or send them in with your student and give to Mr. Madrinan.



Amazon Smile

Did you know that you can earn donations for The Warhawk Band just by shopping on Amazon? Yes, earn money for our band program for something that many of us already do!  Please register for Amazon Smile and use the Smile portal for your Amazon purchases. Amazon will donate a portion of all eligible purchases directly to our band program. Anyone can register, you don't have to be a band booster or affiliated with our program. Ask your friends and family to register, or if they already participate, to consider designating us as one of the non-profits they donate to. Instructions are attached. Contact Trina Weatherly if you have any questions.

Tropicana Field – Tampa Bay Rays

Baseball season is here! The Trop sign up is now live. Please start signing up for your games now.



Scrip is fundraising while you shop! This successful fundraising program turns everyday shopping into cash when families use retail gift cards to pay for everyday purchases like gas and groceries, instead of the usual credit/debit cards or cash! Step by step instructions on how to get started are listed on our website @

Benefits: An amount between 1-13% of the face value of the purchase will be credited to each student’s Charms ledger. Going out for dinner and a movie? Purchase e-cards on the fly and get money credited to help towards Fair Share!


Chili's E-card - $50.00 with an 11% rebate.

Regal Cinemas E-Card - $20.00 with an 8% rebate.

A $7.10 credit to Charms for money you would have spent anyway - PRICELESS.


Raymond James

Events at Raymond James are coming soon. Be on the lookout for a sign-up Genius for events that will start in August.




Marching Band Chaperones (Night at the Rays included too)


Tropicana-Rays Games Concessions


Water Duty


Physicals - For Forms Night #2

Fingerprints for Level 2 - Forms Night #2







June 24-27       Hornline, Percussion, and Color Guard Camps

June 26            Chaperone Training

June 27            Forms Night #2

June 28            Night at the Rays!

July 10             Culver’s Spirit Night

July 13             Applebee’s Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser

July 15-24        Band Camp (Full Marching Band)

July 18             Booster Meeting at 7pm

July 22             Snap Raise Kick-off!

July 23             Friends and Family Night

July 24             Band Picnic!



Rebekah Moorehead, (727) 385-5233 - – President

Heather Davis – – Vice President/Travel

Janine Mekkaoui - – AP Treasurer

Trina Weatherly - - AR Treasurer/Charms-Fair Share Contributions

Tim Hollaway - - Recording Secretary

<OPEN POSITION> – Fundraising

Jennifer Palmer – – Correspondence Secretary

John Biglin - – Special Events

Chad Ford - - Parliamentarian

<OPEN POSITION> - Contracts/Forms

Kelly Cashman – - Member at Large/Concessions

Kendra Ford - – Chaperones/Water Duty

Kathy Hollaway – – Shirt Orders

Kelly DiRoma –

Gerard Madrinan - – Band Director

Steve Harris – – Jazz Band

Drew Anderson – – Seminole Indoor Percussion Ensemble, overall percussion

Erik Nordstrom – – Winter Guard, overall Color Guard

Good Afternoon Parents,


Join us Wednesday night at Culver’s in Seminole for a Spirit Night! Invite everyone you know to come out and support the Warhawk Band tonight, May 29th, from 5p-8p at Culver’s in Seminole!! It’s the last day of school for students and mini-camp starts the next day-it’s a great night to have dinner at Culver’s. This is a great way for us to generate funds for our band program. Tell them when you order, that you are with the Warhawk Band, and a percentage of the purchase price of your meal gets donated back to us.  See you there!

Culver’s – 10425 Park Blvd N, Seminole, FL 33772.



We are accepting donations of Green Band Polos and Concert Attire, including concert dresses and tuxedos, for Seniors and those who won’t use them again or have outgrown a particular size.  Please consider donating back to the band and bring them the next time you come to a Booster Meeting or send them in with your student and give to Mr. Madrinan.



All Fair Share donations for the 2018-2019 year are now due. Please continue to make your contributions to the blue box.  We still have ways that you can earn toward your Fair Share. We have Tag Days coming June 8 and 9 and there are opportunities at the venues. Please see the Sign-Up Geniuses to view coming events and sign up.



We are gearing up for Marching Season, which starts with mini-camp on May 30th - June 1st and ends with our Mandatory Marching Band STEPOFF meeting! As many veteran parents may know, this is the kick-off meeting to our new Marching Season! It’s an exciting time for the kids as well as the parents.

Mini-Camp – We have practices scheduled for all students who are participating in the 2019 Marching Band. Dates are:

Thursday, May 30th, 1 – 8PM

Friday, May 31st, 1 – 8PM

Saturday, June 1st, 9 – 5PM

Mandatory Meeting – June 1st at 5pm

Forms Night – immediately following the Mandatory Meeting

Following the June 1st practice at 5PM, there will be a mandatory meeting for ALL students and at least one parent (students will join us after their practice). Each and every student and one or more parents will be required to attend in order to have a spot written for them in the marching show. Any family not able to attend must email Mr. Madrinan at to request an excused absence. If you do not attend and do not request an excusal, you will not be written into the show. Please understand that this is our way of ensuring that we have commitments from families before we incur the expense of designing the drill and writing the musical score for your student.

Also, in this regard, we will be requesting a $100 participation pledge for each student at the meeting on June 1st. This will go toward your Fair Share, which will be announced sometime in the month of June. The participation pledge can be in the form of cash, check*, or credit card. Checks should be made out to SHSBB, please.

Lastly, we will be holding our first Forms Night on June 1st as well, following the mandatory meeting. Forms packets will be handed out and we highly encourage you to stay and fill them out on site. We will have a notary public there to notarize the required form. We will also be selling season tickets, taking dinner orders and payment for Band Camp meals, registering new and returning volunteers, and more! This is an important and convenient night for parents to complete all of the required paperwork for next year, all in one evening! Please plan to attend.

**New volunteers, please bring a PHOTOCOPY of your driver’s license with you to expedite your paperwork.

Parents should plan on arriving at 4:50PM, please sign in. Kids will join us after practice ends around 5:00PM. The parent portion of the meeting will begin promptly at 5:00PM. Forms night to follow.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any member of the Executive Board. 

Looking forward to what's in store for the 2019 Marching Season!! 

***SPECIAL NOTE*** this Participation Pledge cannot be deposited in our bank account until July 1, when we begin our new fiscal year. If holding a check that long will present a problem with your accounting, please consider bringing cash or a money order. We do not wish to cause any hardships with your banking! :-)



The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is June 18th at 7pm. This is a very important meeting and we need a quorum (at least 25 boosters) in attendance in order to pass our budget for this coming year. (Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school.) If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!



We still need volunteers to sign up for water duty for Mini Camp! Please take a look at the sign-up genius and schedule yourself in for shifts where you can. Water duty is a very important role, as volunteers don’t just walk around filling water bottles - they are also relied upon to assist students who might need care or become overheated. You do not have to be level 2 approved to volunteer for water duty. If you have not done water duty before, put FIRST TIME in the comments section when you sign up and we will make sure that you are paired with experienced partners.  This is a great way to get to know the kids, to meet other band parents, and to watch the progression of the show!



Seasons Tickets are available once again! You can purchase your Seasons Tickets at Forms Night, this Saturday, June 1. The cost of a Season Ticket is $15-this gains your entry to Seminole Sound, Winter Concert, and Spring Concert. The cost of Seminole Sound alone is $15! The best part is that 100% of the money from this purchase will go directly into your child’s individual Fair Share account –that’s right, if you buy a Season Ticket for $15-that $15 gets credited directly to your students individual Fair Share!



Night at the Rays Tickets will be on sale at Forms Night this Saturday, June 1st. The cost is $20 per ticket and $5 of that purchase price will be credited to your individual Fair Share. The Night at the Rays event kicks off marching season on June 28th, with the band performing pre-game.  Invite your friends and family and come enjoy a night of music and baseball!



Tag Day - June 8 and 9

There are Tag Days scheduled for June 8th and 9th. Open to all students. Chaperones needed! Please consider chaperoning the shift your student is working (must be level 2).  If you still owe Fair Share for this year, please sign up to work a shift. If you have an incoming Freshman, this is a great way for them to start earning towards their Fair Share and get to know the other kids better!

For those who are new…for Tag Days, the students sign up to work a 2hr shift and there are 4 students per shift with one chaperone. They play their instruments in front of the entrance/exit of a store like Publix, or Lowe’s for donations. Donations for the entire day/weekend are totaled and then divided among the total number of students who worked. These funds are then credited to their individual Fair Share. We are also always looking for parent volunteers who are level 2 approved to chaperone.

Amazon Smile

Did you know that you can earn donations for The Warhawk Band just by shopping on Amazon? Yes, earn money for our band program for something that many of us already do!  Please register for Amazon Smile and use the Smile portal for your Amazon purchases. Amazon will donate a portion of all eligible purchases directly to our band program. Anyone can register, you don't have to be a band booster or affiliated with our program. Ask your friends and family to register, or if they already participate, to consider designating us as one of the non-profits they donate to. Instructions are attached. Contact Trina Weatherly if you have any questions.

Tropicana Field – Tampa Bay Rays

Baseball season is here! The Trop sign up is now live. Please start signing up for your games now.




Committee Sign Up – There are many ways to volunteer throughout the year! 10C0A4FACAF2FAAF94-committee








May 29            Spirit Night at Culver’s!

May 30-Jun 1  Mini-Camp

June 1              Mandatory Parent Meeting/Forms Night/Season’s Ticket Sales Begin

June 8 & 9       Tag Days – Publix on Oakhurst

June 18            Booster Meeting at 7pm

June 24-27       Hornline, Percussion, and Color Guard Camps

June 28            Night at the Rays!



Rebekah Moorehead, (727) 385-5233 - – President

Heather Davis – – Vice President/Travel

Janine Mekkaoui - – AP Treasurer

Trina Weatherly - - AR Treasurer/Charms-Fair Share Contributions

Tim Hollaway - - Recording Secretary

<OPEN POSITION> – Fundraising

Jennifer Palmer – – Correspondence Secretary

John Biglin - – Special Events

Chad Ford - - Parliamentarian

<OPEN POSITION> - Contracts/Forms

Kelly Cashman – - Member at Large/Concessions

Kendra Ford - – Chaperones/Water Duty

Kathy Hollaway – – Shirt Orders

Kelly DiRoma –

Gerard Madrinan - – Band Director

Steve Harris – – Jazz Band

Drew Anderson – – Seminole Indoor Percussion Ensemble, overall percussion

Erik Nordstrom – – Winter Guard, overall Color Guard


Good Afternoon Parents,


We are accepting donations of Green Band Polos and Concert Attire, including concert dresses and tuxedos, for Seniors and those who won’t use them again or have outgrown a particular size.  Please consider donating back to the band and bring them the next time you come to a Booster Meeting or send them in with your student and give to Mr. Madrinan.



All Fair Share donations for the 2018-2019 year are now due. Please continue to make your contributions to the blue box.  We still have ways that you can earn toward your Fair Share. We have Tag Days coming June 8 and 9 and there are opportunities at the venues. Please see the Sign-Up Geniuses to view coming events and sign up.



We are gearing up for Marching Season, which starts with mini-camp on May 30th - June 1st and ends with our Mandatory Marching Band STEPOFF meeting! As many veteran parents may know, this is the kick-off meeting to our new Marching Season! It’s an exciting time for thekids as well as the parents.

Mini-Camp – We have practices scheduled for all students who are participating in the 2019 Marching Band. Dates are:

Thursday, May 30th, 1 – 8PM

Friday, May 31st, 1 – 8PM

Saturday, June 1st, 9 – 5PM

Mandatory Meeting – June 1st at 5pm

Forms Night – immediately following the Mandatory Meeting

Following the June 1st practice at 5PM, there will be a mandatory meeting for ALL students and at least one parent (students will join us after their practice). Each and every student and one or more parents will be required to attend in order to have a spot written for them in the marching show. Any family not able to attend must email Mr. Madrinan at to request an excused absence. If you do not attend and do not request an excusal, you will not be written into the show. Please understand that this is our way of ensuring that we have commitments from families before we incur the expense of designing the drill and writing the musical score for your student.

Also, in this regard, we will be requesting a $100 participation pledge for each student at the meeting on June 1st. This will go toward your Fair Share, which will be announced sometime in the month of June. The participation pledge can be in the form of cash, check*, or credit card. Checks should be made out to SHSBB, please.

Lastly, we will be holding our first Forms Night on June 1st as well, following the mandatory meeting. Forms packets will be handed out and we highly encourage you to stay and fill them out on site. We will have a notary public there to notarize the required form. We will also be selling season tickets, taking dinner orders and payment for Band Camp meals, registering new and returning volunteers, and more! This is an important and convenient night for parents to complete all of the required paperwork for next year, all in one evening! Please plan to attend.

**New volunteers, please bring a PHOTOCOPY of your driver’s license with you to expedite your paperwork.

Parents should plan on arriving at 4:50PM, please sign in. Kids will join us after practice ends around 5:00PM. The parent portion of the meeting will begin promptly at 5:00PM. Forms night to follow.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any member of the Executive Board.  

Looking forward to what's in store for the 2019 Marching Season!!  

***SPECIAL NOTE*** this Participation Pledge cannot be deposited in our bank account until July 1, when we begin our new fiscal year. If holding a check that long will present a problem with your accounting, please consider bringing cash or a money order. We do not wish to cause any hardships with your banking! :-)



Any Wind Ensemble student who will be playing at the graduation ceremony, must turn in a permission slip. The permission slip is attached to this email. Students will be riding with other student drivers and chaperones to The Trop. Students will need to be at school at 4:45am on the 24th and will be returning to the school by approximately 11am.



The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is May 21st at 7pm. (Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school.) If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!



Yes, it’s that time again! We’re looking for help for water duty for Mini Camp. Please take a look at the sign-up genius and schedule yourself in for shifts where you can. Water duty is an important role, as volunteers don’t just walk around filling water bottles - they are also relied upon to assist students who might need care or become overheated. You do not have to be level 2 approved to volunteer for water duty. If you have not done water duty before, put FIRST TIME in the comments section when you sign up and we will make sure that you are paired with experienced partners.  This is a great way to get to know the kids, to meet other band parents, and to watch the progression of the show!



Invite everyone you know to come out and support the Warhawk Band on May 29th from 5p-8p at Culver’s in Seminole!! It’s the last day of school for students and mini-camp starts the next day - it’s a great night to have dinner at Culver’s. This is a great way for us to generate funds for our band program. Tell them when you order, that you are with the Warhawk Band, and a percentage of the purchase price of your meal gets donated back to us.  See you there!

Culver’s – 10425 Park Blvd N, Seminole, FL 33772.



Tag Day - June 8 and 9

There are Tag Days scheduled for June 8th and 9th. Open to all students. Chaperones needed! Please consider chaperoning the shift your student is working (must be level 2).  If you still owe Fair Share for this year, please sign up to work a shift. Sign-Up Genius coming soon!

Amazon Smile

Did you know that you can earn donations for The Warhawk Band just by shopping on Amazon? Yes, earn money for our band program for something that many of us already do!  Please register for Amazon Smile and use the Smile portal for your Amazon purchases. Amazon will donate a portion of all eligible purchases directly to our band program. Anyone can register, you don't have to be a band booster or affiliated with our program. Ask your friends and family to register, or if they already participate, to consider designating us as one of the non-profits they donate to. Instructions are attached. Contact Trina Weatherly if you have any questions.

Tropicana Field – Tampa Bay Rays

Baseball season is here! The Trop sign up is now live. Please start signing up for your games now.

Al Lang Stadium – Rowdies Games

The next Rowdies game at Al Lang is May 18th. We have a total of 10 spots to fill for this game - there are currently only 2 people signed up to work. This is a great way to earn toward your individual Fair Share. No training needed. Must be 18 to work this venue. Please contact Trina Weatherly if you have any questions about working.




Committee Sign Up – There are many ways to volunteer throughout the year! 10C0A4FACAF2FAAF94-committee









May 21            Booster Meeting at 7pm

May 24            Graduation

May 29            Spirit Night at Culver’s!

May 30-Jun 1  Mini-Camp

June 1              Mandatory Parent Meeting/Forms Night/Season’s Ticket Sales Begin

June 8 & 9       Tag Days – Publix on Oakhurst

June 24-27       Hornline, Percussion, and Color Guard Camps

June 28            Night at the Rays!



Rebekah Moorehead, (727) 385-5233 - – President

Heather Davis – – Vice President/Travel

Janine Mekkaoui - – AP Treasurer

Trina Weatherly - - AR Treasurer/Charms-Fair Share Contributions

Tim Hollaway - - Recording Secretary

<OPEN POSITION> – Fundraising

Jennifer Palmer – – Correspondence Secretary

John Biglin - – Special Events

Chad Ford - - Parliamentarian

<OPEN POSITION> - Contracts/Forms

Kelly Cashman – - Member at Large/Concessions

Kendra Ford - – Chaperones/Water Duty

Kathy Hollaway – – Shirt Orders

Kelly DiRoma –

Gerard Madrinan - – Band Director

Steve Harris – – Jazz Band

Drew Anderson – – Seminole Indoor Percussion Ensemble, overall percussion

Erik Nordstrom – – Winter Guard, overall Color Guard

This email has been sent via Charms Office Assistant on behalf of:

Seminole High School Band
8401 - 131 Street North
Seminole, FL 33776

May 14            Seminole Color Guard Spring Recital

May 18            Ice Breaker! / The Senior Partay

May 21            Booster Meeting at 7pm

May 24            Graduation

May 29            Spirit Night at Chipotle!

May 30-Jun 1  Mini-Camp

June 1              Mandatory Parent Meeting/Forms Night

June 8 & 9       Tag Days – Publix on Oakhurst


The next Rowdies game at Al Lang is May 18th. We have a total of 10 spots to fill for this game - there are currently only 2 people signed up to work. This is a great way to earn toward your individual Fair Share. No training needed. Must be 18 to work this venue. Please contact Trina Weatherly if you have any questions about working.


Baseball season is here! The Trop sign up is now live. Please start signing up for your games now.


Did you know that you can earn donations for The Warhawk Band just by shopping on Amazon? Yes, earn money for our band program for something that many of us already do!  Please register for Amazon Smile and use the Smile portal for your Amazon purchases. Amazon will donate a portion of all eligible purchases directly to our band program. Anyone can register, you don't have to be a band booster or affiliated with our program. Ask your friends and family to register, or if they already participate, to consider designating us as one of the non-profits they donate to. Instructions are attached. Contact Trina Weatherly if you have any questions.


There are Tag Days scheduled for June 8th and 9th. Open to all students. Chaperones needed! Please consider chaperoning the shift your student is working (must be level 2).  If you still owe Fair Share for this year, please sign up to work a shift. Sign-Up Genius coming soon!
