
Baseball season is here! The Trop sign up is now live. Please start signing up for your games now. But please note, we are still waiting for the contract to be signed and the insurance to be updated.  Once that is in place, everyone will be notified.


Did you know that you can earn donations for The Warhawk Band just by shopping on Amazon? Yes, earn money for our band program for something that many of us already do!  Please register for Amazon Smile and use the Smile portal for your Amazon purchases. Amazon will donate a portion of all eligible purchases directly to our band program. Anyone can register, you don't have to be a band booster or affiliated with our program. Ask your friends and family to register, or if they already participate, to consider designating us as one of the non-profits they donate to. Instructions are attached. Contact Trina Weatherly if you have any questions.


There are Tag Days scheduled for this coming weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 5/4 and 5/5- open for all students. Chaperones needed! Please consider chaperoning the shift your student is working (must be level 2).  If you still owe Fair Share for this year, please sign up to work a shift.

Tag Day - May 4 - All Students

Candy bar sales are coming to an end. Please finish up with the sales of any boxes that you currently have checked out.  All money should be placed in the Blue Box no later than Wed, May 1st.


The April Booster Meeting minutes are attached to the weekly email for your review. The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is May 21st at 7pm. (Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school.) If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!


Please join us in celebrating the SHS Band’s accomplishments, outstanding student achievement awards, and graduating seniors at this year’s Annual Band Banquet on Friday, May 10, 2019 @ 6pm at Anona United Methodist Church.


All band students, parents and family members are invited to attend. You must RSVP via Sign Up Genius (see link below) by Friday May 3rd, 2019 to reserve your plated dinner. This is a reservation-based dinner. We must have a count to give to the caterer no later than Friday, May 3rd. We are unable to accommodate walk-in dinner reservations on the evening of the banquet. There will be NO dinner reservations accepted at the door. Please bring canned goods to donate as a way of thanking the church for their hospitality.

Please see the attached invitation to complete and send in with your payment.  Marching Band/Guard students ticket price was included in your Marching Band fair share (if paid up to date). However, concert band and Jazz Band students that are not in marching band are being offered a special price of $20 per student. All other family members and friends are $25.  If you are not current with your 2018/19 Marching Band fair share, please contact one of the Executive Board members to discuss payment arrangements.


Payment can be made to SHSBB. Tear off bottom portion to be included with your payment and drop in the blue box in the band room.  Looking forward to seeing all of you at the banquet!

2019 Annual Seminole High School Band Banquet – RSVP for dinner


The Winter Guard end-of-year party is at Anna’s house this Friday, May 3rd at 7pm.  Please, we would love all students and their parents to join us.  We are also having the Guard staff and band leadership attending.  This is a great opportunity for parents to get to know each other a little better.  Please bring a portable chair if you have one and a dish to share.  Anna and Lauren have a sign-up list if you would like to bring something on the list.  They also have the address.  I hear there is a special birthday that night, too.  If you want to sit in the hot tub, please bring a bathing suit and towel.  If you have any questions, please call or text Sharon at 941-416-6979.


Hey Senior Parents! The Senior Partay, hosted by the senior families (not boosters) will have an important planning meeting this Thursday, May 2nd, at 7pm. We will meet in the personal fitness room.  The Partay will be on May 18th at the Seminole Campus of Calvary Church. Address: 6155 113th St, Seminole, FL 33772. Senior parents, please come help us put together this fun event for our whole band family!

Please join us this Friday evening, May 3, at 7pm in the school gym for our Spring Percussion Concert.


All Fair Share contributions are now due. Year-end events are upon us, and we are dependent on Fair Share contributions to make sure these events take place.  Please reach out to Trina Weatherly with any questions you have about your Fair Share or for fundraising options that are available to you currently to help with your Fair Share.  Thank you to all who are current on Fair Share and to all who have made recent contributions, it is appreciated.
