
Raymond James Concessions

A great way to pay off your fair share! Sign up today. We have women’s soccer coming up. Click on this link:

Sentry - Raymond James

Not a fan of working the concession stand - or maybe you want an opportunity to watch the event? Volunteer for Sentry.  When you sign up, if you prefer to be in the club in the air conditioning, please note that in your signup. Click on the link to sign up:

Any questions, please contact Danah via email: - Facebook messenger or via text to 727-475-0427. Thank you for your continued support - and Happy Fundraising!

xoxo Danah Veitenthal - your fundraising officer

We have another Spirit Night at BJ’s on Park Blvd on February 27th. To help make this a successful fundraiser, please share the event with your family and friends and on social media, on your wall on Facebook. Please click on the link and RSVP as well

The Band/Guard Garage Sale is on February 17th - More info coming soon

Cookie Sales begin February 14th - More info coming soon

The Winter Guard is hosting a Zumba Fitness event on February 10th in the high school gymnasium from 2:30pm to 4pm and there is a $10 suggested minimum donation. Please see the attached flyer to notify your friends and family. Please ask others to share via their social media! Any questions should be directed to Susan Lanzilotta at

February 9th - Tag Day for Marching / Concert / and Jazz band students. Please follow the link and sign up your student. Please only sign up for one shift, include your students’ cell # and please sign up with an alternate name and use your students name - Please fill out the permission slip and have your student bring it with them to the tag day. Permission Slip link is The link to sign up is


February 10th - Tag Day for S.I.P.E. (Seminole Indoor Percussion Ensemble) and Winter Guard. Please follow the link and sign up your student. Please sign up with alternate name to sign up your student and include your students’ cell # - Please fill out the permission slip and have your student bring it with them to the tag day. Permission Slip link is The link to sign up is

We have another Spirit Night at Pieology on February 6th. To help make our spirit nights successful, everyone should share the link with their family and friends and on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snap chat etc.) Please click on the link too and RSVP

This fundraiser begins February 5th. A rep will be in the school to talk to the kids and help them get started with this fundraiser - be on the lookout for your order forms.

World’s Finest Chocolates going on now! Check out the boxes this year - we really wanted our boxes to be special this year! This fundraiser earns you a 50% profit per box to your individual Fair Share. They will be available for check out on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8:30 pm. If you need a day other than that, please just text Trina Weatherly (336-263-0658), and I'll be happy to accommodate.  More info coming on check out days/times during school hours-at the end of band classes.

SAVE THE DATE - Monday, March 18, 2019.

2nd Annual Golf Tournament.  Registration open now. 

Save $10 per golfer, with our early registration special, through January 31, 2019. 

Visit the Tournament website for registration and sponsorship Info:

