
Meals for State Championships have been finalized and are listed below. We need each student to contribute $18 to cover the meals provided by the Boosters. Please make sure you send cash or check (made to SHSBB, please!) to rehearsal with your student, either tonight, or Thursday night. Mrs. Weatherly will be set up outside the band room after each practice to collect the money.

1. Kids should eat a good breakfast at home and bring snack for bus ride to Trop.

2. We will have lunch at Tyrone Mall Food Court after Semi Finals - students should bring money for this as needed.

3. The Boosters will provide a 6" Publix Sub before Finals - this is covered by your $18 contribution.

4. The Boosters will provide a full dinner after Finals (Burgers/Hot Dogs, Mac & Cheese, Tossed Salad, Corn on the Cob, Tea & Lemonade) - this is covered by your $18 contribution.

5. Bottled water and Gatorade will be provided throughout the day - this is covered by your $18 contribution.

THANK YOU for your help on this and GO WARHAWKS!!

Raymond James

Please look at the sign up for the rest of November. The earlier we have sign ups the sooner Danah will know how many beer stands or food stands we can get. This is the highest paid venue yet.

Beer stand (2-3 people) 3 preferred, we have a very busy stand

Base pay: $75 Plus commission Plus Tips


Food Stand (4 or more people) We have the Steak 'n Cheese stand right next to our beer stand

Base pay $85 Plus commission Plus Tips

Everyone must be alcohol trained and will work the register when someone needs a break.


1 event in November, sign up:

1 event in December (2-day event), sign up:

Alcohol Training (This training is good for Raymond James and the Amp)

TEAM (alcohol) Training

Date: November 14th  

Time: 7 pm

Location: East Club

Parking: Please enter through Gate B off N Himes Ave and park in the parking lot to the left. You will enter where you see the big glass doors. This is called our East Club. Contact Danah V. for training information at

We are still selling tickets to the Bucs games.  We have 2 different games remaining on our flyer. Games available on the flyer are 11/25 San Francisco 49ers and 12/30 - Atlanta Falcons.

Other games will be available to sell, too, so let Danah know.  She will make sure that your kiddo will get the credit for the ticket. $5 per ticket goes back to benefit our school. For questions or to purchase your tickets, please go to You can also contact our associate Francis Spencer at 813-870-2700 ext. 2509,

Yankee Candle catalog sales have ended. However, you can continue to shop online at

Group Number: 990004522
Sale Ends: January 10, 2019

We need volunteers to help with the following water duty/rehearsal chaperone shifts this last week of Marching Band Season. We need to fill these shifts to help support the kid and instructors.  Please, please, PLEASE sign up and help us help them.  

**Level 2 is NOT required for this. 

·         Tuesday, 11/13

o   5-7pm:  2 people

o   7-8:30pm:  2 people


·         Thursday, 11/15

o   5-7pm:  2 people

o   7-9pm:  2 people


·         Friday, 11/16

o   4:30-6:30pm:  2 people

o   6:30-9pm:  2 people

Contact Kendra Ford - or 727-798-8654 with questions.

The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is November 27th. Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school. If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!

All Fair Share payments for Marching Band are now due. If you have not made your payments, please contact Trina Weatherly to make arrangements,

We are placing a 3rd jacket/hat order.  The orders are due this Friday, November 16th.  We will need a minimum of 12 jackets to be ordered, so will try for November 16th or soon after as we get 12 orders.  These should be in before the Holidays, hopefully by the Winter Concert.  Please contact with any questions.

The forms are on the website link below, under Misc. forms.

Hard to believe that Marching Season is drawing to a close...but our FMBC State Semi Finals Competition is this Saturday, November 17, at Tropicana Field. We hope will join us for both Friends & Family Night on Friday in Warhawk Stadium (run-through starts at 7:45pm!) and our Semi Finals show at the Trop on Saturday at 10:58am.

Please note that kids should bring a snack for the bus ride in the morning and have money for lunch at the Tyrone Mall Food Court. We will also be collecting money for two catered meals that will be delivered to the group at the Trop. The amount needed will be communicated out ASAP and collected after rehearsals this week. 

Students should come to school dressed in black and whites for under uniform. They should pack their tour shirt and a pair of blue jeans, with closed toe shoes for the afternoon. No shorts or capris, please!

If you have any questions, please contact Heather Davis at



Please look at the sign up for the rest of November. The earlier we have sign ups the sooner Danah will know how many beer stands or food stands we can get. This is the highest paid venue yet.

Beer stand (2-3 people) 3 preferred, we have a very busy stand

Base pay: $75 Plus commission Plus Tips


Food Stand (4 or more people) We have the Steak 'n Cheese stand right next to our beer stand

Base pay $85 Plus commission Plus Tips

Everyone must be alcohol trained and will work the register when someone needs a break.

- Rowdies Season is over 

- Rays baseball season is over

- Amphitheater - 1 event in November, sign up:

- Alcohol Training: (This training is good for Raymond James and the Amp)

TEAM (alcohol) Training

Date: November 14th  

Time: 7 pm

Location: East Club

Parking: Please enter through Gate B off N Himes Ave and park in the parking lot to the left. You will enter where you see the big glass doors. This is called our East Club.


Contact Danah V. for training information at
