The itinerary for the Soirée is attached. If you have any questions, please contact Kendra Ford with any questions at 727-798-8655 or
The itinerary for the MLK parade is attached. If you have any questions, please contact Kendra Ford with any questions at 727-798-8655 or
Jan. 9-12 FMEA Conference
January 10 End of Yankee Candle Sales
January 12 Monster Truck Jam
January 14 Visual Ad Sales Kickoff
January 16 Spirit Night at Miller’s Ale House
January 17 Soiree reservation and payment due
January 18 Soiree at Anona United Methodist & World’s Finest Chocolate Kickoff
January 21 MLK Jr Parade
January 22 Booster/Parent Meeting at 7pm
January 26 Applebee’s Flapjack Breakfast
March 9 Pow Wow Parade
March 16 Seminole Visual
Yankee Candle catalog sales have ended. However, you can continue to shop online at
Group Number: 990004522
Sale Ends: January 10, 2019
Any fundraising questions, or if you would like to help, please contact Danah at Text: 727-475-0427 (please include your name in the text)
Raymond James Concessions (Individual Fair Share)
A great way to pay off your fair share! Sign up today. Plus, we have 2 monster jams and women’s soccer coming up. Click on this link:
Sentry - Raymond James (Individual Fair Share)
Not a fan of working the concession stand - or maybe you want an opportunity to watch the event? Volunteer for Sentry. When you sign up, if you prefer to be in the club in the air conditioning, please note that in your signup. Click on the link to sign up:
The Seminole Warhawk Winter Guard is having a flapjack fundraiser at Seminole City Center’s Applebee’s on January 26, 2019. The color guard will be your seaters, servers and bussers. Each ticket is $7 and it will help them get to the Winter Guard International competition in Dayton, Ohio. See a color guard member or email Mrs. Madrinan if you would like to purchase a ticket and have your guard members serve you! Tickets must be purchased by January 19th.
The next Spirit Night is Wednesday Jan 16th!
Where: Miller's Ale House - in the new Seminole Mall
Time: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm
Please share RSVP link with all of your friends and family. This helps the restaurant know how to staff for our event. Start spreading the word now. The more friends and family show up - the larger the donation! Please RSVP yourself, too!
Date: Saturday 1/12/19
Alcohol Training: 2:00 pm (Sharp) - only 3 people max for training - Must be working the event that day (Full)
Report Time: 3:00 pm for everyone else * 18+ if they have been alcohol trained
We will be on a hard stand for this event - Great Pay!!
3 spots have opened up for the FMEA for Wednesday!
Report time 9:00 am
Dress: Business Casual
Parking: $10 - carpooling and sharing parking is a good idea
Location: Tampa Convention Center
Sign up link:
All of the info is in the sign up
The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, has been changed to January 22ndat 7pm. (Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school.) If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!