
We have been invited to volunteer for the FMEA conference in January 2019. The Conference runs from Wednesday, January 9th through Saturday, January 12th. The conference is being held at the Tampa Convention Center. The Seminole High School Band Boosters volunteer at this event running the registration area and selling tickets for the various All State Concerts.

Please sign up 1 per person - meaning - your name = 1 person. If you are signing up your spouse to work, please go back in and sign them up individually (scroll down to use the alternate name). Be sure to include your cell phone number. Dress is business casual. 

Things to know before signing up to volunteer:

- Volunteers need to attend the training taking place on Wednesday, Jan. 9th beginning at 9:00 am.

- You need to sign up for a full day of volunteering, unless other arrangements are made in advance.

- Volunteers will receive a light breakfast and coffee, lunch and an afternoon snack.

- You are required to pay for your own parking, so it is best to carpool.

- SHS Boosters will receive a donation which will be equally divided amongst the volunteers.

Schedule is on the sign-up genius:

If you did not receive an invitation to sign up for the FMEA conference, please contact Danah at or send her a text to 727-475-0427 along with your name and the preferred email to send  the invite.


Where: Tijuana Flats Tex Mex by Largo Mall

When: Wednesday, December 19th from 5-8pm

Please click on the link - RSVP and then share the event from the event page. Invite your family and friends and have them invite their family and friends.  Let's make this a successful spirit night for December!

The November Booster Meeting Minutes were emailed. If you didn't receive the email, please contact Jennifer Palmer at The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is December 18th. Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school. If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!

So happy to introduce to you all our QR code for donations - this QR code links right to our PayPal account on  Please share this on your Facebook postings.  You can also print the QR code and bring it along to all of our fundraising events!!  Great opportunity to recover our shortfall in donations this year.

The SHS Band Winter Concert Itinerary is attached for 2018-2019. Please direct your questions to either Kelly DiRoma at or Heather Davis at


SHS Band Winter Concert

Thursday, 12/13/18, 7:00pm

All Friends and Family invited!  $5 per person.  


December 8    Pinellas Park Holiday Parade

December 9    Seminole Holiday Parade

December 14  Winter Guard Parent Meeting at 5:30pm

December 15  Indoor Percussion Parent Meeting at 8:30pm

Dec. 15-16       Tag Days

December 17  Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, High Noon Jazz Band, & All In Big Band Parent Meeting at 7:00pm

December 18  Booster/Parent Meeting at 7pm

January 10       End of Yankee Candle Sales

January 21       MLK Jr Parade

March 9           Pow Wow Parade

There have been 2 tag days set up on December 15th & 16th.

Times are from 9am - 7pm - 5 shifts each day

Each shift is 2 hours long


December 15th - is for the Marching Band, Jazz Band & Concert band kids only.

Sign up here:


December 16th - is for S.I.P.E. and Winter Guard only.

Sign up here:


You may sign your kid up for one shift only. Students and Chaperones must be on time, 5-10 minutes early is preferred, so they can set up and be ready to start once their shift has starts. We will need one chaperone per shift, please consider chaperoning the shift your student is signed up for. Any questions please contact Danah at or via text 727-475-0427.

Hey Parents! Each year, the school is required to send out surveys to staff, students, and parents. If they meet their quota, there is a subsidy that is distributed between successful schools. As of now, SHS needs 256 more parents to take the survey. It's online, anonymous, and can be completed as quickly as 2 minutes! Please have all adults in your household complete the survey, and any other non-household family members that can help, as well!

Link to survey:

Thanks for helping our school and our students!

Hey Parents! The Winter Season is upon us, and all of our Winter Programs are firing up! Each program will have a mandatory parent meeting that each student, along with at least one parent, is required to attend. These meetings will discuss scheduling, meals, attire, show dates, volunteer needs, and Fair Share (financial) contributions. It is imperative that you attend these meetings - if for some reason you encounter an extenuating circumstance and cannot attend, please notify your program director, and they will arrange for you to be contacted with the materials discussed. Please join us and be a part of what makes our Program great - FAMILIES!

Dates are as follows:

Winter Guard - Friday, December 14 at 5:30pm

Indoor Percussion - Saturday, December 15 at 8:30pm

Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, High Noon Jazz Band, and All In Big Band - Monday, December 17 at 7:00pm

At each meeting, a $100 Participation Pledge will be collected from each student. Please bring a cash or a check for $100 made out to SHSBB. This amount will be deducted from your Fair Share total - the amount and schedule for payments will be announced at the meetings! This Participation Pledge is so important to the programs, as it gives them the startup funding needed to begin ordering music, uniforms, floors, etc. THANK YOU for your participation!

There will be signs posted as to where meetings will take place - with all programs rehearsing and Winter Concerts taking place, space is very limited, and meeting places are TBA for now!

Thanks in advance for attending, and we will see you SOON!

We will have some tag days in December - sign up will be coming soon.
