
Sentry: Ushering.  Working for Sentry is a great opportunity for those who want to add more fundraising dates to their calendar. It is especially good for those who do not want to work the concession stands, or cannot meet the concession stand report times. There is 1 location that we can volunteer at:

Raymond James Stadium for the Bucs, USF, Soccer, Monster Trucks and Concerts

Ray Jay - There are a lot of dates available.  Please Click on Ray Jay  to sign up for games and events

Concessions:  We have a couple of locations to work the concession stands.  Each venue has their own set of rules. Please read the info on the top portion of the signup genius for proper attire and rules

Ray Jay - We are back at Raymond James stadium in Tampa working concessions.  The sign up has changed a bit.  Stand 1 - beer cart and extras.  Everyone that has signed up for the beer cart or the "Extra" slots, names have already been turned in.  Extras may go on another beverage cart (small stand) or a food portable (small stand) the small stands close up after the 3rd quarter when alcohol stops.  Please take a look at the schedule.  There are some weekday games and weekend games, so there is something for everyone.  When we get closer to the event, Danah will update the "Extra" signups so you know what kind of stand and hopefully the location before you go.  She has been working very closely with them to make sure we have our stands, and if you have any medical issues that require you to bring a lunch bag or need handicap parking (Non Bucs Games, that do not provide buses) please contact her to get this set up either via email at or text to 727-475-0427 or send a message via FB Messenger as soon as you sign up for the event.

Please click on BEER to sign up to work the concession stands

The Amphitheater (The Amp) - We only have one more event left, the George Lopez show on Saturday, November 17th. This is a super easy venue to work, either with frozen drinks, or we could work Tito's Lemonade, Wine stand or a beer wall. Please take a look, we need to fill up a lot of slots.

This is probably the easiest - quick set up and clean up.  Please click on The AMP to sign up for this location

If you plan on working Raymond James stadium for the Bucs, USF, Monster Truck or concerts, or the Event at the Amp, you must have TEAM Alcohol training.

Contact Danah V. for training information at

We are back selling tickets to the Bucs games again this year.  We have 4 different games that are on our flyers. Games available on the flyer are 11/11 - Washington Redskins, 11/25 San Francisco 49ers and 12/30 - Atlanta Falcons

Other games will be available to sell too, please let Danah know which game you would like to sell.  She will make sure that your kiddo will get the credit for the ticket

$5 per ticket goes back to benefit our school

For questions or to purchase your tickets, please go to

You can also contact our associate Francis Spencer at 813-870-2700 ext. 2509

Please use the PNG images provided to share on social media and to print out the PDF files to share with family and friends.

Yankee Candle Sales have now started. This is a 40% profit for your Individual Fair Share. A lot of packets were passed out to the students last night after practice. If your student did not come home with a packet, you can pick up your fundraising packet in the band room.

*Please Note: You must collect the 7% tax on all orders* 

All forms and envelopes must be filled out completely. The Red boxes up top (Student's first and last name) must be filled out. Envelopes must have student’s (seller) first and last name, and also include their phone number and email address.

You can also shop online at

Group Number: 990004522
Sale Ends: January 10, 2019 

We have a few open spots remaining on the chaperone and prop/pit team for the remaining events through the end of marching season. These events include:

·         1 home football game – Senior Night/Middle School Band Night on 11/2

·         Competitions – Eastlake Classic on 10/27, FBA Marching MPA at Dunedin on 11/3 and FMBC State Championship on 11/17

Level 2 status is required for all Chaperones; Prop/Pit team requires only Volunteer Registration Form on file. Both require ability to perform physical tasks such as pushing/pulling equipment and spending extended time on your feet.

We need volunteers to help with the following water duty/rehearsal chaperone shifts this week. It’s still quite hot outside, and we still have several kids who need extra help to tolerate it. We need to fill these shifts to help support the kid and instructors.  Please, please, PLEASE sign up and help us help them. 

Many times, our parents who regularly chaperone football games and competition trips fill these spots.  While we do appreciate all they do for the program, we need help from other volunteers so that our this team doesn’t get run down and burnt out during this extremely busy time. 

**Level 2 is NOT required for this. 

·         Tuesday, 10/30

o   5-7pm:  2 people

o   7-8:30pm:  3 people (currently have no one signed up for this shift)

·         Thursday, 11/1

o   5-7pm:  2 people

o   7-9pm:  2 people

·         Tuesday, 11/6

o   5-7pm:  2 people

o   7-8:30pm:  3 people (currently have no one signed up for this shift)

·         Thursday, 11/8

o   5-7pm:  2 people

o   7-9pm:  2 people

Contact Kendra Ford - or 727-798-8654 with questions.

The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is November 20th. Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school. If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!

Seminole Band Jackets are now available to order for students and parents.  The cost of the jacket can vary depending on what is ordered, but the basic jacket with the logo on the back and a first name on the front is $44.  Adding a last name is +$4 and adding an instrument is +$4 (additional charge for plus sizes).  A sample photo of the jacket and the pricing information is included on the attached form. 

Band Hats are now available to order for students and parents.  The cost of each cap or visor is $11.  A sample photo of the cap and visor is included on the attached form.  

Please see the attached order forms for all the price and sizing information. We will place a third order before the Holidays if there is interest (date will be set later).  We can order jackets/hats throughout the year, so there will be more opportunities for ordering if you do not place now.  The orders will take approximately 2-3 weeks for delivery.  

Please place all orders and money in a marked envelope in the Blue box.  Checks are payable to SHSBB and one check for entire order is acceptable.  Payment due at time of order.  Please contact Kathy Hollaway at with any questions.  Thanks!

Jackets and hats are NOT MANDATORY.  

The forms are on the website link below, under Misc. forms.

We desperately need parents to sign up to help work the concession stands at our home games this football season. We only have 1 game left. We also need 7 volunteers (5 staff, 2 grillers) for the last football game on Friday 11/2. This is Senior Night, so many of our parents that normally volunteer are unable to do so. This is one of our busiest nights and potentially one of the best for fundraising!

This is a fun way to help the general fund! The concession operations are an important general fund money maker for the band, historically raising $10,000 for our band kids each season! Please consider joining us for one game or all games!  We work hard, but it is ALWAYS FUN!  We would love to have you! Signup using this link:

You will find an itinerary attached, and some details below. If you have any questions regarding this trip, please direct them to Heather Davis at They will need to bring money for concessions.

3:15pm Truck Load: QM’s and Prop Students report to begin loading prop.

4:00pm All Students Report Time: Load instruments to semi. Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales. Brass shine instruments.

12:45am Dismissal: Students will only be dismissed after the equipment is unloaded. Arrival time to SHS is expected to be at 12:15am. Uniform room not unlocked until Semi-Trailer is unloaded.

We desperately need parents to sign up to help work the concession stands at our home games this football season. We only have 1 game left. We also need 9 volunteers for the last football game on Friday 11/2. This is a fun way to help the general fund! The concession operations are an important general fund money maker for the band, historically raising $10,000 for our band kids each season! Please consider joining us for one game or all games!  We work hard, but it is ALWAYS FUN!  We would love to have you! Signup using this link:
