The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is October 16th. Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school. If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!
FMBC (Florida Marching Band Championships) is November 17th! Pre-order your discounted FMBC combo ticket now! If you wait to purchase tickets at the gate, you pay $4 more.
Combo tickets are $35-the combo ticket gets you into the semi-final performance and into the finals. This year the semi-finals and finals are both in the same location, at Tropicana Field. You must have a combo ticket to attend both.
Tickets are non-refundable.
Deadline to order is October 13-that's next Saturday! Order form and payment must be turned in by this date, no exceptions. You can drop in the blue box or deliver to Trina Weatherly after practice on Tuesday or Thursday night.
Tickets will be mailed to us at school and distributed prior to the event.
***You will see on the order form that you have an option to pre-order t-shirts at a discount, as well as discounted tickets for Busch Gardens and Universal. You may order these items but they will not be delivered to us at school-they will be picked up at the Trop on Nov 17th and then will be distributed at school the next week.***
Contact Trina Weatherly: or phone 1-336-263-0658
**1st order due Wednesday October 10th**
Seminole Band Jackets are now available to order for students and parents. The cost of the jacket can vary depending on what is ordered, but the basic jacket with the logo on the back and a first name on the front is $44. Adding a last name is +$4 and adding an instrument is +$4 (additional charge for plus sizes). A sample photo of the jacket and the pricing information is included on the attached form.
Band Hats are now available to order for students and parents. The cost of each cap or visor is $11. A sample photo of the cap and visor is included on the attached form.
Please see the attached order forms for all the price and sizing information. The initial order forms are due Wednesday, October 10th. Forms for the second order will be due Friday, October 26th (they should be here in time for FMBC). We will place a third order before the Holidays if there is interest (date will be set later). We can order jackets/hats throughout the year, so there will be more opportunities for ordering if you do not place now. The orders will take approximately 2-3 weeks for delivery.
Please place all orders and money in a marked envelope in the Blue box. Checks are payable to SHSBB and one check for entire order is acceptable. Payment due at time of order. Please contact Kathy Hollaway at with any questions. Thanks!
Jackets and hats are NOT MANDATORY.
The forms are on the website link below, under Misc. forms.
We desperately need parents to sign up to help work the concession stands at our home games this football season. This is a fun way to help out the general fund! The concession operations are an important general fund money maker for the band, historically raising $10,000 for our band kids each season! Please consider joining us for one game or all games! We work hard, but it is ALWAYS FUN! We would love to have you! For all other game, signup using this link:
If you have not made your contributions, please do so as soon as possible. Fair share for July, August, and September is now overdue. You can use Paypal or Credit Card by clicking on the “pay fair share” button on the band’s web page,, or you can drop a check in the bluebox inside the band room.
Time change for Saturday morning rehearsal:
Saturday's practice will move from 9a-12p to 8:30a-11:30a to facilitate section lunches and SMS/Little Hawk performances.
If you have not made your contribution, please do so as soon as possible. Fair share for July and August is now past due. You can use Paypal or Credit Card by clicking on the “pay fair share” button on the band’s web page,, or you can drop a check in the blue box inside the band room.
Also, I've updated and removed a few of the board positions on the list that were not correct. This is the list that should be included at the bottom of the email.
Seminole Band Jackets are now available to order for students and parents. The cost of the jacket can vary depending on what is ordered, but the basic jacket with the logo on the back and a first name on the front is $44. Adding a last name is +$4 and adding an instrument is +$4 (Additional charge for plus sizes). A sample photo of the jacket and the pricing information is included on the attached form.
Band Hats are now available to order for students and parents. The cost of each cap or visor is $11. A sample photo of the cap and visor is included on the attached form.
Please see the attached order forms for all the price and sizing information. The initial order forms are due Wednesday, October 10th. Forms for the second order will be due Friday, October 26th (they should be here in time for FMBC). We will place a third order before the Holidays if there is interest (date will be set later). We are able to order jackets/hats throughout the year, so there will be more opportunities for ordering if you do not place now. The orders will take approximately 2-3 weeks for delivery.
Please place all orders and money in a marked envelope in the Blue box. Checks are payable to SHSBB and one check for entire order is acceptable. Payment due at time of order. Please contact Kathy Hollaway at with any questions. Thanks!
Jackets and hats are NOT MANDATORY.
The forms are on the website link below, under Misc. forms.
Please see the minutes from the last meeting in the attachment. The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is October 16th. Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school. If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!
As competition season kicks off this month, we need volunteers to continue to help with water duty/rehearsal chaperone shifts. It’s still quite hot outside, and we still have several kids who need extra help to tolerate it. Often there are more kids who need extra care than we have volunteers available to help them. We need to fill these shifts in order to help support the kids and instructors. Please, please, PLEASE sign up and help us help them.
Most shifts will be Tuesday 5-7pm or 7-8:30pm, Thursday 5-7pm or 7-9pm, and a few Saturdays 8:30-10:30am or 10:30-12:30pm. There is at least one Thursday that has earlier times of 2-4pm & 4-6pm due to JV football at home that evening.
Contact Kendra Ford with any questions at 727-798-8654 or