Make sure you’re student has returned the signed permission slip for the Tarpon Springs Outdoor Music Festival at Tarpon Springs HS on October 20th.
We need parents to sign up to help work the concession stands at our TWO home games this Thursday and Friday. This is a fun way to help out the general fund! The concession operations are an important general fund money maker for the band, historically raising $10,000 for our band kids each season! Please consider joining us for one game or all games! We work hard, but it is ALWAYS FUN! We would love to have you! For all other game, signup using this link:
Good Afternoon Parents,
The bus sign ups for the Band will be this Thursday 8/30 at the end of practice. Sarah has the master sign up sheets and will coordinate with the leaders to get this done. Please make sure your student signs up before leaving. Thank you,
We will have our first spirit night coming up on Wednesday 9/5/18! This is a general fundraiser for the marching band program. Please see the attached files to share via social media and to print and share.
In queso didn't know - When you see a pic (.jpg file) on the booster page, you can just right click on the pic and (copy) and then paste to your wall. No need to save to your computer. Because the booster page is a private page, you may not be able to share to your wall correctly, and not everybody will see it. Here is a link for more graphics to share on Instagram:
How to share to Instagram: what Danah did was copy and pasted to her messenger to herself, from the computer. Then went to messenger on her phone and saved pics to her phone gallery and then posted to Instagram - from there had it share to Facebook and Twitter.
Fundraiser Portal this page has the graphics to download and easy social media sharing - below is what the page will look like
Not on the booster page? Just click on Booster Page and request to join!
Please invite all of your friends and family to have dinner at Chipotle Mexican Grill inside the new Seminole Mall to help support the Seminole Warhawk Marching Band!
Info to share with your pic:
• Come dine with the Seminole Warhawk Marching Band
• Date: 9/5/2018
• Time: 5:00pm-9:00pm
• Where: 11241 Park Blvd., Seminole, FL 33772
We need help this Friday at the Amphitheater and also have several events with nobody signed up to work. Please take some time and look over the available concerts. Please sign up quickly, as we need to send the volunteer information to the Amp asap. Please let Tim Litteral know if you have any questions.
Signup for Concerts at the Amphitheater:
We need 9 people and 1 lead for each event - if you are signed up for the Alternate - you may still be able to work.
Thank you to all the parents that helped out last Friday and much appreciation for getting through the rain with flying colors!! We actually made close to $800 and for a game that didn’t happen, which is great vs. taking a loss!!! We need a few more parents to sign up to help work the concession stands at our JV home game this Thursday 8/30. Please consider joining us for one game or all games! We work hard, but it is ALWAYS FUN! We would love to have you! For all other game, signup using this link:
WE NEED YOUR HELP! We need parents to sign up to help work the concession stands at our home game this Friday 8/24. We need 20 parents, but we only have 7 signed up so far! This is a fun way to help out the general fund!
The concession operations are an important general fund money maker for the band, historically raising $10,000 for our band kids each season! Please consider joining us for one game or all games! We work hard, but it is ALWAYS FUN! We would love to have you! For all other game, signup using this link:
Saturday, September 1st is not just an ordinary 9-9 practice. It's our annual REHEARSE-A-THON! Families are encouraged to use the attached form to help raise funds toward their individual ledgers. Friends and family can donate a flat fee, or a pledge per hour - and monies can be collected either before or after the Rehearse-a-thon. All checks should be made out to SHSBB, please! Payments should be placed in the Blue Box in an envelope marked REHEARSE-A-THON and your student's name. It's a fun and easy way to fundraise!
The SHS open house will be Wednesday, August 29th from 6-8:15pm. Please join us!
The kids have a rehearsal on Saturday, Sept. 1st from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Dinner will be a potluck provided by each and every family in the Warhawk Band and Guard! Dinner will be from 5-6 p.m. Setup will be at 4 p.m. Food donations need to be delivered between 4-4:30 p.m.
Provide whatever you like! Bring a secret family recipe with enough to feed your family plus a few more! 10 servings is a good starting place! Ideas of things to bring: Fruit or veggie trays, Salads, Vegetables or other side items, Main Courses, Casseroles, Pasta Dishes, Desserts... If you don't like to cook, bring something premade from the store (Sandwich rings, fried chicken, etc) The options are endless! This should be a fun way for the kids to enjoy a meal with an unlimited amount of family and friends, and then for the family and friends to enjoy the run-through of the kids' show! Signup using this link:
**Remember, you would need to feed your student dinner, regardless - this is meant to be a fun social opportunity for our families to relax and enjoy each other’s' company while also feeding your student! Bring a chair and enjoy! **
We need every family to participate - if you cannot come, you still need to send a dish as your student will be eating this as their dinner meal. If you would like to contribute more than one item, that is fantastic; sign up as much as you'd like. If you want to bring something and the signup slot is filled, that is okay - bring it anyway! Your kids will be thankful for the variety in this fun-filled-family-style-feast!
Please be sure to send any necessary serving utensils and pick up your dishes after cleanup!
Questions? Contact Kimberly Bennett at