
Danah is always looking for help, no matter how big or how small - every little bit is appreciated:

Please click HERE to join the committee.  You can also sign up for an area that you know for sure you can help out with.  If you have signed up with the original signup - your name has now been moved over.


More fundraisers starting now or soon

* Mixed bags will be starting soon on 9/28. Catalogs will be on the way soon.  They have added some exciting new products to this year’s catalogs. More details coming soon

* Bucs tickets (starting now) we are back selling tickets to the Bucs games again this year.  Except now we have 4 different games that are on our flyers. Your students should be getting them soon.  Games available on the flyer are 10/21 - Cleveland Browns, 11/11 - Washington Redskins, 11/25 San Francisco 49ers and 12/30 - Atlanta Falcons

Other games will be available to sell too, please let Danah know which game you would like to sell.  She will make sure that your kiddo will get the credit for the ticket

$5 per ticket goes back to benefit our school

For questions or to purchase your tickets, please go to

You can also contact our associate  Francis Spencer at 813-870-2700 ext 2509

Please use the PNG images provided to share on social media and to print out the PDF files to share with family and friends


The Chipotle Spirit Night is this week 9/5/18 Wednesday 5-9 pm.

Please repeat the info on Chipotle Mexican grill, include the single pic to post on social media, and the double PDF to print and hand out. See the files attached.


Students who participate in Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Studies, and the Percussion Ensemble have a “concert black” dress requirement.  Male students wear tuxedoes, and female students wear long black dresses.  Returning students can wear their attire from last year, as long it still fits well, since no changes have been made to the formal wear requirements.  New students will need to purchase their concert blacks.  Arrangements have been made to order as a group to minimize price and shipping costs.  See attachments for ordering.

Male Students:  Tux fittings will be done by Tronn Goehring (representing The Memory Maker) in the uniform room during the school day on Wednesday, September 26th.  This is the only day for fittings, so please ensure that your student is in attendance at least long enough to be measured during his band class.  The price for a full tuxedo is $165.  Individual pieces will also be available for purchase, and the prices for these items are on the attached order form.  Order forms and payment are due on Friday, September 21st.  Tuxedos should arrive & be distributed to students by the end of November.  Please have students try on the tuxedos right away in case further alterations are needed.  Boys will also be required to provide black dress shoes of their own choosing.

Female StudentsDress orders & payment are due Friday, September 21st.  An order form, including a photo of the dress and a sizing chart, are provided on the following pages.  The price will be $64 (the same as last year).  The dresses should arrive & be distributed to the students by the end of November.  The length will require alteration as they are all shipped with extra length to accommodate all girls’ heights. Alterations must be done in a timely manner since the Winter Concert is on December 13th.  Girls are required to provide black dress shoes of their own choosing.

Please contact Beckie Biglin at or via text at 727-612-9965 if you have any questions or concerns.


Uniform contracts are past due. If you have not turned in your signed contract or paid, please do so ASAP.  If you are unable to pay at this time, please contact Gerard as to make other arrangements.  This is for Band students and Guard students.  All other payments for miscellaneous items are do as well such as shoes, guard practice flags, guard gloves, etc.  If you are unsure if you have paid or not, please contact Beckie Biglin at or via text at 727-612-9965.


 separate email is going out with critical information.  Please look for this email.


Snapraise is off and running! This is the LAST DAY and we are $260 away from our $10,000 goal!

  1. We need everyone to share their student's Snapraise profile to their personal Facebook pages. It's the fastest way to give it exposure. Please share now, and often until the campaign is over on September 4!
  2. If your student has not yet created a profile, please have them do so right away! The Drum Majors will be helping them to register and enter their 20 email addresses. 
  3. If your student has entered less than 20 emails, please add more to their profile! It's a proven statistic that most people donate in response to the first email that they get, so we need those new people in order to keep our total raised moving forward! 

It's essential for us to raise a minimum of $10,000 - this amount was already budgeted in as income and everyone's Fair Share was lowered in anticipation of this being a success. So far, so good - let's keep it going!! WE CAN DO IT!! 


Seminole Sound Shirts are now available to pre-order.  Cost is $12 for S-XL and $14 for 2XL-3XL.  Pre-ordered shirts will be $3 less than on the day of Seminole Sound.  We highly encourage you to preorder to ensure your size is available.  All shirts must be paid for – students DO NOT receive a free shirt. 

Show Host Shirts – If you are volunteering for Seminole Sound and are working in Parking, Crowd Control, or Staging, you MUST wear the Orange Show Host shirt in order to distinguish you from other guests on Sound Day.  You may also wear this shirt for any of the other volunteer positions. The cost is $7.

All volunteers for Seminole Sound must wear either the Show Host shirt, Green Polos or the Seminole Sound Shirt!  Shorts are permitted in modesty.

Tour Shirts depict this year’s show logo, with our 2018 competition schedule on the back.  STUDENTS RECEIVE ONE SHIRT AT NO COST.    Parents are encouraged to purchase one as well.  Please order now, as there will not be an opportunity to purchase shirts after the preorder ends.  No extras will be ordered for later sale.  Cost is $12 for S-XL and $14 for 2XL-3XL.

Please see the attached order forms for all the price and sizing information.  Both shirts will be printed on a black shirt.  The orders are due Friday, September 14th.  Please place all orders and money in an marked envelope in the Blue box.  Checks are payable to SHSBB and one check for all shirts is acceptable.  Please contact Kathy Hollaway at with any questions.  Thanks!

The forms are on the website link below, under Misc. forms.


As a reminder - this Thursday, rehearsal will be held from 2:30-6pm due to a home JV football game. We will need a couple volunteers on each shift (2-4pm & 4-6pm) to help with this date. There are also 2 9am-9pm Saturdays at the end of the month as we near competition time.

Please sign up!

Contact Kendra Ford with any questions. (727-798-8654 or


The minutes from the most recent Booster Meeting are available on FB or in the Weekly Band Email. The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is September 18th. Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school. If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!

