
Students should report to school dressed in a plain white t-shirt, black shorts, black tall socks, and their marching shoes. This will all be worn underneath their uniforms. For black shorts no cargo or Jean material. Please wear Spandex or basketball type shorts. Students that need gloves (all except percussion) need to bring $7 in cash or check, made out to SHSBB. Gloves are required and cannot be distributed without payment.  No hair is permitted to show below shako. Please put in bun on top of head. No jewelry (earrings, nose rings, etc.) or nail polish permitted. All students need to bring $8 - $10 in cash for concessions. We will eat at half-time, right after the homecoming court. No condiments or colored drinks are permitted while in uniform.


3:00 pm                Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales. 

3:30 pm               SECTION PHOTOS BEGIN

                                3:30pm – Quartermasters

                                3:40pm – Drum Majors

                                3:50pm – Percussion (Battery & Pit)

                                4:00pm – Flutes

                                4:10pm – Clarinets

                                4:20pm – Saxophones

                                4:30pm – Trumpets

                                4:40pm – Mellophones

                                4:50pm – Baritones

                                5:00pm – Tubas

                                5:10pm – Color Guard

                                5:20pm – Seniors

                                5:30pm – Leadership

                                5:40pm – Officers           

6:00 pm                Uniform Inspection

7:00 pm                Walk to Stadium

7:10 pm                Pre-Game Performance

7:30 pm                Kick off; football game begins

8:30 pm                Approximate:  Half time – watch Homecoming Court and then go to concession stand for food and social time. Bring $5-10 for dinner!

9:00 pm                Approximate:  Back to stands for stand tunes.

9:30 pm               Approximate: Band to end zone for warm up

10:00 pm             Approximate: end of game.  Watch Dunedin performance, then SHS performance.

11:15 pm             Students are dismissed only when uniforms are properly hung, instruments/equipment are put away, and facilities are cleaned of trash. 




Please see attached the order form to purchase a Forbidden Tour shirt.  Shirts for students are included in their fair share.  Many parents also like to wear a tour shirt when they attend games or performances.  Please note that Sept 13th is the last day to order the shirt.  Please attach the form and check payable to SHSBB in the blue box prior to Sept 13th.


Good morning Warhawk Band parents! We are still in SERIOUS need of volunteers for our Homecoming game this week!  These profits “only” go to the general fund HOWEVER it still benefits each and every kid AND our travel plans.

We would love to see some new (and old) faces! Please consider signing up to help! or email


Orders for Cheesecake sales have been extended in order to obtain additional sales.  The final date has not been determined yet, so please continue to take orders. As soon as a new date is determined, we will let you know.  If you need a catalog, please contact a captain, Emily Simpson or Mr. Madrinan.

If you have other questions, please feel free to contact Emily Simpson at or 502-378-2102.


WE NEED MORE HELP.  Water Duty is one of the most important things we do! All our kids need your support. We need more current parents responding to the Sign-Up Genius. If you don’t want to sign up on Sign up Genius, please feel free to contact Juliette and she can do for you.  We also need donation of frozen grapes, pineapple and watermelon especially for Saturday rehearsals.

Both September and October sign-ups are below.

If you need help with the signup genius, please do not hesitate to contact Juliette Intravichit at (727) 422-9067.



We are in immediate need of more trophy sponsors for the show.  If you own your own business or friends with a business owner and would like to sponsor the show, please contact Scott or Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102.  This will be a very profitable fundraiser for the band, but only if our parents help obtain sponsors. 


SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, October 5TH!

The 43rd Annual Seminole Sound Spectacular is scheduled for Saturday October 5th, 2019. Marching Bands from all over the state will attend our event. We will need everyone’s help to make this the successful as it has been in the past.  Please plan now so you can be scheduled off work or if you need someone to help watch your children.  This event cannot happen without everyone’s help!  Friends & family are welcome to volunteer too.  Here is the link for the volunteer signup.  Shifts are broken up into 2 different shifts, but we ask that everyone sign up for 2 if able.


Your family & friends can purchase a season ticket now that will include admission to Sound.  This is an event they will not want to miss!  Contact Emily Simpson to purchase tickets. 502-378-2102. 


Sitting is limited during this event and we ask that our parents not sit in the stands to watch the performance.  The students will be performing the night before at the football game. Please come and watch them perform then.  During Seminole Sound, we need your help by volunteering.


Golf Carts

If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a golf cart that we could borrow on Saturday, October 5th, you would make our work so much easier.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 golf carts to setup, run the event, and take down in the evening.  Please let Beckie Biglin know if you can help at



If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a flatbed trailer with side railings and a ramp, please let us know.  We use these to transport band equipment during the performance from the practice site at Bauder Elementary to Seminole High School student parking entrance.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 trailers.  We will also need drivers to pull the trailers.  If this is something you would be able to help with, please let Beckie Biglin know at


Please see below the signup for chaperones & Pit Crew. All marching season dates have been added to the link.  If you have any questions concerning Chaperones, please contact Kendra Ford at or call/text 727-798-8654.


Mr. Madrinan is requesting that Alumni students and parents please to donate back to the band their orange Show Host Shirts and/or Green Polio’s. 


1st Annual Seminole Shine – See registration form & flyer under FORMS

Car, Truck, Bike Show 2019

Sunday October 20, 2019

Free Spectator admission and Vehicle registration only $15.  If you would like to setup a booth and a vehicle $35.

Food Trucks, 50/50, lots of great vehicles to look at and just plain good family fun.

Seminole Shine is fast approaching. If you would like to join the Car Show, please contact Scott or Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102.

Vehicle registration and flyers are attached to this e-mail.

Anyone can print out these flyers and hand them out or hang them up! Just try to keep them in color and please do not alter them. You can post them on any auto club sites or forum's you may be a part of. All types of cars, trucks, motorcycles, jeeps, vans, ect. are welcome! And we are looking for auto & motorcycle related vendors. Together, we can make this an amazing show!

Any questions please contact Emily Simpson or 502-378-2102

