
Sept 02-05     RSVP for Family Potluck Dinner- VIA Signup Genius 

Sept 07           Last Day for Seminole Sound Advertising

Sept 07           Rehearsathon and Friends & Family Potluck dinner 5pm

Sept 10           Cheesecake Orders due

Sept 13           SHS vs. Dunedin - home game

Sept 13           Last day to turn in Show Shirt Order Form

Sept 14           Allstate Auditions

Sept 15           September Fair Share Donations due

Sept 17           Booster meeting 7pm

Sept 18           4A Inductions

Sept 21           Rehearsal 9am – 9pm

Sept 27           SHS vs. Osceola – home game

Oct 05             Seminole Sound

Oct 07             Approximate delivery date of Cheesecake-stay tuned

Oct 20             Seminole Shine Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show


Please see UNDER FORMS the order form to purchase a Forbidden Tour shirt.  Shirts for students are included in their fair share.  Many parents also like to wear a tour shirt when they attend games or performances.  Please note that Sept 13th is the last day to order the shirt.  Please attach the form and check payable to SHSBB in the blue box prior to Sept 13th.


WE NEED MORE HELP.  Water Duty is one of the most important things we do! All our kids need your support. We need more current parents responding to the Sign-Up Genius, so we limit panicked last-minute plea for help. If you don’t want to sign up on Sign up Genius, please feel free to contact Juliette and she can do for you.  We also need donation of pineapple and watermelon especially for Saturday rehearsals.

Both September and October sign-ups are below.

If you need help with the signup genius, please do not hesitate to contact Juliette Intravichit at (727) 422-9067.


Thank you to everyone who has volunteered but we are still in need for next week’s game Sept 12th & Sept 13th.  The game on Friday Sept 13th is especially important since it is SHS Homecoming.

Reminder that “All” proceeds benefit the Warhawk Marching Band.  This is an important fundraiser and a great opportunity to meet fellow parents! Everyone is welcome to join us! We look forward to seeing you at the game.  If you would like to volunteer, please sign up at or email


The kids have a rehearsal on Saturday, Sept. 7th from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Dinner will be a potluck provided by every family in the Warhawk Band and Guard! Dinner will be from 5-6 p.m. Setup will be at 4 p.m. Food donations need to be delivered between 4-4:30 p.m. 

We need every family to participate - Please bring enough to feed your family plus a few more! 10 servings are a good starting place! If you cannot come, you still need to send a dish as your student will be eating this as their dinner meal. The kids will enjoy a meal with an unlimited amount of family and friends, and then for the family and friends to enjoy the run-through of the kids' show! 


Please sign up and RSVP for the Potluck!

Also, Stephanie Hubbard, is looking for volunteers to be co-organizers with her! Please comment below or contact her if you can help.

Please be sure to send any necessary serving utensils and pick up your dishes after cleanup! 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please DO NOT include your student(s) in your RSVP count below. It will be assumed that all students will eat.



We are in immediate need of more trophy sponsors for the show.  If you own your own business or friends with a business owner and would like to sponsor the show, please contact Scott or Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102.  This will be a very profitable fundraiser for the band, but only if our parents help obtain sponsors. 


Cheesecake 101

Here is a basic run down of the kids Cheesecake Fundraiser

ALL orders & Money due SEPT 10TH!
Delivery the week of Oct. 7th. Day TBD
Student must create an account.

Most have done this in class, however if they have not instructions are attached to the weekly newsletter.  
All orders are to be entered DAILY.
If you need a catalog, please contact a captain, Emily Simpson or Mr. Madrinan.
If you have other questions, please feel free to contact Emily Simpson at or 502-378-2102.


Rehearsathon is a 9am-9pm rehearsal - with a twist. Students are encouraged to solicit pledges from family and friends. They can be a flat donation, or a per hour pledge. Money can be collected before or after the event, which will take place on Saturday, September 7th.  Please see attached under forms the pledge form. Pledges will be applied to your fair share.

Don’t forget to RSVP for the Potluck Dinner this same day!


Mr. Madrinan is requesting that Alumni students and parents please to donate back to the band their orange Show Host Shirts and/or Green Polio’s. 


1st Annual Seminole Shine – See registration form & flyer UNDER FORMS.

Car, Truck, Bike Show 2019

Sunday October 20, 2019

Free Spectator admission and Vehicle registration only $15.  If you would like to setup a booth and a vehicle $35.

Food Trucks, 50/50, lots of great vehicles to look at and just plain good family fun.

Seminole Shine is fast approaching. If you would like to join the Car Show, please contact Scott or Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102.

Vehicle registration can be found under forms.

Anyone can print out these flyers and hand them out or hang them up! Just try to keep them in color and please do not alter them. You can post them on any auto club sites or forum's you may be a part of. All types of cars, trucks, motorcycles, jeeps, vans, ect. are welcome! And we are looking for auto & motorcycle related vendors. Together, we can make this an amazing show!

Any questions please contact Emily Simpson or 502-378-2102


Buc's Game Day Sign Up Genius

Spots are really filling up quickly, so if you are TEAM trained, please sign up ASAP.

NOTICE:   When working at a venue (ie Raymond James, Al Lang, etc.), it is YOUR responsibility to provide proof that you worked the actual event you signed up for.  Take a picture of your sign-in sheet and forward it to the AR Treasurer.  These sheets are not provided by the venue when they send payment!

If you do not provide documentation, then your child’s individual ledger WILL NOT be credited, and the money will go into the general band fund. Orientation is for everyone. TEAM is only every 3 yrs.

Orientation is approximately 3 hours long and TEAM Training is approximately 2 hours long.

Please note, it does say that more dates will be added and that your T.E.A.M. training. If you are unsure of your status, contact Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102. She can find out for you. 


Please click on the links below to schedule your training session.  Please note that on each day there is Orientation, a TEAM training is available afterwards.  You do not have to attend the TEAM training directly following the Orientation, but just wanted to let you know.


Tropicana Field – Tampa Bay Rays

Baseball season is here! The Trop sign up is now live. Please start signing up for your games now.­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­


Amazon Smile

Did you know that you can earn donations for The Warhawk Band just by shopping on Amazon? Yes, earn money for our band program for something that many of us already do!  Please register for Amazon Smile and use the Smile portal for your Amazon purchases. Amazon will donate a portion of all eligible purchases directly to our band program. Anyone can register, you don't have to be a band booster or affiliated with our program. Ask your friends and family to register, or if they already participate, to consider designating us as one of the non-profits they donate to. Instructions are attached. Contact Trina Weatherly if you have any questions.

Script Cards

Don’t forget about Scrips cards during this Back to School shopping season. You can earn over $50 towards fair share today just by purchasing gift cards through them for the stores where you plan on shopping.  The set-up instructions are on the Seminole Band website.  Click on the Booster tab and then click on Fundraising. You can purchase gift cards for stores, and you receive rebates.

