
Seminole Visual is back!!! It will be held in our gym on Saturday, March 16th.  Ad sales for the program are on sale now.  Once you contact a company and ask them to advertise, please email Beckie Biglin at so they can be added to the “ALREADY BEEN CONTACTED” list.

Fair Share:  50% of Business Ad’s will be put in your fair share account. 

Business Ad Cost

·           Inside Front Cover – Glossy Color: Contact Beckie for pricing & availability prior to offering

·           Inside Back Cover – Glossy Color:  Contact Beckie for pricing & availability prior to offering

·           Back Cover – Glossy Color:  Contact Beckie for pricing & availability prior to offering

·           Full Page: $200

·           Half Page: $150

·           Quarter Page: $100

·           Business Card: $50

Student Ad Cost (No Business Advertising)

·          Full Page: $50

·          Half Page: $37.50

·          Quarter Page: $25

Any questions please contact Beckie Biglin at



The Seminole High School Band Aides Boosters in coordination with the Florida Federation of Color guards will host the Annual Seminole Visual Spectacular Competition on Saturday, March 16th, at the Seminole High School gym. We will need 'all hands on deck' to make this another successful event.

Schools are still signing up for this event, so we do not have the final count attending.  Shift times & quantity needed may change as we get closer to the event.

·         All volunteers need to wear their orange "SHOW HOST" shirts or the green SHS band boosters’ polo and khaki pants or shorts. Wear comfortable shoes.

·         Volunteers are not given free admission to the show unless they have volunteered/worked for eight hours or more

·         Volunteers get a meal tickets for every 4 hours that they work:

o   1 shift = 0 meal tickets

o   2 shifts = 1 meal ticket

o   3 shifts = 2 meal tickets

o   4 shifts = 3 meal tickets

·         There are several positions for students to sign up for volunteer hours.

As of 2/4/19, there are 281 volunteer positions and only 23 are filled.  We still need a lot more help in order to make this a success.

There are several items that we need to borrow or have donated in order to make this another successful event, including meals for our judge’s hospitality room.  Please look at the list below and sign up where you are able to help.  If you are letting us borrow an item, 1st THANK YOU, 2nd please make sure it is clearly marked with your family name on it so we can make sure it is returned.  If you are donating food items, please bring in a disposable container/tray if possible.

Volunteer Signup:

Visual Donations:

Contact Beckie Biglin at with any questions.

Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Friday, March 8th at the Seminole High School gym.  We have invited other Guards and Indoor Percussion groups to the show so this could turn out to be a huge event!

We need everyone’s help to make this event successful! 

·         We need 2 people to arrive at 3 pm that begin the process of setting up the gas pot cookers and get the sauce and meatballs going. Pasta will be pre-cooked and warmed during event.

·         We need about 4 additional people to arrive at the school around 4 p.m. to help with set up.

·         The other volunteer jobs should be self-explanatory.

·         We don't want anyone to miss the show, so if we have to, we can do the cleanup and breakdown after the performances.

·         The sign up for 50/50 is a good job for someone that is good with talking to people - you will be selling the tickets and the more we sell, the more we make (and give to the winner!)

·         Students can earn volunteer hours at this event

We plan on feeding approximately 200 people this year. In the past two years, we have been able to make the Spaghetti Dinner 100% profitable by soliciting donations for the labor and food items needed to make it happen. We are fortunate enough that Kevin Green has volunteered to donate all the spaghetti sauce, noodles, meatballs, parmesan cheese & bread!  THANK YOU KEVIN GREEN!!!  There are still areas that we need donations.  Feel free to sign up for as many donations as you like! Don't forget, we need many volunteers, too - so check the other sign up genius list to put in some valued time!

Performing Student’s dinner starts at 5:00pm - cost for dinner is $8

Family & friends dinner starts at 6:00pm – cost for dinner is $12

Shows will start at 7:30pm - Door entry only for family & friends is $5

You can pay for the dinners at the door but please RSVP for the dinner below so we have an idea of how many people will be attending.  In addition, if you would please RSVP for your performing student it would help with our count.

RSVP signup:

Volunteer’s signup:

Donations signup:

Contact Beckie Biglin at with any questions.

The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is February 19th at 7pm. (Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school.) If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!

The Band Boosters currently have the position of "Contracts Officer" open due to a vacated position. This is a Board position. We need to fill the open position as quickly as possible. In accordance with our bylaws, the Board has nominated Cyndie Moore for the position of Contracts Officer. Voting for this position will take place at the next Booster Meeting, which is scheduled for February 19, 2019 at 7pm. If there is anyone else who is interested in being nominated for the position, you must notify the Executive Board in writing prior to the meeting.  Attendance of this Booster Meeting is vital. We must have at least 25 Boosters in attendance to be able to vote someone into a board position.   Please be sure to join us on 2/19/19 @ 7pm.

Grades K – 5

New member: $100 (includes t-shirt, flagpole, drinks, and snacks)

Returning members: $75 (includes t-shirt, drinks, and snacks)

Dates: 2/13, 2/20, 2/27, 3/6, 3/13

Time: 3:30pm-4:30pm

Practice Location: Seminole High School Auditorium

Performance: Seminole Visual – March 16, 2019 – time TBA

Please note that the performance is the last Saturday of Spring Break. RSVP and questions to Stephanie Madrinan at Please include: child’s name, parent’s name, grade, shirt size, and phone number. Bring payment (cash or check) on the first day. Checks payable to Seminole High School Band Boosters (SHSBB).

Our Sadie Hawkins Spring Formal is February 8, 2019 - and is right around the corner! We need set up help and chaperones for the event, which runs from 7pm to 11pm that night. Tickets are on sale and can be purchased at the Senior Window, before and after school, and during lunch, for $15. They can be purchased on-line for $20.

January 26       Applebee’s Flapjack Breakfast

February 9       Tag Day at Publix on Oakhurst

February 10     Tag Day at Lowe’s on Ulmerton Rd / Zumba Fitness Fundraiser

February 19     Board Meeting at 7pm

March 9           Pow Wow Parade

March 16         Seminole Visual

March 18         Golf Tournament

Raymond James Concessions (Individual Fair Share)

A great way to pay off your fair share! Sign up today. Plus, we have 1 more monster jam and women’s soccer coming up. Click on this link:

Sentry - Raymond James (Individual Fair Share)

Not a fan of working the concession stand - or maybe you want an opportunity to watch the event? Volunteer for Sentry.  When you sign up, if you prefer to be in the club in the air conditioning, please note that in your signup. Click on the link to sign up:

Tag Day at Publix on Oakhurst on February 9th

Tag Day at Lowe’s on Ulmerton Rd on February 10th

World's Finest Chocolate Bars are finally here! This fundraiser earns you a 50% profit per box to your individual Fair Share. They will be available for check out on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8:30 pm. If you need a day other than that, please just text Trina Weatherly (336-263-0658), and I'll be happy to accommodate.  More info coming on check out days/times during school hours-at the end of band classes.
