

This Sunday our first Fit & FUNdraiser Zumbathon

1:30pm - 2:30pm

Cost: $10 cash at the door

Located at the SHS Gym!


SAVE THE DATE - Monday, March 18, 2019.

2nd Annual Golf Tournament.  Registration open now. 

Save $10 per golfer, with our early registration special, through January 31, 2019. 

Visit the Tournament website for registration and sponsorship Info:


Students performing in the Soiree will go to Anona Church after school to start setting up. After setup and rehearsal are complete, performing students will eat dinner if payment was received for them.

Doors open at 5:30pm

Performance starts at 6:00pm

Dinner for Family & Friends start at 6:00pm

Program ends approximately 8:40pm

Please check the program when you arrive to see when your students perform.  If they perform early, please wait until after their performance to get your dinner.  Dinner will be served during the performances till everyone has been served.   No additional servings will be ordered.  Only for those that have RSVP’d and paid by Thursday, January 17th.

Performing Student cost for dinner: $8

Family & Friends dinner:  $12

Attending Performance only:  $5

Any questions please contact Trina Weatherly or Beckie Biglin

Seminole Visual is back!!! It will be held in our gym on Saturday, March 16th.  Ad sales for the program are on sale now.  Once you contact a company and ask them to advertise, please email Beckie Biglin at so they can be added to the “ALREADY BEEN CONTACTED” list.

Fair Share:  50% of Business Ad’s will be put in your fair share account. 

Business Ad Cost

·           Inside Front Cover – Glossy Color: Contact Beckie for pricing & availability prior to offering

·           Inside Back Cover – Glossy Color:  Contact Beckie for pricing & availability prior to offering

·           Back Cover – Glossy Color:  Contact Beckie for pricing & availability prior to offering

·           Full Page: $200

·           Half Page: $150

·           Quarter Page: $100

·           Business Card: $50

Student Ad Cost (No Business Advertising)

·          Full Page: $50

·          Half Page: $37.50

·          Quarter Page: $25

Any questions please contact Beckie Biglin at

This Friday, January 18th is the Seminole Band Program's annual Soiree! Held at Anona United Methodist, the Soiree is an evening of food, music, and fun that features band students performing the pieces that they will showcase at Solo & Ensemble Festival.  In addition to top notch performances, there will be a catered dinner served from Havana Harry’s.  All proceeds to benefit our own Warhawk Band Program!

Family & Friends Dinner is at 6:00pm

Performances start at 6:30pm

Family & Friends door entry & dinner - $12 per person

Performing Students dinner - $8 per student

Family & Friends door entry only - $5 per person

Please reserve your space for the Soiree at as soon as possible so we can let the catering company know how many are coming.  You do not need to add the performing student to the reservation.  But we need to know how many friends & family are attending as well as if you will be having dinner or not.

Please make check payable to SHSBB, place in an envelope and write:




(Example: $37 for 1 Student Dinner, 2 Family Dinners, 1 Door Entry)

Place envelope with a check in the blue box no later than this Thursday, January 17th.

Help is needed with setup, serving & cleanup.  Please mark down on the signup if you would be able to help out. Please bring an item to donate to the food pantry sponsored by the church, as a thank-you to them for allowing us to use their beautiful facility! Any questions please contact Beckie Biglin at

The next Booster Meeting, aka Parent Meeting, is January 22ndat 7pm. (Unless otherwise noted, the Parent Booster Meeting will always be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7pm in either the Band Room or the Chorus Room at the high school.) If you have any questions, please contact any board member at the contacts at the bottom of the email. Please attend! The band cannot be amazing without amazing parent support!

The Seminole Warhawk Winter Guard is having a flapjack fundraiser at Seminole City Center’s Applebee’s on January 26, 2019.  The color guard will be your seaters, servers and bussers.  Each ticket is $7 and it will help them get to the Winter Guard International competition in Dayton, Ohio.  See a color guard member or email Mrs. Madrinan if you would like to purchase a ticket and have your guard members serve you!  Tickets must be purchased by January 19th.

The next Spirit Night is Wednesday Jan 16th!

Where:  Miller's Ale House - in the new Seminole Mall

Time: 11:00 am - 11:00 pm


Please share RSVP link with all of your friends and family. This helps the restaurant know how to staff for our event.  Start spreading the word now.  The more friends and family show up - the larger the donation! Please RSVP yourself, too!

SIPE Families - if you were unable to make the mandatory parent meeting, please contact Trina Weatherly for forms for fair share and participation pledge, as well as permission slips, tour shirt order forms, and show calendar. Please contact Trina Weatherly with any questions, (336) 263-0658. Thank you!

Winter guard families - if you were unable to attend the mandatory meeting, please contact Cheryl Morales at for fair share information and participation pledge form.

Concert band families - if you were unable to attend the mandatory meeting, please Cheryl Morales at for fair share information and participation pledge form.


We need 2-3 more volunteers to join us for the MLK Parade on Monday, January 21st. If you have the day off and can help us, please sign up ASAP. Contact Kendra Ford with any questions at 727-798-8655 or
