
We could use 2-3 more chaperones for the Pow Wow Parade on Saturday, March 10th. Please contact Kendra Ford with any additional questions at 727-798-8654 or


Chaperones are needed for the following Concert Band events. These events are separate from WGI & SIPE events. Please read the descriptions below carefully prior to signing up - some events require drivers &/or trailer pullers.  If you have any questions about the commitment for any of the events, please contact Kendra Ford at 727-798-8654 or


Tuesday, March 13: Concert Band MPA - Palm Harbor University HS - Symphonic Band will travel by bus & Wind Ensemble will travel via private passenger vehicles. We will need Level 2 chaperones with valid driver registration on file. We will also need someone to pull the trailer (vehicle with trailer hitch required). 


Friday, March 23: State Solo & Ensemble - Lake Nona, Orlando - travel via bus 


Saturday & Sunday, May 5 & 6: Concert Band Spring Trip - Orlando - overnight, cost involved to chaperone this trip, amount TBA. We will need someone to pull the trailer (vehicle with trailer hitch required).  


State MPA - April 26, 27 or 28 (date TBD) - Vero Beach High School - travel via bus


Symphonic Band has added a rehearsal date to the calendar on March 9th from 2 – 5 p.m. This is a mandatory, graded rehearsal.


Our cookie dough fundraiser is now live! Fundraiser flyers and order forms are attached to the email and are also available in the band room. Feel free to post on your social media page! This fundraiser will run through February 19th.  If you have any questions, please contact Danah at or 727-475-0427.

It’s time to turn in orders for the mixed bag fundraiser. Forms can be turned in to the blue box in the band room until tomorrow, February 9th. Please make sure your orders are totaled and your student’s name is on the form. Online sales are still available on If you have any questions, please contact Danah at or 727-475-0427.


We have a tag day coming up on January 27th at the Largo Lowe’s.

The Mixed Bag Fundraiser sale has officially started! This is an individual fair share fundraiser, so make sure friends and family include your students name when ordering. If you have any questions, please contact Danah @

The January Booster meeting is tomorrow night, January 16th, at 7 p.m. We look forward to seeing everyone there. 


The Seminole Rotary Club has chosen our very own Marissa Stanley as the January student of the month! Congratulations, Marissa!


The three upcoming SAT dates (3/10, 5/5, and 6/2) conflict with events on the Band Calendar. We understand the importance of SAT testing, but ask that students please avoid 5/5 since this is our Concert Band trip to Orlando. Please consider 3/10 if possible, and have your student let Mr. Madrinan know which dates they will be testing so he can plan accordingly.

We still have several open spots that need to be filled for the Leadership Conference this week. Please take a look at the sign up and see where you can help.

