
The Band Booster meeting is tonight, March 20th, at 7 p.m. February meeting minutes are attached to this email. Hope to see you all there!


All Fair Share payments are now past due. Fair share payments can be made at the Booster Meeting in person, dropped in the blue box in the band room or made via paypal on the band webpage.

We have been picked to work with the new group over at Tropicana Field.  Center Plate is no longer at the Trop, it is now under LEVY so we will have to do everything all over.

1st step is to get the background checks done as quickly as possible - it takes a couple of days for the results to come back so if you plan on working a game soon - you will want to have that done right away

DocuSign - :


** Very Important **

(YES) if you are a level 2 - you still need to do the back-ground check.

2nd step - Do the Alcohol training - it is online and super easy - it will quiz you along the way and if you get it wrong it will let you know - the final test is at the end.

Levy Responsible Alcohol Service On-Line Training

RAS-  Go to:     Enter Password:  Levy

you will get a confirmation email sent to you shortly after you submit it.

Send Results to these emails: and to  so I can keep track of everyone's alcohol training.

3rd step - start signing up for games - Please do not wait till the last minute - it is very important that I send the information over to the Trop in a timely manner.

* Very Important * if you are able to work day games (during the week) please fill those spots up first and leave the weekend games to those who cannot do weekday games.

Typically, it is limited to 7 games per month per student (if you have 2 students you can work 14) - But if we are having trouble filling up spots - you may work more than the 7 games.

Sign up for the games here


Sentry -  Ushering signups are now available for Raymond James -


 Sentry - for the Rowdies Games at Al Lang Stadium (Game this Saturday)

Concessions - Raymond James

Currently 1 event - but will be updated soon

first concert coming up is Kenny Chesney


Fundraisers - Selling - goes towards your individual fair share


Chocolate money is now due - for the first batch of chocolates that have been signed out - please start turning in your money if you have not already done so

More chocolate is on the way - for those who requested more - please make sure all monies have been turned in from the previous order if you still need to turn in that money


Butter Braids - The most delicious sweetness will be on its way soon - the sales will start April 2nd and should be delivered in time for Mother's Day.


More fundraisers in the works and will be announced soon!

Concert Band MPATuesday, March 13, 2018Symphonic Band12:45pm: report to band room. SB Students should proceed to band room immediately after 6thperiod. They will be excused from 7th period. Load equipment.1:00pm: Load bus, take attendance.1:30pm: buses depart SHS2:30pm arrive Palm Harbor University HS3:00pm warm up3:30pm SB performance4:00pm SB sight reading4:30pm SB SR complete; load equipment and buses; attendance taken5:00pm SB departs PHUHS6:00pm SB arrive SHS, unload equipment6:30pm SB dismissedWind Ensemble5:00pm Report time WE; prepare all equipment. DO NOT FORGET ANYTHING.5:30pm Load cars.6:00pm WE depart SHS7:00pm WE cars arrive PHUHS; unload and prep equipment.7:30pm WE warm up8:00pm WE performs8:30pm WE Sight reading9:00pm WE Done and pack9:15pm WE depart PHUHS10:00pm WE arrive SHS, unload10:15pm WE dismissed.

As part of our school’s accreditation, we are conducting a Parent Survey. Your feedback to this survey provides guidance for our school’s improvement and helps us identify our best practices. Your participation is very important for the results of this survey to be meaningful. We value your opinion and ask that you take the time to complete this survey. Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciated. Please follow the link below to complete the survey by March 12, 2018.

Link -


The Warhawk Band Inaugural Golf Tournament will be held on the morning of Monday, April 23, at the Bayou Club.

This event will replace the revenue lost due to the loss of the Winter Guard/Indoor Percussion Visual Show.

We want this to be a premier experience that the community wants to support, and that golfers want to return to, year after year.  In order to be successful, we anticipate needing 24 volunteers, on the day of the event, to help things run smoothly.

We also need donations for the Silent Auction.  Please use the link below, to sign up as a volunteer or an item donor. For any questions, please contact Tim Hollaway:  727-480-4512 or Thanks for your help and support!    

Band families, it's that time of year - parent survey time! This is incredibly important to our school, and our booster families always step up to make sure we meet the quota of responses needed. Please take a minute and complete this to let the county know we want our voices heard!

It's time for our spaghetti dinner, our fundraiser for the winter bands! Both the Seminole Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion Ensemble will be performing along with the Seminole Middle School beginning at 7:15 p.m. There will also be a silent auction with the winners being announced at the end of the performances!

Please see the link below and sign-up to help! We want everyone to see the performances, so we will be cleaning up after the program ends.

Look for pre-order forms to order your spaghetii dinner ahead of time to come out in the next email update.

For SILENT AUCTION ITEMS: Please email Kim Bernstein @ to let her know what items you have procured. She will need to know the items value for the bidding. ITEMS can be dropped off at the school until March 14th, to give us time to get the bid sheets ready.



Our Annual Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Friday, March 16th this year.

Spaghetti Dinner is a fundraiser that benefits Winter Guard and Indoor Percussion. It is expected that these two groups would provide the food and monetary donations to roll out the dinner, however donations are accepted from anyone who can.  The entire band family and friends are encouraged to attend the Spaghetti Dinner and enjoy the show, which previews what both of these programs have been working tirelessly towards.

We plan on feeding approximately 200+ people this year. In the past 3-4 years, we have been able to make the Spaghetti Dinner 100% profitable by soliciting donations for the labor and food items needed to make it happen. Feel free to sign up for as many donations as you like! Don't forget, we need volunteers, too - so check the other sign up genius list to put in some valued time!

For this sign up, you are either donating MONEY to purchase the needed items listed OR THE ACTUAL ITEM. All money and items are due by Monday, March 12th. If you are donating the money for the item, place the proper amount in CASH in an envelope labeled "Spaghetti Dinner Donations" and put it in the Blue Box. If you are donating the actual item, place it in the Booster Room no later than Wednesday, March 14th.

We are excited to announce Seminole Warhawk Band 1st Annual Charity Golf Event! The Tradition of Excellence continues year after year because of the support from our fantastic Alumni, Families, and Community. This year, the golf tournament is intended to replace income we usually receive from Seminole Visual, with the goal to grow the event year after year.

Even if you don’t golf, there are several ways to enjoy this event and support your Seminole Warhawk Band! Please see the attached flyer, and visit the website, for information on hole sponsorships, raffle prizes and basket donations, or consider a Title Sponsorship to show your support year round.

Please share with friends, colleagues, and local business owners to help make our first event a success so we can continue to grow it year after year.

Monday, April 23, 2018 @ The Bayou Club in Largo, FL

To register or sponsor at

For more information, or you are interested in volunteering, please contact Tim at, or call 727-460-4512.

