
All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. The next Booster Meeting for parents to attend is July 17th. Please attend to make sure you get all of the information you need. We can also answer any questions you have! (When checking the Band Calendar, these meeting will always be listed as Booster Meetings.)

Please look at the sign up. Spots still open, kids need to fill them up We still need parents to sign up as chaperones - if your student is working please consider chaperoning their shift. This is a great way for your student to earn donations for their fair share.

More Volunteers = More Money to Your Fair Share!!

We’re actively seeking a commitment from volunteers for Raymond James concessions. We have to commit before we secure our contract, and the number of volunteers directly affects the type of concession stand we can work – and therefore, the amount of money we raise. It would benefit the team if you commit by today, Friday the 13th. We’re trying to lock in 2 beer stands for our team.

Click on this link to see all of the available dates you can choose from to volunteer.

REMEMBER, this money goes directly to your Fair Share. Choose the events that work for you NOW so we can secure the best contract possible!!

P.S.  You can install this app on your smartphone and connect via that or your computer. We email Raymond James Friday night, so it is very important that we get people to sign up right away. If Beer Stands 1 & 2 are full you can still sign up for the Alternate spots. We may be able to get more beer stands or corners, or even food portables. The sooner we know about the alternates, the sooner we can lock you in on a beverage cart.

DCI Movie Theater Event

To purchase tickets, follow link:

Select Parkside Regal 16 Theater.  Reserved seating, so purchase soon!



Supplies Donations – requested to bring to the Step Off meeting, these are items we need throughout the season. go/10c0a4facaf2faaf94-supplies


Committee Sign Up – There are many ways to volunteer throughout the year! 10C0A4FACAF2FAAF94-committee


Hornline & Percussion Camps (June 25-28) water 10C0A4FACAF2FAAF94-water4


Band Camp (July 16-25) & July Rehearsals water 10C0A4FACAF2FAAF94-band1


Marching Band Chaperones 10C0A4FACAF2FAAF94-marching1


Committee Signups 10C0A4FACAF2FAAF94-committee



FUNDRAISING – Please contact Danah Veitenthal at for questions.


Tropicana Field go/4090f48acaa2ba64-tropicana


Mid-FL Amphitheater go/10c0b45aaa82cabf58- amphitheater


Rowdies Soccer, Al Lang go/4090f48acaa2ba64-sentry1


Raymond James Concessions go/4090f48acaa2ba64- concessions


Raymond James Usher go/4090f48acaa2ba64-sentry

It's the last week to get friends and family tickets to the first performance, Night at the Rays, on June 29! I'm available to meet up at school or another location. Tickets are $20 and $5 goes back into your individual fair share. Come enjoy the pre-game performance and a night of baseball! Call, text, or email Rebekah at (727) 385-5233,

ALL parents/guardians, come see what we have in store for this upcoming year. Every family is a Booster and has a voice. Important budget vote, quorum is needed, please mark your calendar. See you there!

Tropicana Concessions are available for sign up. If you have any questions, you can contact Danah  @


The Mid-Florida Credit Union Amphitheater concession sign up is filling up quickly! Please take a look at the sign up and pick your spots before they’re all gone! If you have any questions, you can contact Tim @

If you plan to fundraise at Tropicana Field or Raymond James Stadium, this training is for you! There are a few dates available, so please check the sign up genius. If you have any questions, please contact Danah @
