
A second forms night will be held on June 28th from 6 – 8 p.m. At this meeting, Students can get physicals, Level II Fingerprinting will be onsite, a notary will be available, Charms help will be available and all forms and volunteer paperwork will be accepted.


The newest fundraiser is the Chocolate Covered Pretzels. These are just like the chocolates - they are individually wrapped and sell for $1 each. Kick off for the kids will be on Tuesday during class. Kids will be able to sign out pretzels with Mr. Madrinan or Marissa during the day. Parents can sign out after school with Danah - please text 727-475-0427 if you plan on meeting up to sign out a box. (1 box maximum please)


May Sign up is now LIVE! Alcohol training and background check must be completed before signing up. If you have any questions, you can contact Danah  @

Parents of Underclassmen...  Are you Level 2 approved??  If so, we need your help as chaperones and drivers for the grad band performance at Graduation on May 16th, as our senior parents will not be available that day. 


**Must submit driver form & be Level 2 approved.**


Time commitment:  approximately 11am-6pm (detailed itinerary with exact report and dismissal times will be published closer to the date of the event)


When signing up, don’t forget to list your best contact phone # and how many students you can transport.Also needed that day is a driver with trailer hitch who can pull the trailer to transport instruments and equipment to the performance. 


Contact Kendra Ford with any questions. 

727-798-8654 /

Senior Partay is May 12th.  Please see sign up genius to donate food items.  Most are covered by the Senior Parents, but if you can help out by donating, please sign up below.  This is a fun time for all band members.


We need a banquet committee to head up decorations, set up and clean up for the banquet as well. Decorating is fun and is usually done between 11 am and 2 pm, giving you time to head home and get ready for the banquet. Looking for non-senior parents to help out so that the senior parents can enjoy this evening with their Seniors!  Please sign up to help at the Sign Up Genius link below.


If anyone has any decorating supplies such as tulle, ribbon (green, orange, pink and yellow), fun garden-y kind of décor, please message Kim Bernstein @

Please join us in celebrating the SHS Band’s accomplishments, outstanding student achievement awards, and graduating seniors at this year’s Annual Band Banquet on Friday, May 11, 2018 @ 6 pm. Anona United Methodist Church.


All band students, parents and family members are invited to attend. You must RSVP via Sign Up Genius (see link below) by Monday, May 7th, 2018 to reserve your plated dinnerThis is a reservation-based dinner. We must have a count to give to the caterer no later than Monday, May 7th. We are unable to accommodate walk-in dinner reservations on the evening of the banquet. There will be NO dinner reservations accepted at the door. Please bring canned goods to donate as a way of thanking the church for their hospitality.


Please see the attached invitation to complete and send in with your payment.  Marching Band/Guard students ticket price was included in your Marching Band fair share (if paid up to date). However, concert band and Jazz Band students that are not in marching band are being offered a special price of $20 per student. All other family members and friends are $25.  If you are not current with your 2017 Marching Band fair share, please contact one of the Executive Board members to discuss payment arrangements.


Payment can be made to SHSBB. Tear off bottom portion to be included with your payment and drop in the blue box in the band room.  Looking forward to seeing all of you at the banquet!

The 3rd Annual Mad Dash 5K will be held on Saturday, April 21st at 8:00am
Location:  Walsingham Park in Seminole
Register at:

Purpose:This is a 5K to promote health and wellness in the performing arts.  It was created by the Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps and Alum Chuck Henson, a News Anchor at Bay News 9 and Voice of Bands of America.

All students of the Seminole High School Band Program (Marching Band, Percussion, Guard, Jazz, and Concert Bands) are asked to register and participate in the run or volunteer at the event.  Moreover, please invite friends and family to run the 5K or make a donation.  Both can be done at the registration link above.
