
Orientation is for everyone. TEAM is only every 3 yrs.

Orientation is approximately 3 hours long and TEAM Training is approximately 2 hours long.

Please note, it does say that more dates will be added and that your T.E.A.M. training. If you are unsure of your status, contact Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102. She can find out for you. 

Please click on the links below to schedule your training session.  Please note that on each day there is Orientation, a TEAM training is available afterwards.  You do not have to attend the TEAM training directly following the Orientation, but just wanted to let you know.

NOTICE:   When working at a venue (ie Raymond James, Al Lang, etc.), it is YOUR responsibility to provide proof that you worked the actual event you signed up for.  Take a picture of your sign-in sheet and forward it to the AR Treasurer.  These sheets are not provided by the venue when they send payment!

If you do not provide documentation, then your child’s individual ledger WILL NOT be credited, and the money will go into the general band fund.


Aug. 3rd 9a-5p.

11101 Ulmerton Road Largo

Please bring signed permission slip – blank copy attached

For Tag Days please wear your band polo, a band shirt, or school colors

Tag Day signups are for 2-hour shifts.  Normal shifts will require 4 students and a Level II Chaperone.  Please send your student with a cold drink and their instrument or color guard equipment.


Aug. 10th 9 am - 5 pm

12975 Park Blvd.  Seminole

Please bring signed permission slip – blank copy attached


For Tag Days please wear your band polo, a band shirt, or school colors

Tag Day signups are for 2-hour shifts.  Normal shifts will require 4 students and a Level II Chaperone.  Please send your student with a cold drink and their instrument or color guard equipment.


August 21st at Willie Jewels

5:00 pm – 8:30 pm

7724 113th St Seminole


Every year we print programs to sell at Seminole Sound.  This program has information about the show, schools performing, score sheet, menu, advertising, pictures, etc.  Each year, band families can sell ads to put in the program and 50% of the ad sale (business only), goes towards your fair share.  This a super-easy way to raise money!  Advertising for new ads runs from August 1st through September 7th. The renewal period for last year's advertisers is currently in process.

 Business Advertising – FORM ATTACHED

Full Page $200

Half Page $150

Quarter Page $100

Business Card $50

Fair Share for Business Ad's is 50% of the total sale

In addition, you can create a personal ad for your student(s) to place in the program.  This is PERFECT for our SENIORS!!! 

Personal Advertising / Student Shout Outs – FORM ATTACHED

Full Page $50

Half Page $37.5

Quarter Page $25

No fair share for personal ads

When you approach a company to advertise, please send an email to with the name of the company and your student's name so the company can be added to the "DO NOT APPROACH" list.  

Make sure to list students' name on the bottom of the form.  Businesses can email ad’s, but payment must be attached to form when dropped in the blue box.

The deadline to submit an advertisement is September 7th - FIRM. No late advertisements will be accepted. If payment is not received by 9/7, the advertisement will not be placed in the program.

 Please contact Beckie Biglin at if you have any questions.


Aug 07             Freshman Orientation

Aug 10            Tag Day – Winn Dixie

Aug 15            August Fair Share Donations due

Aug 16             SHS vs Gibbs – Kickoff Classic

Aug 20            Booster Meeting at 7pm

Aug 21            Sprit Night Willie Jewels

Aug 27            Cheesecake Sales

Aug 29            Friends and Family Night

Aug 30            SHS @ Palm Harbor

Sept 05           JV @ Largo

Sept 07          Rehearsathon

Sept 15          September Fair Share Donations due

Oct 05             Seminole Sound

Oct 20             Marching Band sponsored Car Show


July Fair Share donations are now due. It is imperative that we receive these donations in order to be able to start our marching season. If you are unable to meet your July Fair Share contribution, please contact an Executive Board member.


Raymond James Orientation and T.E.A.M. Training is now available.

July 27th: Raymond James Orientation & TEAM

July 28th: Raymond James Orientation & TEAM 

August 3: Raymond James Orientation & TEAM

As part of the Legends team you will need to attend a few training sessions.  The first two being Legends Orientation and TEAM training (Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management).

Orientation is approximately 3 hours long and TEAM Training is approximately 2 hours long.

Please note, it does say that more dates will be added and that your T.E.A.M. training is good for 3 yrs. If you are unsure of your status, contact Emily Simpson. She can find out for you. 

Please click on the links below to schedule your training session.  Please note that on each day there is Orientation, a TEAM training is available afterwards.  You do not have to attend the TEAM training directly following the Orientation, but just wanted to let you know.


Snapraise Fundraiser

We have officially passed the halfway mark with our Snap Raise fundraiser! This is great news, but we need to keep working to spread the word. Our first 2 days were the strongest, and now with each day that passes, the donations are coming in slower and slower. Please keep sharing this and keep talking about it with friends and family. Click the link below and it will allow you to share on Facebook, Twitter, Text Message, or Email directly from our Snap Raise page.


Tag Day! Seminole Winn Dixie

Our next Tag Day is scheduled August 10th located at the Winn Dixie from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  Tag Day signups are for 2-hour shifts.  Normal shifts will require 4 students and a Level II Chaperone.  Please send your student with a cold drink and their instrument or color guard equipment.  Winn Dixie is located at 12975 Park Blvd in Seminole.



Our next Sprit Night is scheduled August 21st at Willie Jewels from 5:00 pm – 8:30 pm.  Their address is 7724 113th St in Seminole


We still need you for Donations & Water Duty sign up during rehearsals

  • Grapes rinsed, pulled from stems – frozen
  • Watermelon – bite sized pieces – refrigerated
  • Pineapple – drained bite size pieces – frozen

Below is the link for Water Duty sign up, we need everyone’s help.

If you have problem accessing the link, please let Juliette know via text (727.422.9067) or an email Thank you.


July 15-24        Band Camp (Full Marching Band) & Season Ticket sales

July 23             Friends and Family Night

July 24             Band Camp Picnic

Aug 07             Freshman Orientation

Aug 16             SHS vs Gibbs – Kickoff Classic

Aug 20            Booster Meeting at 7pm

Aug 27            Cheesecake Sales

Aug 29            Friends and Family Night

Aug 30            SHS @ Palm Harbor

Sept 05           JV @ Largo

Sept 07          Rehearsathon

Oct 05             Seminole Sound

Oct 20             Marching Band sponsored Car Show

