
Important information for Freshman Info for Freshman Parents-Freshman Orientation has been set for Wednesday, August 7th.  There is a session at 1pm and another at 5pm. You only need to attend one. Held in the auditorium.


We will be ordering duffel bags and band jackets for the upcoming school year. The orders are due by **Tuesday, July 23rd **(that’s Friends and Family night). The cost of the bag is $29.00. Names can be embroidered at an additional cost. The cost for the jacket with logo on back and one name on front is $44. Other embroidered names, sections, etc available at an additional cost. See the forms for full details. (Forms also available on our website). There is a minimum order requirement of 12 for either item, so now is the time to place your order! Please make checks payable to SHSBB and drop in the Blue Box along with the order form! *Please note the band jackets are not required apparel, they are additional spirit wear pieces for those who wish to order. * Questions? Please contact Renae Stephenson at


Uniform fittings will take place turning band camp.  All returning band vets are required to bring their marching shoes to practice every day until they are fitted.  After fittings are finished, uniform contracts and invoice for shoes if ordered, will be sent home with students.  These are due back with payment no later than August 31st.

Uniform fittings will be done from 3:00pm till 8:00pm.  Besides fitting every student, uniforms need to be ironed, labeled, and spreadsheet filled in. 

If you can help, please stop by and see Beckie Biglin.  Uniform room is next door to Mr. Madrinan’s office. 

Donations needed: 

Labeling tape donations would be very helpful.  Dymo LetraTag ½” white plastic. 

Febreze Heavy Duty FABRIC Refresher

Dehumidifier:  the one in the uniform room is on its last leg.  This is highly used and in desperate need of replacement.

Please contact Beckie Biglin if you have any questions at


Seminole Warhawk Band Boosters, Alumni, Family, and Friends, we need your help to ensure we reach our fundraising goal! Anyone who has been involved with this program knows what it takes to keep it running. You also understand the incredible opportunities and experiences it affords our students. We're asking you to take a moment to share this link to help us get the word out. You can also track our progress. Every share and every donation is greatly appreciated!



All Student physicals and insurance should have already been turned in.  If you have not done so yet, please leave them in the blue box or you may hand them to Stephanie Hubbard -  If you have not picked up a green forms packet, please also let Stephanie Hubbard know ASAP at 727-218-6286.

Follow the first link below to the PCSB page for instructions on how to purchase. The second link will take you straight to the page where you can enroll.

Athletics and Extracurricular Activities / Student Accident Insurance

 Athletics and Extracurricular Activities / Student Accident Insurance

K12 Student Enrollment


The annual band picnic is coming up! If you have not given your RSVP yet for the picnic, please do so. The picnic is for members of the band and their families. I created a sign up for volunteers as well. Please note, the picnic is in the evening to accommodate working parents. We are so excited to have our whole band family together. Let’s make it HUGE! Feel free to bring a folding chair

Date: Wed., 07/24/2019
Time: 5:30pm - 8:00pm EDT
Location: Walsingham Park, Shelter #8

Link to volunteer:…

Link to RSVP:


 We have passed all deadlines to complete your student’s 2019 Marching Band paperwork so please review the list below to ensure items are completed. If not, please address this week.  Your student’s paperwork on file is not only required by the county but also needed to keep your student safe and healthy.  Thank you to all those parents who have already taken care of completing the items below.

All Forms in Green Packet

Student Physical

Student Insurance

Band Camp Meal Form

Participation Pledge form & $100 donation payment

Guard – purchase Unitard for under uniform

Guard – white shirt and green soffe


Raymond James Orientation and T.E.A.M. Training is now available.

The following is an excerpt from an email received from Raymond James.

 The link is at the bottom. 

As an important part of our Legends team at Raymond James Stadium, we want to ensure that you have all the necessary information so that you can serve the fans safely and efficiently, while having some fun!  As part of the Legends team you will need to attend a few training sessions.  The first two being Legends Orientation and TEAM training (Techniques for Effective Alcohol Management).

 Orientation is approximately 3 hours long and TEAM Training is approximately 2 hours long.  These classes have been scheduled throughout July. If you are not able to attend the ones scheduled for July, there will be additional sessions added in August and a separate email will come out towards the end of July to schedule those.

 If you have attended a TEAM training and it has been less than 3 years, please let them know, so I can make sure you are good to go with Legends. 

 Please click on the links below to schedule your training session.  Please note that on each day there is Orientation, a TEAM training is available afterwards.  You do not have to attend the TEAM training directly following the Orientation, but I just wanted to let you know. 

 Please note, it does say that more dates will be added and that your T.E.A.M. training is good for 3 yrs. If you are unsure of your status, contact Emily Simpson. She can find out for you. 

 Also, season tickets are still available. Contact Emily Simpson. 502-378-2102


July 23rd is a special night where our band families are invited to come to the parking lot and watch the progression of your students in their 2019 program.  You may want to bring a chair and a cold drink.  We all have fun meeting each other.

