
Attached is an updated list of the businesses that have been contacted to date. Reminder that the deadline for ads is September 16th, that's for selling and for me to receive ads. PLUS... don't forget about Student Ads! You can purchase your own student ad for a reduced price from the business price. Kim Bernstein can put the ad together for you if you don't have any way of creating an ad. Just send her the pictures (.jpg or .pdf files accepted) and the wording that you would like in the ad to Full page ad is only $50, half page is $37.50, quarter page is $25.  Most of which is applied to your Fair Share!


New on the band website is information about auditions for the Ruth Eckerd Hall Jazz Program and also Walker’s Rising Stars. Go to the Student Private Files page, and then check either the Jazz Big Band, or the 6th Period Jazz tabs for more information. These are both awesome opportunities for our most motivated musicians.


Please remember that every student should bring their own personal water jug/cooler with them to all rehearsals when there is the possibility of being outside.  There are several students who are not bringing water jugs with them to practices regularly, & are relying on the supply of small 6-pack water bottles to keep them hydrated.  Although water volunteers prepare theses 6-pack bottles for each water shift, they are not intended to serve as the primary source of the student’s water.  These bottles get warm faster & take more ice, water & time to keep filled, taking away from resources to keep the personal coolers for the rest of the band (hornline, color guard & percussion) filled sufficiently. 

Also, we recommend that all students bring their water jug pre-filled with ice & water.  When we need to supply the initial fill on student coolers from the limited ice supply at school, it reduces our ability to guarantee we will have enough ice to get through practice, especially on days with longer practice times & hot weather.  Thank you for your support!

There are 11 water spots left to be filled as we close out the month of August.  A huge THANK YOU to all the families who have pitched in & signed up to help support our hard-working kids!  Keep in mind each family is urged to sign up for a minimum of 5 water duty time slots this season.  There are a handful of families who have not only satisfied this, but have gone above & beyond.  Many thanks to you!  This is the time of year where water duty time slots are mostly late afternoon & evening hours during the week, & shifts throughout the day on any Saturday when the band has rehearsal.  There are plenty of spots available coming in September.  Please keep watching for this link to be published soon.

Water Duty Sign-up:

Composite photography will take place on Thursday, 10/20/16 beginning 1st period and ending at the end of the school day.  SPC students and those on sick leave that day need to try and come in to get their picture taken.

Viewing Sales will be on Thursday, 11/10/16 from 5:30-8pm.

Seminole Sound is quickly approaching and these are two items we are in dire need of borrowing for the day:

Seminole Sound brings a few thousand people, and we use areas surrounding the high school for set up, staging, etc. We have 12+ other chairpersons heading up areas like Parking Control, Crowd Control, Staging, Water Tent, and so much more that are in dire need of a golf cart to be able to manage their duties that day. We have secured a couple of carts from gracious band parents, however we need just two more. I am in search of families or businesses that could let our Booster Organization borrow a golf cart for one day. We will gladly pick up the cart and deliver the cart back to you in the same condition it was borrowed in. If you have a cart that you are willing to loan or you know someone, can you let me know as soon as possible. Please email Kim Bernstein @ if you have a cart or know someone she can contact!


When visiting bands come in, they unload and warm up across the street between Bauder and CAS. We use trucks pulling open, flatbed trailers to transport Front Ensembles across the street to our stadium.

If you have a truck with a trailer hitch, or if you have a trailer, or best yet, if you have both – WE NEED YOU! This would be considered the Staging area during Seminole Sound, and this is a great job to have – you’d be driving a truck back and forth in the comfort of the AC! We will have the Sign Up Genius out soon to sign up to volunteer for this event, however if you have a truck/trailer and know that this is for you, please email Kim B. at, and she will coordinate.

If you have JUST THE TRAILER that you would allow us to use for the day, we can arrange to have the trailer picked up on Friday and delivered back to you on Sunday or Monday after the event. We are in dire need of 12-16 foot flat bed trailers that can haul front ensembles from across the street to our stadium during the entire event. Again, if you have this item that you can loan us, please email Kim B. at and let her know.

The September Trop sign up is now available! This is our last month for the season, so hurry and choose your spots before it's over!

September Trop Volunteering:


New on the band website is information about auditions for the Ruth Eckerd Hall Jazz Program and also Walker’s Rising Stars. Check the student private files for more information. These are both awesome opportunities for our most motivated musicians.


Seminole Sound is less than 2 months away, and the deadline for selling ads is fast approaching: September 16th. That's only 1 month left to sell! Get out there and sell sell sell -- this is a great way to fund raise for your fair share! If you have any questions or need ad forms, email Kim Bernstein @  

We are looking for a coordinator for the fall garage sale.  The sale is typically held in the parking lot of Seminole High School on a Saturday morning.   All proceeds from each family’s sales are collected at the end of the morning and applied to the students Charms ledger.  One possible date is Oct 1st, but we are open to other dates.  The garage sale dates will not be available from Sat Oct 8th through Sat Nov 12th due to band competitions.  If you are interested, please contact Lourdes Pickart @
