Seminole Sound is quickly approaching and these are two items we are in dire need of borrowing for the day:
Seminole Sound brings a few thousand people, and we use areas surrounding the high school for set up, staging, etc. We have 12+ other chairpersons heading up areas like Parking Control, Crowd Control, Staging, Water Tent, and so much more that are in dire need of a golf cart to be able to manage their duties that day. We have secured a couple of carts from gracious band parents, however we need just two more. I am in search of families or businesses that could let our Booster Organization borrow a golf cart for one day. We will gladly pick up the cart and deliver the cart back to you in the same condition it was borrowed in. If you have a cart that you are willing to loan or you know someone, can you let me know as soon as possible. Please email Kim Bernstein @ if you have a cart or know someone she can contact!
When visiting bands come in, they unload and warm up across the street between Bauder and CAS. We use trucks pulling open, flatbed trailers to transport Front Ensembles across the street to our stadium.
If you have a truck with a trailer hitch, or if you have a trailer, or best yet, if you have both – WE NEED YOU! This would be considered the Staging area during Seminole Sound, and this is a great job to have – you’d be driving a truck back and forth in the comfort of the AC! We will have the Sign Up Genius out soon to sign up to volunteer for this event, however if you have a truck/trailer and know that this is for you, please email Kim B. at, and she will coordinate.
If you have JUST THE TRAILER that you would allow us to use for the day, we can arrange to have the trailer picked up on Friday and delivered back to you on Sunday or Monday after the event. We are in dire need of 12-16 foot flat bed trailers that can haul front ensembles from across the street to our stadium during the entire event. Again, if you have this item that you can loan us, please email Kim B. at and let her know.