
Hello to all the concert band families out there (Symphonic, Wind Ensemble, Jazz, & Percussion Studies)! Most of our marching band students are in concert bands as well. If your student is in any kind of band class during the day, he/she needs to have the required formal wear. Boys' tuxes will be fitted this coming Monday, August 29th, during the school day. Girls can have their sizes determined at home using the sizing chart on the order form. Tux and Dress orders, and payments, are due in the "Blue Box" in the band room by Tuesday, September 7th. Call Gail Trask at 727-393-4009 with any questions - thanks!  Please see the attachment, which includes information about ordering, order form, dates, prices, and size charts.


Big Band audition materials have been uploaded to the student section of the website.  Auditions are Wednesday, 9/28.  Rehearsals are once a week in the fall, and twice per week in the spring, as reflected on the website calendar.  Questions about audition material can be directed to Mr. Harris or Mr. Madrinan.

Deadline for All State Auditions is Tuesday, August 30th.  Please communicate to Mr. Madrinan as soon as possible if you intend to audition.  Auditions are September 24th at Countryside High School.


The Seminole High School Warhawk Band will hold its annual REHEARSE-A-THON on Saturday, September 10, 2016. This award winning band will rehearse for 12 hours to raise funds that will assist each student in meeting his/her $1250.00 “Fair Share.” Please consider supporting the students with a generous pledge. Pledges can be collected in advanced or after the Rehearse-a-Thon.  All collected pledges and completed pledge sheets should be placed in a sealed envelope, clearly marked, Rehearse-a-Thon and placed in the Blue Box. 

Rehearse-a-Thon pledge sheets are attached. This is a good time to talk to your child and make a list of those family members and friends who may be interested in helping you reach your Fair Share goal. In the past, success has been seen when a personal note or phone call 

On the day of Rehearse-a-Thon, we will be holding a potluck dinner provided by each and every family in the Warhawk Band!  Dinner will be from 5-6pm.  Please go to the link below to sign-up.


Yankee Candle Fundraiser Scheduled to begin TUESDAY AUGUST 30TH and packets will be handed out at the 7pm booster meeting.  40% of the sales you generate go directly into your student's CHARMS ledger!

All orders must be turned in by OCTOBER 4th to allow time to enter them by the 6th, the date our catalogue sale officially ends with Yankee Candle. Place orders with money or checks payable to SHSBB, in a sealed envelopes and put in the BLUE BOX. Don't forget to check that your form and orders match the money you have collected.  Retain the pink copy and a brochure for reference at product delivery.  Orders will be in before the Thanksgiving Holiday break.

Visit and enter our group number   990004522   to start shopping!   Click on the "Seller Login" button, then fill out the "Sign up to be a seller" form and use our Group Number   990004522  to register.  Sell across the country with the new Mobile App (Yankee Fundraising)!  Items will ship directly to your social contacts when they order.



Wednesday, September 7th from 5:30-8:30.  Dairy Queen will donate 20% back to the Warhawk band.  Please share the attached flyer with friends and family.


Wednesday, September 28th.  Sonny’s will donate 25% to the Warhawk Band!  Please share the attached flyer with friends and family.  Simply bring the flyer to Sonny’s, or show the server your mobile device with the flyer on it, and order dine-in, takeout, drive-thru or caterings. 

E-mail blasts and social media are a great way to get the word out for both of these Spirit Nights. Can’t wait to see everyone there!


We are in need of 3 more concession stand workers and 3 grillers (no grillers have signed up) for the JV Game on Thursday, Sept 1.  Also, for our first home football game Friday, Sept 2nd, we are in need of a 2 more stand workers and 3 more grillers.  Your help is greatly appreciated.  Please sign up:

We also are in need of more chaperones for the Friday, Sept 2nd home football game.  We could use up to 8 more chaperones.  Please sign up:

September Water Duty signups are now available. 

Water duty can only run efficiently if we have enough people signed up for all shifts. Keeping 3 people signed up on every shift helps to ensure that all areas of the band are sufficiently taken care of when they are split up and rehearsing in different areas all around campus. 

Want to sign up for a specific time/day but the 3 spots are filled?  Sign up as an Alternate!  Sometimes we need to reach out to alternates for coverage if emergencies or illness keep one of the other volunteers from fulfilling their scheduled shift.



We're officially in the homestretch with only 12 games left for the season! We've got a couple of day games to fill and 3 games that fall on the same days as our own football games and Homecoming. These games are a little tricky to staff and we're probably going to need some help from recent graduates and alumni parents to get us through the baseball/football overlap. 

A few reminders: If you feel comfortable manning the kitchen alone, please sign up for both positions so that we don't end up with too many cooks. If you need to be late, please make sure that you note in the comments what time you will be there. If you need to cancel within a week of the date you are scheduled to work, please try to find your own replacement. 


Let's keep up the great work this last month! 


Game Itinerary:

Attire:  Students should come dressed in white t-shirts, black shorts, black tall socks, and marching shoes. No jewelry or nail polish. All long hair must be in a high bun.   Be sure shoes are clean. 

Items for Warhawk bag:  Money for gloves ($7.00 cash only, exact change appreciated, or check payable to SHSBB).  NOTE:  Gloves may need to be purchased multiple times during season as they must be clean to pass inspection.  Please remember to send money for concessions!  Also bring music lyres and flip books for stand music.  Students may bring snacks for the bus, but may want to eat something before report time.  

4:00pm            Truck arrives, QM’s report to begin loading; Student Report Time – student meeting/uniform protocol

4:30pm            Load instruments to semi.  Uniform room opened for uniform distribution; glove sales.  Brass shine instruments.

5:30pm            Uniform Inspection

5:45pm            Load Buses

6:00pm            Depart SHS

6:30pm            Arrive at Largo High School, unload equipment, assigned chaperones to stands to secure bleachers and place bleacher covers

7:00pm            Enter Stadium

7:30pm            Kick off; football game begins

8:00pm            Approximate:  2nd quarter marching band sections warm up

8:45pm            Approximate:  Half-time marching band performances by Largo High School & Seminole High School

9:15pm            Approximate:  3rd quarter privilege – Band sent to the concession stand for food and social time.  Bring Money!  ($3 - $10)

10:00pm          Approximate: End of Game, load equipment

10:45pm          Approximate:  Depart Largo High School

11:15pm          Approximate:  Arrive SHS, unload equipment.  Students are dismissed only when uniform is properly hung, your instrument/equipment is put away, and facilities and bus are cleaned of trash.

11:45pm          Students Dismissed


