
Thank you to the parents who have signed up for football game concessions.  However, there is still an immediate need for 4 stand workers and 2 grillers on Thursday, Sept 1st  for the JV game.  We also still need 3 stand works and 3 grillers for our first home football game on Friday, Sept 2nd .

Please go to the link below and sign up to help.  For more questions, please contact Renee Hall @

Concession Sign-up:


The Marching Band Boosters run the concession stand at all our home JV and Varsity football games.  For the past few years, our concession stand has raised about $12,000 per season!  This anticipated profit has already been passed on to each of our marching band members.  Every member’s Fair Share is $100 less than it should have been, thanks to the profits of our stand.  Football season is fast approaching and we need your help.  We have a JV game on Thursday, September 1, and a Varsity game on Friday, September 2, and right now we are desperately short volunteers. Without the proper number of volunteers, we will not be able to open both concession stands and may not be able to sell grilled food, negatively impacting our profits. Please go to the link below and sign up to help.  For more questions, please contact Renee Hall @

Concession Sign-up:


Looking ahead to the coming week, we have 4 open spots for water duty. Currently, we need only one more person in each of the following shifts:

Tuesday, 8/16 - 4:30-7pm

Tuesday, 8/16 - 7-8:30pm

Saturday 8/20 - 10am-noon

Saturday 8/20 - 3-5pm

Once these spots are filled, don't forget to move on to the week of 8/22-8/27 where we have 11 open spots.  

Water Duty Sign-up:

The PCS volunteer system has been reset for the new school year and all active volunteers from last year are now reset to “inactive”.   If you plan to volunteer for any band activities, you are required to be an approved, active volunteer with PCS.  Existing volunteers can reactivate their volunteer status online following the steps below, it is quick and easy!

STEP 1           Login to Focus/PCS volunteer site::

STEP 2           Sign on to FOCUS using your v.account (v. last name first initial – all lowercase)

Username Example: v.smithd            

Password Last Name (first letter capitalized) immediately followed by 4-digit birth year. 

Password Example Smith1975          

STEP 3           Answer the questions to activate for the new school year.

STEP 4           LOG OUT in bottom right hand corner

If you have any questions or are having difficulty logging into the Focus system, contact Jackie Brochman at

Instrument rental contracts are past due.  Please turn in both the form and money ASAP.  Checks are  payable to Seminole High School.  If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Madrinan.

Uniform Contract Agreements are past due.  Please turn in both the signed contract and payment of $65, ASAP.  Checks are payable to Seminole High School.  Please contact Deb Ward at with any questions. 

Marching Band Shoes payments are past due.  Please turn in payment of $40, checks payable to SHSBB.

The annual Band Picnic will be held at Walsingham Park, Shelter #8, on Wednesday, July 27th, from 5-8pm. This is a family event, so everyone is invited. The Band Boosters will provide burgers and hot dogs for grilling. Each section of the band will be responsible for the following:

Drum majors- Condiments

Flutes – Buns (Hamburger and hot dog)

Clarinets  – Fruit  

Saxes – Paper goods/ utensils  

Mellos – Sides (large portions)

Trumpets – Chips and Dip

Baritones – Sides (large portions!!!)

Tubas  – Veggies

Guard– Desserts

Percussion – Drinks (Cans. 2-Liters, and Water)

2016-17 Season Tickets cost $15 and can be redeemed for admission to Seminole Sound, the Winter Concert, and the Spring Concert. Band Families buy tickets for themselves and sell to friends, family, and neighbors. For each ticket sold, the ENTIRE $15 gets credited back to the student’s Charms ledger. To purchase Season Tickets, please contact Lourdes Pickart at

Lourdes will be selling tickets at the band picnic tomorrow night.  She also can be available at the end of band practices during the season. Just text her at 727-455-1612 and she can meet you in the parking lot. 


Uniform rental contracts were handed out to the students on Monday night after Band Camp.  Please read the contract for lots of very important information, including the rental agreement guidelines, shoes and gloves.  Also included is a section about uniform room donations and uniform help needed.  For more information, please contact Deb Ward at    

The signed contracts are due August 6th and checks are made payable to Seminole High School for $65 (not the band boosters). 

Shoe orders are due tomorrow, July 27th.  Payment is due Aug 6th and checks are made payable to SHSBB for $40.  These are required for all Marching Band students (except guard) and only needed if new to the program or returning students who need a new pair.  Freshmen and new band members were automatically fitted for marching band shoes. 


The 2016/2017 chaperone training meeting is scheduled for Thursday August 4th at 7pm at the high school (room TBD).  If you are thinking about signing up to chaperone during this year’s band season, this meeting is mandatory.  Chaperones need to be active, approved level 2 volunteers and have volunteered for activities (i.e. water duty) where you interact with the students and they get to know you.  If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Brochman at  

Chaperone signups:

Have you been out selling ads? I sure hope so, because someone I know is! Attached is an updated Businesses Contacted list. Once again, until July 30th, this list includes businesses that were sold to last year with the corresponding band parent name next to them. They have first priority on selling to that business again this year. If I do not hear from the parent by July 30th about whether they have contacted that business for another ad in the program this year, then they are open for another band parent to contact them.

If you have any questions about selling ads, or need additional forms, please email Kim Bernstein @

