
Aug 15            August Fair Share Donations due

Aug 16            SHS vs. Gibbs – Kick off Classic (Band is not marching)

Aug 17            Practice 9am – 5pm

Aug 20            Booster Meeting at 7pm Chorus Room

Aug 21            Sprit Night Willie Jewels

Aug 24            Practice 9am – 5pm

Aug 27            Cheesecake Sales

Aug 28            Open House

Aug 29            Friends and Family Night

Aug 30            SHS @ Palm Harbor

Sept 07           Rehearsathon

Sept 15           September Fair Share Donations due

Sept 17           Booster meeting 7pm

Oct 05             Seminole Sound

Oct 20             Seminole Shine Car, Truck & Motorcycle Show


Stop what you are doing now and write this on your calendar! Tuesday, August 20th at 7pm in the chorus room - Booster meeting. If you are a parent with questions and are looking for ways to get involved, please come! I hope to see more faces. Let's make this season a memorable one for our kids.


We are missing many permission slips allowing your student to be transported to football games & competitions.  If you have not completed/turned in a form yet, please do so immediately.. If you have any questions or need the forms again, please contact Stephanie at  The forms are also on the band website  


The concession stand is opening on August 16th and we need your help for a successful season. This is an important fundraiser and a great opportunity to meet fellow parents! Everyone is welcome to join us!  If you who would like to volunteer please sign up at or email


Our 1st away game is Aug 30th and we need a minimum of 10 – 15 parents to help with Props.  Only 6 parents so far have signed up.  Please see  signup.


August Fair Share donations are now due. July payments and participation pledges are overdue. It is imperative that we receive these donations in order to be able to start our marching season. If you are unable to meet your Fair Share contribution, please contact an Executive Board member.

PLEASE NOTE: There are a few fundraisers that have not been entered Charms and therefore are not reflected on your child's ledger. Thank you for your patience.


We still have many opportunities to help with water duty. We need help on August 15, 17, 20, 22, 27, 29. Please help us hydrate our children since August is still very hot.


If you can help, please look at the sign-up genius and schedule yourself in for shifts. Both August and September sign-ups are below.

If you need help with the signup genius, please do not hesitate to contact Juliette Intravichit at (727) 422-9067.

SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, October 5TH!

The 43rd Annual Seminole Sound Spectacular is scheduled for Saturday October 5th, 2019. Marching Bands from all over the state will attend our event. We will need everyone’s help to make this the successful as it has been in the past.  Please plan now so you can be scheduled off work or if you need someone to help watch your children.  This event cannot happen without everyone’s help!  Friends & family are welcome to volunteer too.


Your family & friends can purchase a season ticket now that will include admission to Sound.  This is an event they will not want to miss!  Contact Emily Simpson to purchase tickets. 502-378-2102. 


Sitting is limited during this event and we ask that our parents not sit in the stands to watch the performance.  The students will be performing the night before at the football game. Please come and watch them perform then.  During Seminole Sound, we need your help by volunteering.


Seminole Sound Advertising – Fundraising Opportunity

You can earn donations toward your Fairshare by selling ads for the Seminole Program.  50% of the ad cost will be applied to your student’s fair share account.


Full page – 7” wide x 10” tall - $200

Half page – 7” wide x 5” tall - $150

Quarter page – 3.5” wide x 5” tall - $100

Business card – 3.5” wide x 2.5” tall - $50


Please check the “LIVE” list of contacted companies prior to approaching a company and asking if they would like to advertise.  This list will be updated daily.  The list can be found on the bands Facebook page or you can click on the following link:


If you approach a company to advertise, please send an email listing the date you asked, the company name & location if it is a chain business, and your students name.  Send email to:


Golf Carts

If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a golf cart that we could borrow on Saturday, October 5th, you would make our work so much easier.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 golf carts to setup, run the event, and take down in the evening.  Please let Beckie Biglin know if you can help at



If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a flatbed trailer with side railings and a ramp, please let us know.  We use these to transport band equipment during the performance from the practice site at Bauder Elementary to Seminole High School student parking entrance.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 trailers.  We will also need drivers to pull the trailers.  If this is something you would be able to help with, please let Beckie Biglin know at


Aug 07             Freshman Orientation

Aug 10            Tag Day – Winn Dixie

Aug 15            August Fair Share Donations due

Aug 20            Booster Meeting at 7pm

Aug 21            Sprit Night Willie Jewels

Aug 27            Cheesecake Sales

Aug 28            Open House

Aug 29            Friends and Family Night

Aug 30            SHS @ Palm Harbor

Sept 07           Rehearsathon

Sept 15           September Fair Share Donations due

Sept 17           Booster meeting 7pm

Oct 05             Seminole Sound

Oct 20             Marching Band sponsored Car Show


Orientation is for everyone. TEAM is only every 3 yrs.

Orientation is approximately 3 hours long and TEAM Training is approximately 2 hours long.

Please note, it does say that more dates will be added and that your T.E.A.M. training. If you are unsure of your status, contact Emily Simpson at 502-378-2102. She can find out for you. 


Please click on the links below to schedule your training session.  Please note that on each day there is Orientation, a TEAM training is available afterwards.  You do not have to attend the TEAM training directly following the Orientation, but just wanted to let you know.

NOTICE:   When working at a venue (ie Raymond James, Al Lang, etc.), it is YOUR responsibility to provide proof that you worked the actual event you signed up for.  Take a picture of your sign-in sheet and forward it to the AR Treasurer.  These sheets are not provided by the venue when they send payment!

If you do not provide documentation, then your child’s individual ledger WILL NOT be credited, and the money will go into the general band fund.

Buccaneers Pre-Season Games – We are asking for help from parents to work the Bucs games on Aug. 16th & Aug. 23rd.   Approximate start time 3:30 pm -4:00 pm.  Please see link below.

We also need 3 or 4 volunteers willing to take the Lead training at Raymond James on August 11th. We can pick our time slot. 11am, 2pm, 4pm. A lead does not get anything extra; it is just a position that makes sure our people are accounted for and that our money gets picked up & turned in after each game. You will not have to do it every time. That is why I am asking for help. We must have a lead at EVERY game therefore, not to be a hardship on just a few, we need at least 5 or 6 to volunteer. We need to know asap so Emily can let Legends know.
