
1st Annual Seminole Shine – See registration form & flyer attached.

Car, Truck, Bike Show 2019

Sunday October 20, 2019

Free Spectator admission and Vehicle registration only $25.  If you would like to setup a booth and a vehicle $35.

Food Trucks, 50/50, lots of great vehicles to look at and just plain good family fun.

Vehicle registration and flyers are attached to this e-mail.

Anyone can print out these flyers and hand them out or hang them up! Just try to keep them in color and please do not alter them. You can post them on any auto club sites or forum's you may be a part of. All types of cars, trucks, motorcycles, jeeps, vans, ect. are welcome! And we are looking for auto & motorcycle related vendors. Together, we can make this an amazing show!

Any questions please contact Emily Simpson or 502-378-2102


Please consider volunteering for water duty. We have no coverage for many days in August and our children needs to be hydrated. We also need food donation (Grapes, Watermelon and Pineapple) for August 17th.

If you can help, please look at the sign-up genius and schedule yourself in for shifts. Both August and September sign-ups are below.

If you need help sign up via signup genius, please do not hesitate to contact Juliette Intravichit at (727) 422-9067.


August Fair Share donations are now due. July payments and participation pledges are overdue. It is imperative that we receive these donations in order to be able to start our marching season. If you are unable to meet your Fair Share contribution, please contact an Executive Board member.

PLEASE NOTE: There are a few fundraisers that have not been entered into Charms and therefore are not reflected on your child's ledger. Thank you for your patience.


We are in the home stretch! We are currently at $12,045!!

We have 9 days left-Thank you for everything you
are doing to bring in donations for this fundraiser. Now I'm going to ask you
to do more...with 9 days left I think we can exceed our $13,000 goal. We
currently have a little less than 60% of our students participating. Imagine
what we might raise if the other 40% were to share this link, send out some
emails, or send some text messages? I'm asking everyone to keep pushing and let’s
exceed our goal!


Don’t forget about Scrips cards during this Back to School shopping season. You can earn over $50 towards fair share today just by purchasing gift cards through them for the stores where you plan on shopping.  The set-up instructions are on the Seminole Band website.  Click on the Booster tab and then click on Fundraising. You can purchase gift cards for stores, and you receive rebates. The percentage of rebate varies by company. Their website gives you a list of store/companies that participate and the percentage you get back. Many of them offer e-cards-so you can purchase and use with your phone while out shopping. The rebates go directly to your students Fair Share. There are cards for most anything you might normally purchase, so you don't have to purchase anything you wouldn't normally buy.


SAVE THE DATE – Saturday, October 5TH!

The 43rd Annual Seminole Sound Spectacular is scheduled for Saturday October 5th, 2019. Marching Bands from all over the state will attend our event. We will need everyone’s help to make this the success it has been in the past. Signups will be coming out soon but please make arrangements now so you can be scheduled off work or if you need someone to help watch your children.  This event cannot happen without everyone’s help!  Friends & family are welcome to volunteer too.

Your family & friends can purchase a season ticket now that will include admission to Sound.  This is an event they will not want to miss!  Contact Emily Simpson to purchase tickets. 502-378-2102. 

Sitting is limited during this event and we ask that our parents not sit in the stands to watch the performance.  The students will be performing the night before at the football game. Please come and watch them perform then.  During Seminole Sound, we need your help by volunteering.

Seminole Sound Advertising – Fundraising Opportunity

You can earn donations toward your Fairshare by selling ads for the Seminole Program.  50% of the ad cost will be applied to your student’s fair share account.

Full page – 7” wide x 10” tall - $200

Half page – 7” wide x 5” tall - $150

Quarter page – 3.5” wide x 5” tall - $100

Business card – 3.5” wide x 2.5” tall - $50

Please check the “LIVE” list of contacted companies prior to approaching a company and asking if they would like to advertise.  This list will be updated daily.  The list can be found on the bands Facebook page or you can click on the following link:

If you approach a company to advertise, please send an email listing the date you asked, the company name & location if it is a chain business, and your students name.  Send email to:

Golf Carts

If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a golf cart that we could borrow on Saturday, October 5th, you would make our work so much easier.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 golf carts to setup, run the event, and take down in the evening.  Please let Beckie Biglin know if you can help at


If you, a family member, neighbor, work, or someone else you know has a flatbed trailer with side railings and a ramp, please let us know.  We use these to transport band equipment during the performance from the practice site at Bauder Elementary to Seminole High School student parking entrance.  We need anywhere from 6 to 10 trailers.  We will also need drivers to pull the trailers.  If this is something you would be able to help with, please let Beckie Biglin know at



Due to the marching uniforms for this year being very light in color, all guard members are required to have full body unitards/undergarments. The color should match your child's skin tone as close as possible. Tank top version with clear straps. These should be purchased and shown to staff to confirm they are acceptable no later than the beginning of band camp.

 Guard Equipment

If your guard students’ needs to purchase any equipment (rifle, gloves, flag bag, flagpole), please fill out an Equipment Order Form, attach your check made out to SHSBB, and have your student give to Beckie Biglin.

 All guard members are required to have a Warhawk Duffel bag.  Each bag costs $29.  If you want first name only embroidered it costs $8.  If you want first and last name is costs $12.  Please fill out order form, attach check made out to SHSBB, and have your student place in the blue box.  **NEW** These must be ordered as a group; you cannot walk in and purchase on your own anymore.

 Please contact Beckie Biglin at if you have any questions.


Uniform fittings are complete.  Contracts will be sent home in the next week and are due back August 31st.  Cost is $65 and payable to Seminole High School.

 This is the last week to try on and order shoes from the uniform room.  Any returning students that did not already inform Beckie Biglin they needed shoes, please have them stop by the uniform room any day after practice this week to try on and order.  Cost is $40 and payable to SHSBB. Payment is due when shoes are picked up.

 Donations needed: 

1)       Labeling tape donations would be very helpful.  Dymo LetraTag ½” white plastic. 

2)      Dehumidifier:  the one in the uniform room is on its last leg.  This is highly used and in desperate need of replacement.

 Please contact Beckie Biglin if you have any questions at


Aug 07             Freshman Orientation

Aug 10            Tag Day – Winn Dixie

Aug 15            August Fair Share Donations due

Aug 20            Booster Meeting at 7pm

Aug 21            Sprit Night Willie Jewels

Aug 27            Cheesecake Sales

Aug 29            Friends and Family Night

Aug 30            SHS @ Palm Harbor

Sept 07           Rehearsathon

Sept 15           September Fair Share Donations due

Oct 05             Seminole Sound

Oct 20             Marching Band sponsored Car Show


The concession stand is opening on August 16th and we need your help for a successful season. This is an important fundraiser and a great opportunity to meet fellow parents! Everyone is welcome to join us!  If you who would like to volunteer please sign up at or email

